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Alexander Aranda

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The Code of the Extraordinary Mind book cover
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms
Vishen Lakhiani - 2016-05-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
Break free from the limiting beliefs that hold you back and create new rules for your life with this revolutionary book. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind challenges conventional ideas of relationships, mindfulness, happiness, and meaning, providing a powerful framework for re-coding yourself for an extraordinary life. Author and personal growth entrepreneur Vishen Lakhiani blends computational thinking, personal stories, and humor to reveal the 10 laws to an extraordinary life, based on interviews with legendary leaders like Elon Musk and Arianna Huffington. Once you discover this code, you'll find yourself operating at an extraordinary level of happiness, purpose, fulfillment, and love. Don't just read a book, join a movement and unlock an immersive experience to dive even deeper into this life-changing philosophy.
Alexander Aranda
.@Vishen Hello Vishen, just finished reading your book and what a book! Thank you for sharing your incredible experiences and knowledge, congratulations for “putting a ding in the universe”. Peace and love to you my brother. 💚💚💚 #inspired      источник
Jim Kwik