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Ron Conway

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Ronald Crawford Conway is an American venture capitalist and philanthropist, often described as one of Silicon Valley's "super angels". Conway is recognized as a strong networker.
13 книг в списке
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Power Up book cover
Power Up
How Smart Women Win in the New Economy
Magdalena Yesil - 2017-10-31
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This inspiring book, Power Up, follows the journey of Magdalena Yesil, a pioneering Silicon Valley entrepreneur and first investor of Salesforce. With candor and insight, Yesil shares her experiences as a woman and immigrant in the tech industry, offering highly actionable advice for ambitious women looking to break glass ceilings and succeed in the New Silicon Valley and beyond. Topics covered include managing risk, getting credit for your work, and recruiting allies in the movement towards a supportive workplace for everyone.
Ron Conway
Pragmatic & full of actionable advice, Magdalena Yesil's Power UP prepares women to go to the top in Silicon Valley      источник
Eric Schmidt
Talking to Humans book cover
Talking to Humans
Success starts with understanding your customers
Giff Constable - 2014-09-21
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Discover how to improve your new startup or innovation by mastering the skill of customer development with this practical guidebook. Ideal for anyone looking to perfect their qualitative customer interview techniques and learn how to transform insights into actionable steps, this book includes a foreword from Steve Blank and is a must-read for entrepreneurs.
Ron Conway
Explains how to do the customer development interviews in a way that will get you the most accurate and actionable feedback.      источник
Andrew Ng
Product Design for the Web book cover
Product Design for the Web
Principles of Designing and Releasing Web Products 1st edition by Hunt, Randy J. (2013) Paperback
Randy J. Hunt - 2013-10-30
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Web designers are no longer just web designers. To create a successful web product that’s as large as Etsy, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest–or even as small as a tiny app–you need to know more than just HTML and CSS. You need to understand how to create meaningful online experiences so that users want to come back again and again....
Ron Conway
Understand how to create meaningful online experiences so that users want to come back again and again.      источник
Четыре шага к озарению book cover
Четыре шага к озарению
... ...
Steve Blank - 2013-07-17 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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The essential "how to" book for anyone bringing a product to market, writing a business plan, marketing plan or sales plan. Step-by-step strategy of how to successfully organize sales, marketing and business development for a new product or company. The book offers insight into what makes some startups successful and leaves others selling off their furniture. Packed with concrete examples, the book will leave you with new skills to organize sales, marketing and your business for success.
Ron Conway
Offers the practical and proven four-step Customer Development process for search and offers insight into what makes some startups successful and leaves some startups unsuccessful.      источник
Guy KawasakiRyan Hoover
The Idea Factory book cover
The Idea Factory
Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation
Jon Gertner - 2012-03-15
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Discover the fascinating history of Bell Labs, the research and development wing of AT&T that produced some of the most groundbreaking inventions of the 20th century. From the transistor to the laser, digital communications to cellular telephony, Bell Labs was the birthplace of modern technology. Author Jon Gertner delves into the lives of the brilliant and eccentric men behind these innovations and explores the management of innovation that Bell Labs pioneered. A must-read for anyone interested in the history of technology and innovation.
Ron Conway
The definitive history of America's greatest incubator of technological innovation.      источник
Думай медленно book cover
Думай медленно
Daniel Kahneman - 2011-10-25
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Наши действия и поступки определены нашими мыслями. Но всегда ли мы контролируем наше мышление? Нобелевский лауреат Даниэль Канеман объясняет, почему мы подчас совершаем нерациональные поступки и как мы принимаем неверные решения. У нас имеется две системы мышления. «Медленное» мышление включается, когда мы решаем задачу или выбираем товар в магазине. Обычно нам кажется, что мы уверенно контролируем эти процессы, но не будем забывать, что позади нашего сознания в фоновом режиме постоянно работает «быстрое» мышление - автоматическое, мгновенное и неосознаваемое…
Ron Conway
Covers all three phases of the author's career: his early days working oncognitive bias, his work on prospect theory, and his later work on happiness.      источник
Полный вперед! Как Говард Шульц вернул Starbucks душу book cover
Полный вперед! Как Говард Шульц вернул Starbucks душу
How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul
Howard Schultz - 2011-03-29 (впервые опубликовано в 2007)
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В 2008 году Говард Шульц спустя 8 лет после своей отставки принял решение вернуться в кресло генерального директора компании Starbucks - лидера кофейного рынка. Причиной этого решения помимо ухудшающихся финансовых показателей компании, которую он купил в 1987 году, стала стремительная потеря фирмой за время его отсутствия тех традиций и стандартов обслуживания, которые были заложены изначально. В книге - история успешной реорганизации компании в условиях тяжелейшего экономического кризиса и секреты эффективного менеджмента от главного инициатора и участника всех событий - Говарда Шульца.
Ron Conway
Story of his return to Starbucks, and the success of the company in a tumlutuous economic time in history.      источник
Tom Bilyeu
The Score Takes Care of Itself book cover
The Score Takes Care of Itself
My Philosophy of Leadership
Bill Walsh - 2009-08-20
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Discover the ultimate lecture on leadership by the NFL's greatest coach - Bill Walsh. Renowned for transforming the San Francisco 49ers from the worst franchise to a legendary dynasty, Walsh shares his advanced leadership strategies that can be applied to any profession. With additional insights from Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana and others, this book will inspire and enlighten leaders seeking to improve their skills.
Ron Conway
Words of wisdown from the author to inspire, inform, and enlighten leaders in all professions.      источник
Founders at Work book cover
Founders at Work
Stories of Startups' Early Days
Jessica Livingston - 2007-01-26 (впервые опубликовано в 2001)
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Discover the early days of famous tech startups in "Founders at Work." This collection of interviews with founders like Steve Wozniak and Caterina Fake gives readers an inside look at the surprising, funny, and sometimes difficult journey of building a successful company. Learn about their ideas, how they convinced investors, and how they recovered from failures. Whether you're a technical person thinking about starting a startup or someone interested in understanding business, this book is required reading for anyone looking to create value and productivity.
Ron Conway
Collection of interviews with founders of famous technology companies about what happened in the very earliest days.      источник
Преодоление пропасти by Geoffrey A. Moore
Врата огня by Steven Pressfield
High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove
The Art Spirit by Robert Henri