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Mike Maples, Jr.

Рекомендованные Книги

9 книг в списке
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Play Bigger book cover
Play Bigger
How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets
Al Ramadan - 2016-06-14
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Discover the groundbreaking discipline of category design in this farsighted guide by the founders of a respected Silicon Valley advisory firm. Through data analysis and interviews with category kings like Amazon and Uber, Play Bigger reveals how defining a new market category, and dominating it over time, is the key to building a legendary company. This discipline applies to every industry and even personal careers, and can create new demand where none existed by conditioning customers’ expectations and buying habits. Transform your business with Play Bigger.
Mike Maples, Jr.
A must-read new book for founders.      источник
Andrew GazdeckiClint C. Cooper
Living Forward book cover
Living Forward
A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want
Michael Hyatt - 2016-03-01
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Design a purposeful life with "Living Forward" - a step-by-step guide by bestselling author Michael Hyatt and executive coach Daniel Harkavy. Learn how to create a simple but effective life plan to maximize joy, potential, and pursue meaningful outcomes. Say goodbye to drifting through life as a spectator and manifest the bigger picture - a life with purpose and mission in mind. Don't let life slip away - take control of it today.
Mike Maples, Jr.
One of the books I’ve given most as a gift.      источник
Люби себя book cover
Люби себя
Словно от этого зависит твоя жизнь
Kamal Ravikant - 2012-06-07
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Эта книга стала легендой американского самиздата. Выпущенная автором без поддержки издательств, она была куплена на амазон и других интернет-ресурсах более полумиллиона раз. Даже в России любительский перевод книги появился задолго до официального. Камал Равикант, успешный бизнесмен и инвестор, разработал простую методику развития любви к себе. К этому его подтолкнула трагическая потеря любимой женщины, серьезные проблемы с бизнесом и как итог решение свести счеты с жизнью. Камала спас сделанный в последний момент выбор - выбор в пользу самого себя. В сложный момент жизни ему открылась простая истина: только ощущение собственной ценности делает нас по-настоящему счастливыми. Вне зависимости от того, кто мы и что с нами происходит.
Mike Maples, Jr.
People will sometimes say you should love yourself... And I think that’s important.      источник
How Will You Measure Your Life? book cover
How Will You Measure Your Life?
Clayton M. Christensen - 2012-05-15
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Uncover the secrets to leading a fulfilling life with this insightful book from world-class business strategist, Clayton Christensen. After overcoming numerous health challenges, Christensen shares personal guidelines that have helped him find meaning and happiness. Discover questions and models for success that have been applied in the world of business, but can also be used to find answers to life's pressing questions. How can you ensure satisfaction in your career and enduring happiness in your personal relationships? This groundbreaking book is sure to inspire and educate readers of all backgrounds.
Mike Maples, Jr.
One if the books I’ve given most as a gift.      источник
Ankur WarikooAkin OyebodeAnn Miura-Ko
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying book cover
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying
A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing
Bronnie Ware - 2011-08-31
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The Top Five Regrets of the Dying is a memoir that shares the most common regrets expressed by those nearing the end of their lives. Written by a former palliative care worker, this inspiring and heartfelt book offers lessons on how to live with peace of mind and avoid the most common regrets. Through her own personal story and experiences, the author shows us how to positively address these issues while we still have the time, leaving readers feeling kinder towards themselves and others, and more determined to live the life they are truly here to live.
Mike Maples, Jr.
The author was a hospice nurse who had spent time with people in the last 90 days of their life. And she would learn like what their regrets were.      источник
The Wealth of Networks book cover
The Wealth of Networks
How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom
Yochai Benkler - 2006-05-16
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Discover how the Internet is changing information production and reshaping markets in this thought-provoking book. Social production offers new opportunities for individual freedom, cultural diversity, political discourse, and justice. However, a campaign to protect the old information economy threatens the emerging networked information environment. Author Yochai Benkler provides a comprehensive social theory of the Internet, showing how knowledge and cultural production are changing and how legal and policy choices impact our ability to create and express ourselves. Don't miss this insightful exploration of the wealth of networks.
Mike Maples, Jr.
It influenced my investing a lot.      источник
Чайка Джонатан Ливингстон book cover
Чайка Джонатан Ливингстон
Richard Bach - 2006-02-07 (впервые опубликовано в 1970)
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Невероятно, но ни в одной из книг Ричарда Баха нет предисловия или послесловия с его биографией. Да и зачем? Все, что нам нужно знать о Чайке по имени Ричард Бах, мы знаем из его книг... Он не придумал "Чайку". Он услышал ее целиком и записал, и это полностью изменило его жизнь. И теперь вы можете прочесть эту чудо-сказку, которая ответит вам на самые важные в жизни вопросы.
Mike Maples, Jr.
One of the books I’ve given most as a gift.      источник
Граф Монте-Кристо book cover
Граф Монте-Кристо
Alexandre Dumas - 2003-05-27 (впервые опубликовано в 1844)
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«Граф Монте-Кристо», один из самых популярных романов Александра Дюма, имеет ошеломительный успех у читателей. Его сюжет автор почерпнул из архивов парижской полиции. Подлинная жизнь сапожника Франсуа Пико, ставшего прототипом Эдмона Дантеса, под пером настоящего художника превратилась в захватывающую книгу о мученике замка Иф и о парижском ангеле мщения.
Mike Maples, Jr.
Speaking of a book about grudges.      источник
PewDiePiePierce Brown
Hope for the Flowers book cover
Hope for the Flowers
Trina Paulus - 1997-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1972)
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Discover a timeless allegory about finding one's true destiny in the celebrated book "Hope for the Flowers". Follow the transformative journey of two caterpillars named Stripe and Yellow as they struggle to climb to the top before realizing their true purpose is to fly. Perfect for those in search of inspiration and a reminder to trust the journey.
Mike Maples, Jr.
One if the books I’ve given most as a gift.      источник
Scott Barry KaufmanKatie Hinde