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Akin Oyebode

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Akintunde Ayodele Oyebode is the Special Adviser, Investment, Trade and Innovation at Ekiti State Government, Nigeria, where he is responsible for leading the State Government’s efforts to make Ekiti an attractive destination for investors and innovation driven enterprises; in addition to creating jobs for young people.
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The Mixer book cover
The Mixer
The Story of Premier League Tactics, from Route One to False Nines
Michael Cox - 2017-06-01
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Discover how the Premier League transformed from a game of brute strength to an era of tactical evolution in The Mixer. This essential read for any football fan covers the 25-year history of the league, from the abolition of the back-pass rule to the increased foreign influence on tactics. Explore the stories of renowned coaches like Ferguson, Keegan, and Mourinho, and learn how their different approaches impacted the game. The Mixer is an entertaining and knowledgeable book, packed with insights and football nostalgia.
Akin Oyebode
@Ajakaiye_ Interesting! I hope you enjoyed the book, it’s still one of my fav football books.      источник
Who Gets What ― and Why book cover
Who Gets What ― and Why
The New Economics of Matchmaking and Market Design
Alvin Roth - 2015-06-02 (впервые опубликовано в 2014)
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Discover the hidden world of matching markets with this fascinating book by Nobel laureate Alvin E. Roth. If you've ever applied to college, hired someone, or dated, you've participated in a kind of market where price isn't the only factor. Roth explores how these markets work and shows readers how to make smarter decisions. With wit and uncommon wisdom, Who Gets What―and Why is a pleasure to read.
Akin Oyebode
A good day to recommend Who Gets What and Why, Alvin Roth’s very good book on matching markets.      источник
Tim O’Reilly
Психология народов и масс book cover
Психология народов и масс
A Study of the Popular Mind
Gustave le Bon - 2011-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1895)
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Классическая работа французского психолога Г.Лебона "Психология народов и масс" посвящена исследованию психологии больших социальных групп. Именно Лебон впервые сформулировал законы поведения организованной толпы. Он писал о том, что у людей в толпе "появляются новые качества, которыми они до сих пор не обладали". Индивид в этом случае "приобретает сознание непреодолимой силы, и это сознание позволяет ему поддаться таким инстинктам, которым он никогда не дает волю, когда он один". Лебон объясняет это тем, что, во-первых, "толпа анонимна и потому не несет ответственности. Чувство ответственности, сдерживающее всегда отдельных индивидов, совершенно исчезает в толпе". Во-вторых, в толпе "всякое чувство, всякое действие заразительно, и притом в такой степени, что индивид очень легко приносит в жертву свои личные интересы интересу коллективному". Третья особенность индивида в толпе, по наблюдениям автора, состоит в том, что "он становится восприимчивым к внушению, автоматом, у которого своей воли не существует".
Akin Oyebode
Recommended book: Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. It’s one of the best social psychology books and it’s 125 years old. It also shows you how Twitter is a microcosm of the broader society.      источник
How Will You Measure Your Life? book cover
How Will You Measure Your Life?
Clayton M. Christensen - 2012-05-15
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Uncover the secrets to leading a fulfilling life with this insightful book from world-class business strategist, Clayton Christensen. After overcoming numerous health challenges, Christensen shares personal guidelines that have helped him find meaning and happiness. Discover questions and models for success that have been applied in the world of business, but can also be used to find answers to life's pressing questions. How can you ensure satisfaction in your career and enduring happiness in your personal relationships? This groundbreaking book is sure to inspire and educate readers of all backgrounds.
Akin Oyebode
Very sad to hear @claychristensen has died. His book, How Will You Measure Your Life, helped me refocus my life on the most important aspects, and inspired my decision to swap banking for public service. May his soul rest in peace.      источник
The Righteous Mind book cover
The Righteous Mind
Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
Jonathan Haidt - 2021-10-13 (впервые опубликовано в 2012)
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Explore the roots of moral judgments and human cooperation in this groundbreaking book. Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion, showing how gut feelings, not reason, drive our moral beliefs. Discover why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and why each side is right about significant issues. The Righteous Mind is a must-read for anyone looking to trade in anger for understanding and gain a deeper insight into our eternal divisions and conflicts.
Akin Oyebode
@eggheader @OnemuVictor1 @JonHaidt Abeg order two. I read Righteous Mind which he also wrote, and that was a very fascinating book.      источник