Mejores libros sobre gestión de la cadena de suministro
Optimiza la logística y agiliza las operaciones con los mejores libros sobre gestión de la cadena de suministro, destacados por su valiosas estrategias y orientación práctica por profesionales de la industria.
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The Supply Chain Revolution
Innovative Sourcing and Logistics for a Fiercely Competitive World
The Supply Chain Revolution showcases how supply chain and sourcing can be used as hidden tools for outperforming the competition. Featuring real solutions, the book offers a powerful way for companies to succeed in a disruptive world. It showcases how successful companies like Zara, Amazon, and Starbucks use their highly responsive supply chain to boost their revenue and customer satisfaction. The book provides strategies for simplifying and debottlenecking the supply chain, making alliances more successful, and managing store investment to boost retail success. A must-read for CEOs who want to thrive in challenging times.
Presentado en 14 artículos
This comprehensive guide to supply chain management is a must-read for business owners and decision-makers. Covering everything from procurement to operations to distribution, the book explains how to align every part of your company's supply chain to meet the needs of customers, suppliers, and shareholders. Using the Supply Chain Operations Reference model, the author offers practical tips and strategies for improving processes, evaluating risks, and choosing the right software and automation processes to increase efficiency. Whether you're new to the field or looking to expand your knowledge, this book will help you make wiser decisions and plan for the future.
Presentado en 10 artículos
This comprehensive guide is the definitive resource for understanding supply chain management from a practical, real-world perspective. From fundamental concepts to innovative practices, readers will gain a deep understanding of the supply chain's inner workings and come away with immediately-applicable skills for maximizing efficiency and gaining competitive advantage. The latest edition has been updated to reflect the latest technologies and case studies, making it an essential tool for students, managers, and professionals alike.
Presentado en 10 artículos

Strategic Supply Chain Management
The Five Core Disciplines for Top Performance, Second Editon
Discover how a robust supply chain strategy is crucial for business success in today's uncertain economic environment with Strategic Supply Chain Management. Cohen and Roussel provide a comprehensive guide to creating a supply chain strategy that is aligned with your competitive differentiation and operating models. With in-depth examples, this book shows that one size doesn't fit all and provides a clear path for deploying a global supply chain strategy that addresses the priorities of today's executive management teams. This fully revised edition includes case studies of industry leaders to help you gain a strategic advantage in your supply chain management.
Presentado en 10 artículos
This book delves into the world of supply chain management by presenting the necessary concepts for strategic implementation of techniques in a global environment. Authored by top teaching and research faculty in conjunction with a senior industry executive, this book combines theory and practice by using real-life examples and case studies as well as strategies from best practices. The content covers key drivers of supply chain performance and draws on extensive industry experience from the authors conducting industry projects through the Rutgers Center for Supply Chain Management. Suitable for a wide range of courses, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning about supply chain management.
Presentado en 9 artículos
"Supply Chain Metrics that Matter" is an informative and practical book exploring the importance of supply chain excellence in today's global and innovative world. Author and supply chain researcher, Lora M. Cecere, evaluates the progress of over 100 companies from 2006-2013, measuring success in inches not miles, and linking corporate financials to supply chain maturity. Cecere outlines the metrics that matter and provides actionable steps to align and balance the supply chain for improved value and performance. This book is a must-read for any company seeking differentiation and first mover advantage.
Presentado en 8 artículos
"The Forklifts Have Nothing To Do!" is a comprehensive guide to improving supply chain operations, written by Joseph L. Walden, a seasoned supply chain leader with over 25 years of experience. Walden's recommendations draw from examples in military and civilian industries, including his experiences in Operation Iraqi Freedom. By following the practical methods outlined in this book, any industry can significantly improve their bottom line.
Presentado en 7 artículos
Escrita con un estilo de relato de acción, LA META es la emocionante novela que está transformando el pensamiento de los directivos de todo el mundo occidental. El autor ha sido descrito por la revista 'Fortune' como un gurú de la industria y por 'Business week' como 'genio'. Este es un libro para ser recomendado a sus amigos profesionales de la industria -incluso a sus jefes- pero no a sus competidores.
Alex Rogo es un 'estresado' director de fábrica que intenta desesperadamente mejorar los resultados de la misma, que está abocada al desastre. Lo mismo ocurre con su matrimonio. Tiene noventa días para salvar su fabrica, o ésta será cerrada por la corporación, lo que conllevará la perdida de cientos de puestos de trabajo. Por una casualidad se encuentra con un colega de sus días de estudiante -Jonah- que le ayuda a romper con las formas convencionales de pensamiento para saber lo que tiene que hacer.
La historia de Alex es algo más que una lectura interesante. Contiene un mensaje importante para todos los directivos de la empresa y expone las ideas que sirven de base a la Dirección de las Limitaciones (Theory of Constraints - T.O.C.) desarrollada por el Instituto Goldratt.
Eliyahu M. Goldratt es un líder internacionalmente reconocido en el desarrollo de nuevos conceptos y sistemas en la dirección de empresas y como profesor en muchas corporaciones del mundo. La presente edición incluye una serie de detalladas entrevistas de estudios de caso realizadas por David Whitford, Editor Jefe de la revista Fortune Small Business, que investiga como las organizaciones en todo el mundo han sido transformadas por las ideas de Eli Goldratt.
Presentado en 6 artículos

Avoiding a Supply Chain Apocalypse
Be ready for any supply chain disaster. learn how.
Looking for practical strategies and tactics to optimize your supply chain and avoid disasters? Check out this creative guide written by a purchasing and supply chain expert. With a diverse, multi-faceted approach, the book challenges readers to select the techniques that suit their organizational culture - there is no "one size fits all" in the supply chain. From the art of building relationships to the power of collaboration, this book offers valuable insights to help ensure the continuity of your supply chain.
Presentado en 6 artículos

Supply Chain Strategy, Second Edition
Unleash the Power of Business Integration to Maximize Financial, Service, and Operations Performance
Discover the logistics and supply chain management strategies that guide the world's most successful organizations in this updated industry standard. The second edition of Supply Chain Strategy features real-life case studies, showcasing how companies like Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, and Disney achieve their supply chain goals with cutting-edge innovations like big-data analytics, omni-channel logistics, and cloud-based management. Get the latest solutions to your own supply chain challenges and join the ranks of the most successful companies in the world.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Total Value Optimization by Steven J. Bowen
Logistics & Supply Chain Management by Martin Christopher
Operations and Supply Chain Management by F. Robert Jacobs
Supply Chain Transformation by Richard J. Sherman
Operations and Supply Chain Management Essentials You Always Wanted to Know by Vibrant Publishers, Ashley McDonough
Principles of Supply Chain Management by Joel D. Wisner
Data Science for Supply Chain Forecasting by Nicolas Vandeput
Supply Chain Management Best Practices by David Blanchard
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3e with Student CD by David Simchi-Levi
Single Point of Failure by Gary S. Lynch
Supply Chain Analytics and Modelling by Dr Nicoleta Tipi
Lean Supply Chain and Logistics Management Hardcover Edition by Myerson ) Zhu [ Mei ] Bao Luo · Mai Er Sen ( Paul
Las claves del éxito de TOYOTA by Jeffrey Liker
First by Evan Thomas
Lo inevitable by Kevin Kelly
The Box by Marc Levinson
Administración de la Cadena de Suministro by Sunil Chopra
ISE OPER & SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT by F. Robert Jacobs, Richard Chase
The New (Ab)Normal by Yossi Sheffi
Lean Supply Chain and Logistics Management by Paul Myerson
Digital Supply Networks by Amit Sinha, Ednilson Bernardes, Rafael Calderon, Thorsten Wuest
Supply Chain Network Design by Michael Watson
LSC (CAREER EDUCATION CORPORATION) VitalSource ebook for Proactive Purchasing in the Supply Chain by David Burt, Sheila Petcavage, Richard Pinkerton
Supply Chain Planning and Analytics by Gerald Feigin
The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain by Bram DeSmet
Supply Chain Analytics by Kurt Y. Liu
Logistics Management & Strategy by Alan Harrison
Global Logistics and Supply Ch by John Mangan
Common Sense Supply Management by Tom Depaoli
Supply Chain Analytics by Peter W. Robertson
Noventa por ciento de todo by Rose George
Operations Management by Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones, Robert Johnston
Supply Chain 4.0 by Emel Aktas, Michael Bourlakis, Ioannis Minis, Vasileios Zeimpekis
Big Data Driven Supply Chain Management by Nada R. Sanders
Hábitos atómicos by James Clear