Mejores Libros de Hipnosis
Descubre los misterios de la mente con estos destacados libros sobre hipnosis, ampliamente reconocidos tanto por entusiastas de la psicología como por profesionales.
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A book to be savored and referred to time and again, this handbook will become a dog-eared resource for the clinician using hypnosis....
Presentado en 9 artículos
Clinical hypnosis is the focus of this definitive textbook, Trancework, which has trained thousands of professionals for nearly four decades. With new studies and emerging topics, the 5th edition continues to encourage sound clinical practice based on established scientific research. Expect a comprehensive overview, practical and ethical considerations, and a greater appreciation of the therapy's many applications. This engaging text equips professionals with essential skills to change clients' lives by using hypnosis to enhance treatment for medical and psychological issues.
Presentado en 8 artículos

Mi voz irá contigo - Los cuentos didácticos de Milton H. Erickson
The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson
Milton H. Erickson ha sido considerado el terapeuta más influyente de nuestra época. "Nunca", se ha dicho de él, "resolvió un problema siguiendo caminos trillados". Sus "cuentos didácticos" ocupaban un lugar importante en su terapia. Erickson se proponía influir en sus pacientes tanto en el nivel consciente como en el inconsciente. A favor de la sorpresa y la confusión -multiplicando las preguntas y los juegos de palabras y haciendo gala de un humor juguetón- sembraba sugestiones de un modo directo y eficaz. Había convenido en ser coautor de esta obra, pero la muerte se lo impidió. Sidney Rosen ha recopilado algo más de un centenar de relatos, algunos de los cuales nunca habían sido recogidos por escrito, y los ha transcrito literalmente, agregando sus interpretaciones y comentarios. Es además el autor de la introducción, donde examina el innovador enfoque de Erickson respecto de la hipnosis y la psicoterapia.
Presentado en 7 artículos

How To Master Self-Hypnosis in a Weekend
The Simple, Systematic and Successful Way to Get Everything You Want
Master the technique of self-hypnosis in just one weekend and bring about positive changes in your life with this no-nonsense guide. Step-by-step, professional hypnotist Rick Smith takes you through the process, providing free downloadable script recordings and everything else you need to succeed. Learn how to use self-hypnosis to relax, eliminate bad habits, and increase motivation and focus. Avoid the common mistakes that derail others' efforts and acquire a powerful new tool that will serve you in every aspect of your life. Fun and easy to use, this book is the last self-hypnosis guide you'll ever need.
Presentado en 5 artículos
A practical and comprehensive guide to using clinical hypnosis in the treatment of medical and psychological problems. Written for doctors and dentists, this extensively revised edition covers key techniques, approaches, and practical management guidelines. It challenges traditional conceptions of hypnosis and offers an eclectic framework based on mainstream cognitive-behavioral approaches. Sample scripts and ethical considerations are included for readers looking for a springboard to clinical practice. With a focus on anxiety, sleep, smoking, weight-loss, psychosomatic complaints, pain, and more, this guide remains an essential introductory text.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Basically, Bandler/Grinder talks and teaches about hypnosis, theraphy, NLP and Milton Erikson. The amazing thing about this type of hypnosis (Indirect Hypnosis) is that you can hypnotise using embeded commands. Lets face it, almost all communication, beliefs, thoughts are hypnosis. Everything is hypnosis.
Presentado en 4 artículos

Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation
How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change
Discover Richard Bandler's groundbreaking theories on personal change and hypnotic phenomena with his Guide to Trance-formation. As the world's greatest hypnotist and master of neuro-linguistic programming, Bandler provides effective prescriptions for quick and lasting personal transformation. Learn to identify and reprogram problem behaviors with more than thirty exercises, engaging case studies, and client dialogues. Whether you're new to NLP, want to further your training, or simply want to make a difference in your own life, Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation is a must-read.
Presentado en 4 artículos
Learn the art of hypnosis and the "magic" behind Ericksonian techniques and Neuro-Linguistic Programming in this insightful book. Discover how hypnosis really works with Monsters and Magical Sticks by Steven Heller.
Presentado en 4 artículos

Terapia no Convencional
las técnicas psiquiátricas de Milton H. Erickson
Interesado en estudiar las técnicas de terapia de corto plazo, Haley centró su trabajo de investigación en los aspectos comunicacionales de la relación hipnótica y en el particular estilo de terapia de Erickson, y así descubrió que su enfoque resultaba particularmente esclarecedor en el ámbito terapéutico familiar. Era posible ubicar su terapia en el contexto de la teoría de la familia, pues su trabajo llevaba implícita una orientación de esta índole, al concebir a la familia como centro de los conflictos humanos, concomitantes inevitables del desarrollo. Si bien la selección de casos representa una parte de la vasta cantidad de datos disponibles en la obra de Erickson, este trabajo es un valioso retrato de su terapia, una descripción de su enfoque terapéutico. Al mismo tiempo, una colección de relatos clínicos como esta permite abarcar en forma sintética una gran cantidad de técnicas para enfocar diversos problemas humanos, presentando los incidentes cruciales en la terapia.
Presentado en 4 artículos
Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy by Roger P. Allen
The Weight, Hypnotherapy and You Weight Reduction Program by Judith E. Pearson
Psico-Cibernetica by Maxwell Maltz
Tricks of the Mind by Derren Brown
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1 by Richard Bandler
Hypnotherapy Scripts by Ronald A. Havens
The Science Of Self-Hypnosis by Adam Eason
Taproots by Bill O'Hanlon
Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation by David Botsford
Hidden Depths by Robin Waterfield
La Estructura de La Magia by Richard Bandler
Ronning Guide to Modern Stage Hypnosis by Geoffrey Ronning
Bebé en camino by Siobhan Miller
El Metodo Silva de Control Mental by Jose Silva
Practical Law of Attraction by Victoria Gallagher
The Ellipsis Manual by Chase Hughes
Close Your Eyes, Get Free by Grace Smith
The Art Of Extraordinary Confidence by Aziz Gazipura
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., Vol. 2 by John Grinder
HYPNOTHERAPY by Freddy H Jacquin B. Sc
Hipnosis by Josie Hadley
Hypnotic Realities by Milton H. Erickson
The Art of Hypnotherapy by Roy Hunter
Trances People Live by Stephen Wolinsky
NLP Workbook by Joseph O'Connor
The Instant Hypnosis and Rapid Inductions Guidebook by Rory Z Fulcher
Hypnotherapy by Ernest Lawrence Erickson, Milton H. , Rossi
Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Management by Mark P. Jensen
Training Trances by John Overdurf
The New Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism by Ormond McGill
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis in Medicine, Dentistry and Psychology by Prof. William S. Kroger
Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis by Steven Jay Lynn
The Answer Within by Stephen R. Lankton
Self-Hypnosis And Subliminal Technology by Eldon Taylor
PNL by NLP Comprehensive
User's Manual for the Brain, Volume II by L Michael Hall & Bob G Bodenhamer
Instant Self-Hypnosis by Forbes Blair
The Everything Self-Hypnosis Book by Rene A Bastaracherican
The How-to Book of Hypnotism by Tom Silver, Ormond McGill
A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis by Melvin Powers