Los mejores libros de Derecho
Sumérgete en el ámbito del dominio legal con esta colección de libros de Derecho altamente recomendados, provenientes de publicaciones y blogs respetados. Cada libro en esta lista se destaca por sus características y recomendaciones frecuentes.

65 libros en la lista
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Matar un ruiseñor está ambientada en el sur mítico, degradado y humillado tras la derrota contra los 'yankees' en la Guerra de Secesión. La acción transcurre en los años treinta, los años de la terrible depresión posterior a 1929. Narrativamente acaba donde empieza Faulkner y comienza donde termina Carson McCullers, pero es una historia de personajes. Los principales: los niños Scout y Jem y su padre Atticus, el pueblo y sus habitantes blancos y negros. El drama de la segregación racial y las raíces del funesto racismo enquistado en una sociedad tradicional y conservadora. La novela habla por sí sola: se trata de una historia de niños en los que va influyendo la brutalidad y la cordura de los adultos, ese mundo fracturado cuyos fragmentos se complementan con una educación moral llena de contradicciones. La reedición ahora en castellano es una buena oportunidad para adentrarse en esa sociedad desaparecida pero con preocupantes espasmos contemporáneos.
Presentado en 9 artículos

Law School Confidential
A Complete Guide to the Law School Experience
Law School Confidential is a must-read for students beginning their journey through American legal education. Written by recent graduates who have successfully survived, this book provides a comprehensive and chronological account of what to expect during law school. From taking the LSAT to securing financial aid and tackling the bar exam, it demystifies the life-altering thrill ride of contemporary law school. With recent graduates as mentors, this guide provides invaluable advice for anyone embarking on this three-year odyssey.
Presentado en 7 artículos
Preparing for law school can be intimidating, but "Letters to a Law Student" provides a helpful guide for prospective students. Written by a legal expert, this book covers everything that someone thinking about pursuing a law degree needs to know. With insights on what to expect in your first year of study and tips for success, this book is an essential resource for anyone considering a career in law.
Presentado en 6 artículos
Find happiness in your legal career with The Happy Lawyer. This book explores the causes of dissatisfaction among lawyers and offers insights into how to achieve a more fulfilling career in law. Discover how to understand your personality type, values, strengths, and interests to find the right path for you. From selecting a law school to finding the right job and even remaking a law firm into a more satisfying workplace, The Happy Lawyer provides invaluable advice for law students, working lawyers, and firm managers. Gain a better understanding of what makes a happy lawyer and how to achieve career happiness in this must-read book.
Presentado en 6 artículos
Explore the concept of the rule of law with this insightful short book by former senior law lord Tom Bingham. Delve into the idea that the rule of law is the foundation of a fair and just society, offering guarantees for responsible government, economic growth, and peace. Discover the historical origins of this vital concept and the eight conditions that capture its essence in western democracies today. This thought-provoking book is a must-read for anyone interested in politics, society, and the state of our world.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Recomendado por
Adam WagnerDiscover the fascinating world of legal thought with [TITLE] by Ward Farnsworth. This book covers the tools for thinking about legal problems that are often overlooked in law school. From game theory to psychological principles, Farnsworth's guide introduces readers to more than two dozen powerful principles that can be used to solve different types of problems. Written in clear language with lively examples, this book is perfect for law students, legal practitioners, or anyone interested in the law.
Presentado en 5 artículos

24 Hours with 24 Lawyers
Profiles of Traditional and Non-Traditional Careers
Discover the real-world, real-time personal and professional lives of 24 law school graduates with 24 different legal careers. From Wall Street lawyer to sports broadcaster, this innovative book gives a unique "all-access pass" into the typical 24-hour day of lawyers in a range of fields. Get invaluable, honest insight to help determine which career path may suit you best before investing in a legal education or accepting a new job.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Learn how to construct powerful narratives to win legal cases with Storytelling for Lawyers. Written by Philip Meyer, this book explores the role of storytelling in litigation and offers practical examples of how to craft compelling legal narratives. Whether you're a legal practitioner, teacher, law student, or just interested in the art of storytelling, this book offers a comprehensive guide to the central role of narrative in the legal world. Meyer offers a narrative tool kit that will aid in supplementing the analytical skills typically taught in law school, along with tips for practicing attorneys to improve their own storytelling abilities.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Discover the secrets of persuasive legal writing and speaking with "Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges." Written by two of the most noted legal writers of our day - Justice Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner - this guide covers sound legal reasoning, brief writing, and oral arguments. Learn how to develop compelling arguments, what to include in a brief, and how to succeed in oral arguments. With insights from Justice Scalia and the respected writings of Bryan Garner, this book is a must-read for novice and experienced litigators alike.
Presentado en 5 artículos
En Justicia, el prestigioso autor y profesor Michael Sandel examina el papel de la justicia en nuestras vidas y en la sociedad, y explica cómo la filosofía puede ayudar a entender la política, la religión o la moral, e incluso nuestras propias convicciones. Deteniéndose en cuestiones tan polémicas como el aborto, la eutanasia, el matrimonio homosexual, el patriotismo o la disidencia, Sandel muestra que las cuestiones más importantes que afrontamos como ciudadanos pueden someterse a un debate racional. Justicia garantiza a los lectores de todas las edades e ideas políticas un viaje fascinante a través de los conceptos que subyacen en las controversias políticas y morales de la actualidad. Un libro fundamental para nuestra vida en sociedad
Presentado en 4 artículos
Getting To Maybe by Richard Michael Fischl
The Exchange by John Grisham
One L by Scott Turow
The Paper Chase by John Jay Osborn Jr.
Charles Dickens Collection by Charles Dickens, Mil Nicholson, Bob Neufeld, Audio Classics
America's Constitution by Akhil Reed Amar
The Curmudgeon's Guide to Practicing Law by Mark Herrmann
Los 7 habitos de la gente altamente efectiva by Stephen R. Covey
Traccion by Gino Wickman
My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Law Is a Buyer's Market by Jordan Furlong
The Story Of My Life by Clarence Darrow
The Anxious Lawyer by Jeena Cho, Karen Gifford
El proceso by Franz Kafka
Demanda civil by Jonathan Harr
The E-Myth Attorney by Michael E. Gerber, Robert Armstrong J.D., Sanford Fisch J.D.
Letters to a Young Lawyer by Alan M. Dershowitz
The New Lawyer’s Handbook by Karen Thalacker
How to Start & Build a Law Practice by Jay G. Foonberg
El efecto checklist by Atul Gawande
12 principios del cerebro los by John Medina
The Client-Centered Law Firm by Jack Newton
Sí.......de acuerdo! by Roger Fisher
Casa desolada by Gill Tavner
Point Made by Ross Guberman
White by Law 10th Anniversary Edition by Ian Haney López
The Tools of Argument by Joel P. Trachtman
New York Times v. Sullivan by Kermit L. Hall
El Federalista by Alexander Hamilton
And the Dead Shall Rise by Steve Oney
My Life in Court by Louis Nizer
The Law School Admission Game by Ann K. Levine Esq.
How to Become a Rainmaker by Jeffrey J. Fox
Marble and the Sculptor by Keith Robert Lee
The Young Lawyer's Jungle Book by Thane Messinger
Billy Budd, marinero by Herman Melville
Presunto inocente by Scott Turow
El método Lean Startup by Eric Ries
El poder del pensamiento positivo (Para estar bien) by Norman Vincent Peale
El valor del miedo by Gavin de Becker
El mito del emprendedor by Michael E. Gerber
Jeremy Hutchinson's Case Histories by Thomas Grant
The Elements of Legal Style by Bryan A. Garner
Notorious RBG by Irin Carmon
The End of Lawyers? by Richard Susskind Obe
Empresas Que Sobresalen by Jim Collins
The Nine by Jeffrey Toobin
Plain English for Lawyers by Richard C. Wydick
Gracias por Discutir by Jay Heinrichs
The Bramble Bush by Karl N Llewellyn
Learning the Law by Glanville Williams
El cuento de la criada by Margaret Atwood
A sangre fría by Truman Capote
Anonymous Lawyer by Jeremy Blachman
Autopsie d'un meurtre - anatomy of a murder by Traver Robert