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Ben Domenech

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Ben Domenech is an American conservative writer, blogger, and television commentator. He is the co-founder and the publisher of The Federalist, host of The Federalist Radio Hour, and writes The Transom, a daily subscription newsletter for political insiders.
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Adiós a las armas book cover
Adiós a las armas
The Hemingway Library Edition
Ernest Hemingway - 2004-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1929)
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Tomando como base algunas de sus experiencias vividas durante la I Guerra Mundial, Hemingway, con su estilo casi peridodístico y descarnado, narra una intensa historia amorosa enmarcada en el frente italiano. El soldado americano Frederic Henry, un joven idealista, conduce ambulancias en el frente de Piave, dónde se produce el encarnizado enfrentamiento entre las tropas austríacas e italianas y contempla con sus propios ojos los numerosos horrores que ahí se experimentan a diario. En medio de tanta calamidad, conoce a Catherine Barkley, una bella enfermera británica. En un principio se toma esta historia como un mero pasatiempo dónde no hace falta arriesgar nada. Pero con el transcurso del tiempo, casi sin darse cuenta, se percatará que está inmerso en una pasión arrebatadora de las que pueden definir la existencia de un ser humano. Es una novela llena de significados y con un fondo, que a pesar de su realismo es de un romanticismo digno de los grandes creadores del siglo XIX.
Ben Domenech
@sfm_42 That's a great example of a book you should read as a teen and an adult. The Right Stuff has a similar quality.      fuente
Apollo's Arrow book cover
Apollo's Arrow
The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live
Nicholas A. Christakis - 2020-10-27
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"Unravel the science behind the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our lives with this thought-provoking must-read for 2021. Apollo's Arrow presents a captivating analysis of the virus as it infiltrated American society in 2020 and the future implications of its aftermath. Author Nicholas A. Christakis expertly weaves in historical epidemics, contemporary research, and interdisciplinary insights to shed light on the collective experience of human existence during a time of plague. Discover how this pandemic has divided our society and also revealed opportunities for cooperation in a startlingly new way. With vivid examples and bold arguments, Apollo's Arrow offers a unique perspective on the intersection of science, medicine, genetics, data science, sociology, and epidemiology."
Ben Domenech
I recommend reading Christakis' Covid book, Apollo's Arrow, on my 2020 list, but not because of his opinions, which universally favor China and authoritarian responses. This thread from March appears almost verbatim in the book:      fuente
Memoirs of Hadrian book cover
Memoirs of Hadrian
Marguerite Yourcenar - 2005-05-18 (publicado por primera vez en 1951)
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This international acclaimed work explores the character of Emperor Hadrian and reflects on the meaning of history. Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines Hadrian's boyhood, triumphs, and his gradual reordering of a war-torn world as an emperor. Written in elegant and precise prose, this book presents the imaginative insights of a great 20th-century writer.
Ben Domenech
MEMOIRS OF HADRIAN, by Marguerite Yourcenar, is a brilliant book even almost 70 years after publication.      fuente
Crimen y castigo book cover
Crimen y castigo
Fyodor Dostoevsky - 2002-12-31 (publicado por primera vez en 1866)
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Esta novela, una de las más grandes e imperecederas de la literatura universal, contiene dos de los temas característicos de la relación entre la culpa y el castigo y la idea de la fuerza redentora del sufrimiento humano, planteando con todo vigor el conflicto entre el Bien y el Mal, ese dualismo ético que es una constante en la obra del autor. Bajo el armazón naturalista de una novela de tesis, subyace una alegoría metafísica y moral. Observa Dostoyevski que el castigo no intimida al criminal, "pues éste de por sí pide ya moralmente un castigo". Entre la obra ingente del novelista ruso, es este libro, sin duda, el de mayor plenitud formal.
Ben Domenech
@SohrabAhmari @li88yinc @jgcrum @BlueBoxDave @InezFeltscher @JarrettStepman Maybe the best book ever written.      fuente
Conspiracy book cover
Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue
Ryan Holiday - 2018-02-27
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Discover the shocking true story of how one billionaire, Peter Thiel, masterminded a multi-year plot to take down Gawker Media after they outed him as gay. Author Ryan Holiday takes you on a deep dive into the conspiracy that ultimately resulted in a $140 million dollar judgment against Gawker, its bankruptcy and with Nick Denton, Gawker's CEO and founder, out of a job. Through detailed interviews with key players, Conspiracy is a brilliant study in power, strategy, and one of the most wildly ambitious--and successful--secret plots in recent memory.
Ben Domenech
This book is required reading.      fuente