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Betsey Stevenson

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Betsey Ayer Stevenson is an economist and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Michigan Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
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El segundo sexo book cover
El segundo sexo
Simone de Beauvoir - 1989-12-17 (publicado por primera vez en 1949)
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El segundo sexo es una obra clave del pensamiento, no solo feminista, sino del siglo veinte. De ella surgen los nuevos temas del feminismo, una vez agotado el periodo de las vindicaciones primordiales (derecho al voto y a la educacion). Se analiza la condicion de la mujer desde los diversos puntos de vista desde los que se la conceptualiza: ontologico, sociologico, cultural, cientifico, historico. El resumen perfecto de esta obra se refleja en su frase mas famosa: No se nace mujer: se llega a serlo. En el primer tomo se realiza un analisis regresivo. Beauvoir trato de comprender cuales son las condiciones que han hecho posible el que la mujer se considerara como el otro, realizando una especie de encuesta a las ciencias, a la historia y a la mitologia como construcciones culturales que han posibilitado esta alteridad disfuncional. En el segundo tomo describe como viven las mujeres el hecho de ser seres oprimidos, seres transcendentes que no pueden realizar su transcendencia, sino que estan relegadas a vivir en la inmanencia. Nos va explicando como la sociedad y la cultura moldean desde su infancia hasta la vejez a este ser que es la mujer a traves de la opresion para que llegue a ser lo que es."
Betsey Stevenson
@MarcieBianco That book so deeply influenced me and re-reading it just makes me feel a little defeated.      fuente
The Undercover Economist Strikes Back book cover
The Undercover Economist Strikes Back
How to Run--or Ruin--an Economy
Tim Harford - 2014-01-16 (publicado por primera vez en 2013)
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Delve into the world of macroeconomics with this engaging and thought-provoking read by a bestselling author. In this book, the author strips away the hype and jargon to reveal the truth about how the global economy really works. With wit and expert knowledge, he explains why we should all care and what we can do to gain a better understanding. A must-read for anyone paying attention to the state of the world's economy today.
Betsey Stevenson
@MarkVinPaul @mslater_johnson @Gen_Pov @ezraklein This is the audio book you listened to? I find it to be an incredibly relatable explanation of macro ideas. I'm surprised that you didn't like it.      fuente
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Justin Wolfers
What's Going on in There? book cover
What's Going on in There?
How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life
Lise Eliot - 2000-10-03 (publicado por primera vez en 1999)
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Discover how the human brain develops from conception through the first critical five years of life in this thought-provoking book. As a neuroscientist and a mother, the author shares how nurturing can affect brain development and explores the roles of genetics and environment. With real-life examples and cutting-edge research, the book delves into the evolution of senses, motor skills, social behaviors, and mental functions like attention, language, memory, reasoning, and intelligence. Learn how parents can help their children grow smarter, happier, and healthier through brain-building practices.
Betsey Stevenson
@ElizWebHand @Claudia_Sahm OMG I LOVED that book. I treated it like my bible when I was pregnant with my first. I have two copies and it was marked up in many places.      fuente