Diedrich Bader
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Karl Diedrich Bader is an American actor, voice actor, and comedian. He is known for appearing in comedies, including the films The Beverly Hillbillies, Office Space, EuroTrip and Napoleon Dynamite and the sitcoms Better Things, Veep, Outsourced and American Housewife, most notably, the Drew Carey Show.
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The Amazing Baby Name Book
A (Possibly) Helpful and Slightly Amusing Guide from A-Z
Discover the perfect name for your baby, pet, or even a movie character with "The Amazing Baby Name Book." This charming collection of names from A to Z includes traditional, unique, and unexpected options, all curated by authors Amy Ephron and her daughters. With historical context, factual tidbits, and plenty of humor, this book is a must-read for new parents or anyone searching for a smile. Celebrate inspiration, inclusion, hope, and love with this perfect gift for yourself or a loved one.
Diedrich Bader
2022-10-06T23:35:09.000ZFollow journalist Mike McIntyre as he embarks on a penniless trek across America, relying solely on the kindness of strangers. Along the way, he encounters an array of unique individuals, including a biker-turned-minister, a lady firefighter who used to be a man, and a lonely woman seeking companionship. McIntyre's inspirational account highlights the warmth and generosity of strangers from all walks of life, and sheds light on the true essence of America. This heartening book is sure to restore your faith in humanity.
Diedrich Bader
2022-10-04T16:44:40.000ZHarpo Speaks! is a hilarious and authentic autobiography written by Harpo Marx, the best writer of the Marx Brothers, with the help of Rowland Barber. Despite his limited formal education, Harpo tells his story with humor and a sharp eye for detail. Highly recommended for anyone who loves a good laugh and an unpretentious memoir.
Diedrich Bader
2022-10-04T16:44:40.000ZThe author wickedly remembers and delectably recounts the scandals, gossip and glorious intimacies of the golden age of Hollywood....
Diedrich Bader
2022-10-04T16:44:40.000ZYeong-do, Corea, 1911
En una pequeña aldea de pescadores a la orilla del mar del Este, un hombre tullido se casa con una muchacha de quince años. La pareja tiene una hija, su adorada Sunja.
Cuando Sunja se queda embarazada de un hombre casado, la familia se enfrenta a la ruina. Pero entonces Isak, un joven sacerdote cristiano, le ofrece una oportunidad de salvación: una nueva vida en Japón como su esposa.
Tras seguir a un hombre al que apenas conoce hasta un país hostil donde no tiene amigos ni hogar, la salvación de Sunja no será más que el principio de su historia.
A través de ocho décadas y cuatro generaciones, Pachinko es un relato épico de familia, identidad, amor, muerte y supervivencia.
Novela finalista a los National Book Awards (EE.UU.)
Top 10 Mejores Libros de 2017 para el New York Times
Top 10 Libros del año para el USA Today
Top 10 Amazon mejores libros de 2017 Literatura y Ficción
Diedrich Bader
2022-04-15T16:26:30.000ZEl clásico norteamericano sobre la infancia y juventud de una hija de inmigrantes en el Brooklyn de la década de 1920.
Corren los años 20 del pasado siglo. Al abrir el libro, descubrimos a la pequeña Francie sentada en la escalera antiincendios de su casa, leyendo, a la sombra de un árbol. Poco a poco, la mirada se aleja de la chiquilla para abarcar a la estrafalaria familia Nolan, que malvive en el barrio de Brooklyn. Francie crece rodeada de los libros que tanto le gustan, y pronto empieza a pedirle a la vida algo más que un triste acomodo en la mediocridad. Un árbol crece en Brooklyn es una novela en la que los personajes son tan próximos que nos duelen sus dolores, y en la que el sueño americano cobra por fin peso y color.
Diedrich Bader
2021-06-03T17:13:01.000ZRecomendado por
Stephen Dubner
It's Even Worse Than It Looks
How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism
This book delves into the issues of hyperpartisanship and political deadlock in Congress that are endangering the American democratic system. The authors identify how the two major political parties have become adversarial and how one party has become ideologically extreme, refusing compromise at any cost. The authors offer useful ideas for reform and call on the media and public to focus on the root causes of dysfunction. This book is an urgent call to action for voters to reward problem-solving and strategically punish obstruction to save American democracy from collapse.
Explore the fascinating journey of a creative and well-connected woman through the tumultuous period of the twentieth century, from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Hollywood. This autobiography is a rich and intimate panorama of dissolving civilizations, with memorable encounters with influential figures such as Kafka, Rilke, and Einstein. Painful years of war and migration are described with vividness, leading to a new chapter in Hollywood where Salka's house becomes a meeting point for artists, musicians, and writers. A must-read for anyone interested in the cultural and artistic aristocracies of the past century.
Diedrich Bader
2021-01-02T19:51:29.000ZFinding home halfway across the world from their homeland, a family who were once at the heart of intellectual life in Weimar, Germany, must flee Europe after their work falls afoul of the Nazis. Los Angeles and New York aren't for them, but a chance stroll in a Vermont forest leads them to an eighteenth-century farm where they live for the next five years. From building chicken coops to refereeing fights between ducks, this family discovers the joys of farm life in America despite the endless work and brutal winters that trigger bouts of melancholy.
Diedrich Bader
2021-01-02T19:41:24.000ZAngel in the Whirlwind by Benson Bobrick
High Heel by Summer Brennan
Mr. Putin by Fiona Hill