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Donald Knuth

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Donald Ervin Knuth is an American computer scientist, mathematician, and professor emeritus at Stanford University. He is the 1974 recipient of the ACM Turing Award, informally considered the Nobel Prize of computer science. He is the author of the multi-volume work The Art of Computer Programming.
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Montañas book cover
La Lucha del Doctor Paul Farmer por Curar el Mundo
Tracy Kidder - 2004-08-31 (publicado por primera vez en 2003)
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Mientras estudiaba medicina, Paul Farmer supo cuál era la vocación de su curar enfermedades infecciosas y hacer accesibles las herramientas de la medicina moderna a aquellos que más la necesitan. Actualmente lleva adelante una colosal tarea de salud pública, originada en el sector más miserable del paupérrimo Haití. Farmer –nacido y criado en una familia errante y excéntrica en el sur de los Estados Unidos, destacado alumno de antropología de Lévi-Strauss en la Sorbona, recibido de médico en Harvard se dedica a combatir el SIDA, la tuberculosis y, muy especialmente, la incidencia de las condiciones sociales en enfermedades y epidemias. En Cange, una tierra baldía donde dominan la marginalidad y el hambre, secundado por setenta asistentes, casi todos haitianos, ha construido un paraíso de la salud que atiende en forma directa a unos cien mil campesinos de los alrededores y extiende su influencia a millones de personas. La tuberculosis, endémica en Haití, ha sido virtualmente erradicad del área de influencia de la clínica. Los esfuerzos de Farmer no se limitan al aspecto puramente sanitario. Buena parte del éxito se debe a la asistencia que ha prestado en temas de, por ejemplo, vivienda y agua corriente. "Montañas", que estuvo durante semanas en la listas de bestsellers del New York Times, es un relato atrapante y magnífico. La pobreza y la marginación mundiales y la capacidad de las sociedades ricas para aliviarlas son llevadas por la historia de Farmer a alturas cuando el compromiso se concreta directamente sobre el terreno los resultados son sorprendentes, y lo que parecía una gota en el océano tiene un efecto poderoso.
Donald Knuth
About how Paul Farmer's local and global life combines theory and practice.      fuente
Lifeline Rule book cover
Lifeline Rule
Doug Nufer - 2015-01-01
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Experience an awe-inspiring journey with this book that explores the themes of lucidity and dedication through a unique literary style. Lose yourself in the author's captivating vision of a new abode, where your eyes will be opened to new possibilities. Discover the power of a lifeline rule that will transform your perspective and leave you with a renewed sense of purpose.
Donald Knuth
The rule: parity to vowel; an awesome conovowel opus.      fuente
Feynman book cover
Jim Ottaviani - 2011-08-30
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Discover the captivating graphic novel biography of Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, adventurer, and renowned storyteller. Follow Feynman's exhilarating life from Long Island to his work on the Manhattan Project and the Challenger disaster. Written by Jim Ottaviani, a nonfiction comics expert, and illustrated by Leland Myrick, Feynman's larger-than-life exploits are brought to vivid detail. A must-read for anyone interested in quantum physics or the development of physics in the United States, this book is a joyful work that leaves readers in awe of the legendary Feynman's exuberant life.
Donald Knuth
Vivid, witty, hilarious, poignant: I laughed, I cried, I learned; demonstrates the unreasonable effectiveness of a graphic novel.      fuente
The Counterfeit Murder in the Museum of Man book cover
The Counterfeit Murder in the Museum of Man
A Norman de Ratour Mystery
Alfred Alcorn - 2010-05-04
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A murder mystery set in a museum, where the protagonist is the prime suspect. With his career and reputation on the line, Norman is aided by Alphus, an intellectual former primate, as he seeks to uncover the truth and clear his name. Along the way, he encounters a host of unusual suspects, each with their own secrets to hide. This cleverly plotted novel is full of witty satire and literary flair, pushing the boundaries of the mystery genre.
Donald Knuth
Delicious caricature of academic follies.      fuente
The Abominable Man book cover
The Abominable Man
A Martin Beck Police Mystery (7) (Martin Beck Police Mystery Series)
Maj Sjöwall - 2007-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1971)
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A high-ranking police officer is brutally murdered in his hospital bed with a bayonet. Detective Inspector Martin Beck must sift through a long list of potential suspects to identify the killer.
Donald Knuth
One of their brilliantly Swedish detective novels.      fuente
Blasphemy book cover
Douglas Preston - 2007-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2008)
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This thrilling novel delves into the mysteries of the universe and the consequences of tampering with creations of the divine. The world's most powerful supercomputer and a team of scientists aim to reveal the secrets of the Big Bang, but the risks are high. Will their experiment bring about the destruction of the world or save it? CIA operative Wyman Ford is on a mission to uncover their secret before it's too late. Get ready for a suspenseful countdown that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Donald Knuth
The best novel to deal with "science versus religion" that I've ever encountered.      fuente
La cocina y los alimentos book cover
La cocina y los alimentos
The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Harold McGee - 2004-11-23 (publicado por primera vez en 1984)
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La publicación por primera vez en castellano de La cocina y los alimentos, de Harold McGee, un clásico desde su publicación en 1984, es todo un acontecimiento. Se trata de una auténtica biblia para los amantes y profesionales de la gastronomía de todo el mundo. La cocina y los alimentos es un extraordinario compendio de información básica acerca de los ingredientes, las técnicas culinarias y los placeres del comer, que deleitará y fascinará a cualquiera que haya cocinado, saboreado la comida o disfrutado alguna vez de ella.
Donald Knuth
Applied biochemistry in the kitchen.      fuente
Recomendado por
Samin NosratChris Young
The Hornet's Nest book cover
The Hornet's Nest
A Novel of the Revolutionary War
Jimmy Carter - 2004-10-04 (publicado por primera vez en 2003)
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This historical novel by a former US President brings to life the Revolutionary War in the Deep South, a lesser-known but significant region of the conflict. Through a diverse cast of characters on both sides of the war, readers are taken on a journey that explores the brutality and complexities of this time. A moving love story, vivid action, and suspense make The Hornet's Nest a gripping read for anyone interested in major historical classics like The Last of the Mohicans.
Donald Knuth
A revolutionary novel about the Revolutionary War at all levels.      fuente
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents AmericaTeacher's Edition book cover
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents AmericaTeacher's Edition
A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction
Jon Stewart - 2004-01-01
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A humorous and informative book that corrects historical inaccuracies, gross distortions, and complete fabrications with the help of a real-life bearded college professor. It also includes nude photos of the newest Supreme Court justices for a good laugh.
Donald Knuth
Has graffiti even better than the marginal notes in Concrete Mathematics.      fuente
The Travels of Ibn Battutah book cover
The Travels of Ibn Battutah
Ibn Battutah - 2003-06-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1355)
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Explore the fascinating and daring travels of Ibn Battutah, a world-renowned ethnographer, biographer, historian, botanist, and gastronome. Follow his journey from Morocco to Mecca and through more than 40 countries, covering 75,000 miles and reaching as far north as the Volga, as far east as China, and as far south as Tanzania. This travelogue offers a rich and vivid perspective on the cultures, customs, and people of the medieval world, making it a timeless masterpiece of travel writing.
Donald Knuth
Fascinating and eye-opening journal by a 14th-century Muslim scholar.      fuente
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