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Ed Cooke

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Edward "Ed" Cooke is a British Entrepreneur and author of Remember, Remember: Learn the Stuff You Thought You Never Could. He is also a Grand Master of Memory and the co-founder of Memrise, a free online educational platform that uses memory techniques to optimise learning.
5 libros en la lista
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The Age of Wonder book cover
The Age of Wonder
The Romantic Generation and the Discovery of the Beauty and Terror of Science
Richard Holmes - 2009-07-14 (publicado por primera vez en 2008)
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Explore the birth of the Romantic Age of Science in this absorbing history that delves into the lives of the men and women who made groundbreaking discoveries and inventions at the end of the 18th century. Follow the voyages of Joseph Banks and Captain Cook in search of new worlds, and delve into the astronomical, chemical, poetic, and philosophical discoveries of William Herschel and Humphry Davy. Discover how the great Romantic writers, from Mary Shelley to Coleridge and Keats, were inspired by the scientific breakthroughs of their day. A thrilling evocation of the second scientific revolution, whose consequences still resonate today.
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Nancy PelosiBrian Earp
Las penas del joven Werther book cover
Las penas del joven Werther
Goethe - 2005-02-08 (publicado por primera vez en 1774)
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Desencantado de la vida de la ciudad, el joven Werther, artista y dibujante promisorio, decide retirarse a una aldea campesina. La naturaleza se abrirá camino en su inspiración. Las montañas, los arroyos, los tímidos animales de los bosques lo sorprenderán en sus paseos solitarios. Los simples campesinos del pueblo de Wahlheim se convierten en sus amigos y él se maravilla por la sinceridad de sus expresiones y la nobleza de sus sentimientos. En un baile en el pueblo Werther conocerá a Lotte, la bella joven que debe cuidar a sus hermanos después de la muerte de su madre. En medio de los giros hipnóticos de la danza, se enamorará de la belleza y las virtudes de la inocente Lotte. La tragedia cubrirá las expectativas de Werther como una tormenta cubre las montañas. Su amor por Lotte no puede manifestarse: ella está comprometida desde hace varios años con Albert, un oficial de la corte. Werther decide alejarse de Lotte para olvidar su amor. Sin embargo, su naturaleza pasional lo obligará a volver para enfrentarse a las consecuencias
Ed Cooke
Wonderful story of a young man who falls in love and it doesn't really work out so well.      fuente
Máximas y reflexiones book cover
Máximas y reflexiones
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1999-03-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1833)
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"Una colección de anécdotas y máximas será el mayor de los tesoros para el hombre de mundo que sepa intercalar las primeras en el lugar adecuado durante una conversación y recordar las segundas en el momento oportuno." Goethe
Ed Cooke
I read and reread this book.      fuente
Touching the Rock book cover
Touching the Rock
An Experience of Blindness
John M. Hull - 1992-06-02 (publicado por primera vez en 1990)
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Explore the world of blindness and perception in "Touching the Rock" where John Hull reflects on his experience of odd sounds, echoes, and a changed perception of his surroundings. Through beautiful language and deep reflection, Hull transforms his blindness into a gift that makes him an excellent watcher and hearer of the world. Read about a world where every human experience is transformed, from eating and lovemaking to buying drinks in a bar. This book is a must-read for anyone wishing to explore and understand a new perspective.
Ed Cooke
The story of a guy who goes blind very, very gradually for 20 years and then finally becomes completely blind. Many interesting things about it.      fuente
The Joyous Cosmology book cover
The Joyous Cosmology
Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness
Alan Watts - 1965-08-12 (publicado por primera vez en 1962)
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This classic account explores the levels of insight consciousness-altering drugs can provide when combined with philosophical reflection. The author, Alan Watts, delves into the profound, answering questions about the nature of existence and the sacred. The book includes forward authors Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert, who were Harvard professors, and is a must-read for those in search of understanding.
Ed Cooke
Well worth the read.      fuente