11 libros en la lista
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Cuando las arañas tejen juntas pueden atar a un león
El secreto de los equipos de más éxito del mundo
What do Pixar, Google and the San Antonio Spurs basketball team have in common?The answer is that they all owe their extraordinary success to their team-building skills. In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the most effective organisations in the world and reveals their secrets. He not only explains what makes such groups tick, but also identifies the key factors that can generate team cohesion in any walk of life. He examines the verbal and physical cues that bring people together. He determines specific strategies that encourage collaboration and build trust. And he offers cautionary tales of toxic cultures and advises how to reform them, above all demonstrating the extraordinary achievements that result when we know how to cooperate effectively.
Graham Duncan

A Mind at Home with Itself
How Asking Four Questions Can Free Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Turn Your World Around
A Mind at Home with Itself by a beloved spiritual teacher provides hope and joy in difficult times. Using her revolutionary system of self-inquiry, Byron Katie illuminates The Diamond Sutra to reveal the nature of the mind and liberate us from painful thoughts. This transformative work offers a new perspective on life and death, and has helped millions of people all over the world question their stressful thoughts and set themselves free from suffering.
Graham Duncan
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Tony Robbins
Making Sense of People
The Science of Personality Differences (2nd Edition)
Understanding people can be difficult, but this book will give you the tools you need to make sense of anyone. Drawing on extensive research, a renowned psychiatrist and neuroscientist provides practical summaries that will help you quickly assess anyone's tendencies, patterns, character, and sense of identity. With this knowledge, you can choose more satisfying relationships and make better decisions about whom to seek out and whom to avoid. This book will help you appreciate the complexity and uniqueness of everyone you meet.
Graham Duncan

The Aspirational Investor
Taming the Markets to Achieve Your Life's Goals
This book by the Chief Investment Officer of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management emphasizes the importance of aligning your investment strategy with your personal goals. Chhabra's "Wealth Allocation Framework" offers a practical approach to managing wealth that focuses on financial security, maintaining living standards over time, and pursuing aspirational goals. With surprising facts about wealth creation and a simplified understanding of key asset classes, The Aspirational Investor sets readers on a path to confident and fulfilling financial lives.
Graham Duncan
Discover five transformative tools to help you unlock your full potential and achieve dynamic personal growth with The Tools. Developed by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels, this dynamic practice focuses on delivering immediate relief and control from persistent problems, rather than dwelling on the past. These tools are designed to help you get unstuck, control anger, express yourself, combat anxiety, and find discipline. Praised by Dr. Mehmet Oz and Marianne Williamson, among others, The Tools is a groundbreaking method for realizing your full potential and experiencing real happiness.
Develop sophisticated leadership skills and solve complex problems with Changing on the Job. This book focuses on theories of adult growth and development to help readers become more thoughtful individuals and capable leaders in any scenario. With real-world examples, author Jennifer Garvey Berger offers building blocks to cultivate an agile workforce and improve performance. This resource is essential for coaches, HR professionals, and anyone who wants to flourish on the job while supporting the development of talent.
Graham Duncan

El cerebro del niño
12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
«Daniel Siegel y Tina Payne Bryson han escrito una guía magistral y fácil de leer para ayudar a desarrollar la inteligencia emocional de los niños. Este brillante método convierte las interaciones cotidianas en valiosas oportunidades para moldear el cerebro. Cualquiera que se preocupe por los niños -y que quiera a un niño- debería leer El cerebro del niño.» Daniel Goleman, autor de Inteligencia emocionalEn este libro innovador y práctico, Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsiquiatra y autor del bestseller Mindsight, y la experta en paternidad Tina Payne Bryson desmitifican las crisis y los conflictos, explicando los nuevos conocimientos científicos sobre cómo está constituido el cerebro y cómo madura.Incluyendo claras explicaciones, estrategias correspondientes a las distintas edades para enfrentarse a las luchas cotidianas e ilustraciones que ayudan a explicar estos conceptos a los niños, El cerebro del niño enseña a cultivar un desarrollo emocional e intelectual sano para que los niños puedan tener una vida equilibrada, significativa y conectada.Daniel J. Siegel es profesor de psiquiatría en la Facultad de Medicina de la UCLA, codirector del centro de investigación Mindful Awareness de la UCLA y director ejecutivo del Mindsight Institute. Es autor de las obras reconocidas internacionalmente como Cerebro y mindfulness y La mente en desarrollo. El doctor Siegel pronuncia discursos de inauguración en congresos y presenta talleres en todo el mundo. Vive en Los Ángeles con su mujer y sus hijos.Tina Payne Bryson es psicoterapeuta de niños y adolescentes, consultora de padres y directora del departamento de educación y desarrollo parental en el Mindsight Institute. Conferenciante habitual ante padres, educadores y profesionales, vive cerca de Los Ángeles con su marido y sus tres hijos.
Graham Duncan
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PinkIn Over Our Heads by Robert Kegan explores the question whether anyone would graduate a contemporary culture school, given its complex demands and expectations. Kegan guides readers through this tricky curriculum, assessing its fit with our mental capacities, and revealing what happens when we find ourselves in over our heads. He applies his widely acclaimed theory of evolving human consciousness to the mental complexity of adulthood, to help readers gain fresh perspectives on cultural controversies. This book offers a theory of evolving ways of knowing, allowing readers to view adult development much like child development.
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Ray DalioMuchos de los grandes artistas y pensadores de la historia de todos los tiempos fueron personas altamente sensibles (PAS). En la actualidad una de cada cinco personas nace con una elevada sensibilidad. Éste es el primer libro que le ayudará a descubrir y comprender este don de la personalidad en usted mismo y que le mostrará cómo obtener el máximo partido de él. Combinando una sólida investigación con la experiencia clínica acumulada durante muchos años, la doctora Aron ofrece tests de autoevaluación, estudios de casos reales, testimonios, consejos prácticos y reflexiones sobre el universo de las personas altamente sensibles y su contribución al desarrollo humano y tecnológico de la humanidad.
«Este excepcional libro se dirige claramente a las personas de elevada sensibilidad. Ofrece una perspectiva fresca, un panorama confortante y una propuesta interesante para redescubrir nuestro lugar en la sociedad.» JOHN GRAY, autor de Los hombres son de Marte, las mujeres de Venus.
«Todos, hasta los más rudos, deberían conocer el análisis perceptivo que hace Elaine Aron de esta dimensión fundamental de la naturaleza humana. Con un atractivo estilo, la autora nos descubre las muchas facetas de la sensibilidad. Su equilibrada presentación nos muestra los desafíos y las tribulaciones a las que se enfrentan estas personas, y sugiere nuevos caminos para hacer de la sensibilidad una bendición, nunca una desventaja.» PHILIP G. ZIMBARDO, autor de Shyness
Graham Duncan
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Alanis MorissetteBreakfast at the Victory by James P. Carse
Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse