14 libros en la lista
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The Bonanza King
John Mackay and the Battle over the Greatest Riches in the American West
This biography tells the story of John W. Mackay, a self-made Irish immigrant who rose from poverty to control Nevada's Comstock Lode. Overcoming thousands of rivals, Mackay took on the pernicious "Bank Ring" monopoly to claim the legendary "Big Bonanza," a stupendously rich body of gold and silver ore discovered beneath the streets of Virginia City. Gregory Crouch's well-researched and well-written book is a dazzling tour de force, featuring great period photographs and maps, and is a riveting history of Virginia City, Nevada, the Comstock Lode, and America itself.
Ian Cassel
Driven to Succeed
How Frank Hasenfratz Grew Linamar from Guelph to Global
"Driven to Succeed" tells the inspiring story of Frank Hasenfratz, who fled his war-torn home country and gambled everything on a one-man operation making oil pumps for Ford in Ontario. Today, his company Linamar has 15,000 employees in eight countries and is the second-largest maker of auto parts in Canada. Hasenfratz stayed ahead of competitors through visionary leadership, a cost-conscious regimen, and a skilled workforce. The book also explores Hasenfratz's dedication to preparing his daughter Linda to succeed him as CEO through a prolonged apprenticeship. Discover what one daring entrepreneur can achieve with dreams and determination.
Ian Cassel
2022-03-13T12:21:35.000ZDiscover the incredible story of Julian Van Winkle III and his fight to protect his family's heritage and preserve the taste of their legendary Kentucky Bourbon whiskey. As the third-generation head of his family's business, Julian is now known as the Booze Yoda of Bourbon, with people swarming him for the chance to taste his rare and coveted Pappy Van Winkle Family Reserve. But things haven't always been easy - Julian had to fight to preserve the legacy of his grandfather in a world where authenticity is in short supply. Join him and award-winning journalist Wright Thompson as they explore the challenge of living up to your legacy and the rewards that come from knowing and honoring your craft.
Ian Cassel
The Emotionally Intelligent Investor
How self-awareness, empathy and intuition drive performance
Discover how to develop an investment approach that works with your unique personality traits, motivations, and biases. The Emotionally Intelligent Investor challenges traditional beliefs and teaches you to harness your emotions for investment success. Learn the importance of self-reflection, empathy, and intuition in the stock market, and how to utilize these skills to make better investment decisions. With helpful examples and a framework for success, this book provides a fresh perspective on investing.
Ian Cassel
2021-04-14T11:15:47.000ZDiscover the captivating world of Wall Street's most successful brokers and their secrets to picking the right stocks. This entertaining and amusing book delves into the tics, methods, and strategies of one of Wall Street's best-known stockbrokers. With an expertise in picking undervalued stocks set for explosive growth, this book offers insights into the world of successful stockbroking.
"Killing the Market" delves into the incredible success story of Robert W. Wilson, the greatest investor of all time based on percentage return on capital. From a $15,000 investment in 1958, he accumulated a staggering $800 million by 2000, and then gave away $700 million of it to charity. This book aims to uncover his secrets to success and explore his transition from the investing world to philanthropy. Discover the inspiring journey of a man who made a difference with his wealth.
Ian Cassel
The Great Beanie Baby Bubble
The Amazing Story of How America Lost Its Mind Over a Plush Toy--and the Eccentric Genius Behind It
Discover the extraordinary story of the Beanie Baby craze that took the world by storm in the 1990s. This book explores how eccentric college dropout Ty Warner became a billionaire in just three years thanks to collectors, and delves into the devastating end of the craze. With hundreds of interviews conducted by the author, including a man who lives with 40,000 Ty products and an imprisoned killer, this book is a fascinating and gripping read for anyone interested in the world of consumer crazes.
Recomendado por
Ben CarlsonAn Academy Award®–winning actor shares raucous stories and outlaw wisdom in this unconventional memoir. Filled with lessons learned the hard way about living with greater satisfaction, this book covers how to get relative with inevitable challenges, hurt people less, get hurt less, and have more fun. With fifty years of sights and seens, felts and figured-outs, graces, truths, and beauties of brutality, this is a guide to catching more greenlights and realizing that yellows and reds eventually turn green too.
"Es una historia sobre el espíritu empresarial, el riesgo, y el trabajo duro, y sobre saber a dónde quieres ir y estar dispuesto a hacer lo que sea necesario para llegar allí. Es una historia sobre creer en tu idea, incluso cuando tal vez otras personas no creen en ella, y sobre apoyarte en tus mejores fortalezas". - Sam Walton
Conozca a un genuino héroe popular americano proveniente del mero centro del corazón de los Estados Unidos: Sam Walton, un hombre que convirtió una única tienda de pueblo en Walmart, el negocio minorista más grande del mundo. Rey mercantil indiscutible de finales del siglo XX, Walton nunca perdió el toque de hombre común. Genuinamente modesto, pero siempre seguro de sus ambiciones y sus logros, Walton comparte su extraordinaria biografía con un estilo sincero y directo, y en sus propias palabras inimitables recuenta la historia de la inspiración, el corazón y el optimismo que lo impulsaron a alcanzar el sueño americano.
Ian Cassel
2020-08-16T22:50:52.000Z100 Baggers by Christopher W Mayer
The Rebel Allocator by Jacob Taylor
Open by Andre Agassi
Cable Cowboy by Mark Robichaux
Free Capital by Guy Thomas