Jonathan Eisen
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Jonathan Eisen is an American evolutionary biologist, currently working at University of California, Davis. His academic research is in the fields of evolutionary biology, genomics and microbiology and he is the academic editor-in-chief of the open access journal PLOS Biology.
13 libros en la lista
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Discover the fascinating, true story of the world's deadliest disease - the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918 that killed an estimated 40 million people virtually overnight. Gina Kolata, an acclaimed reporter for "The New York Times," unravels the mystery of this lethal virus with the high drama of a great adventure story. Delve into the history of this mortal disease, the science behind it, and the latest understanding of the flu. Learn about the prospects for a great epidemic recurring and most importantly, what can be done to prevent it.

Pandemic 1918
Eyewitness Accounts from the Greatest Medical Holocaust in Modern History
Explore the deadliest pandemic in history with Pandemic 1918, a gripping narrative by Catharine Arnold. Amid the chaos of World War I, a terrifying virus spread across the globe, killing over 50 million people in three successive waves. Governments suppressed news of the outbreak, and even buried details of servicemen's deaths to protect public morale. The medical profession was shattered after years of conflict, lacking the resources to contain and defeat the new enemy. Gain a global perspective through primary and archival sources, and discover how the Spanish Flu altered world history in this compelling read.
Explore the fascinating world of viruses with this stunningly illustrated guide. Discover how not all viruses are harmful, with many actually being beneficial to their hosts and the health of the planet. Learn about the 101 incredible microbes that infect all branches of life on Earth, including humans, animals, insects, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Featuring hundreds of breathtaking color images, each entry provides interesting facts and graphics about each virus, such as their origins, hosts, transmission, and whether there is a vaccine. This guide offers a new appreciation for the unseen wonders of the microbial world.
Desde hace años, para los expertos y cualquier persona informada, el estallido de la siguiente pandemia era una cuestión de tiempo, y su origen, evidente: un virus latente en animales que diera el salto al ser humano como el HIV que provocó el SIDA o el H1N1 que causó la gripe de 1918, el ébola, el SARS, el virus de Marburgo o el que produjo la gripe aviar. En esta obra de referencia internacional, David Quammen se sumerge en la historia reciente de esas enfermedades zoonóticas, y persigue su rastro en compañía de los mejores científicos del mundo en la selva centroafricana, las cuevas de China meridional o las azoteas de Bangladés, pero también en los sofisticados laboratorios cuyo personal investiga virus letales bajo las más altas medidas de seguridad. Aunque Contagio se lee como un thriller, repleto de incidentes, pistas e interrogantes, a la vista de la crisis desatada por la aparición del SARS-CoV-2, su lectura no solo resulta apasionante; es imprescindible.
Explore the hidden world of viruses with this fascinating book, which delves into how these tiny living things hold sway over our lives and biosphere. From the common cold to diseases that cause branch-like growths, viruses are ever-present in our lives, and this book provides the latest research on how they affect us, how they produced the first life-forms, and how we can harness them for our own benefit. Discover the incredible number of viruses in the world's oceans, how the evolution of HIV is mutating, and what treatments for the common cold actually do. With insight from a respected science journalist, A Planet of Viruses is a must-read for anyone curious about the frontiers of biology.
Disease detectives of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention run towards disease outbreaks while most people run away. Maryn McKenna's Beating Back the Devil follows the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), who track and prevent disease outbreaks and bioterrorist attacks around the world, even in anonymity. McKenna offers a riveting narrative of EIS's first class of disease detectives to confront both naturally occurring outbreaks and man-made threats after September 11. They are the researchers donning yellow suits to battle every new disease before it turns into an epidemic. Beating Back the Devil is an urgent and compelling book that takes readers inside the world of medical detectives working to stop the next epidemic before it's too late.
Discover the most up-to-date guide to North American bird species with this fully revised field guide. With over 2.75 million copies sold, it's the most frequently updated guide on the market. Featuring hand-painted illustrations from top nature artists and organized to match the latest American Ornithological Society taxonomy, it's perfect for beginning to advanced birders. This 7th edition includes 37 new species, 16 new pages of illustrations, 80 new maps, and 350 map revisions. Don't miss out on this must-have guide for serious birders in the United States and Canada.
Discover the fascinating world of microbiology with this international bestseller, translated into eighteen languages. Follow the journeys of the first scientists to delve into the microscopic world, and learn how they discovered and fought against deadly microbes. Written with affectionate sympathy by Paul de Kruif, this dramatization of their discoveries continues to captivate and engage readers today.
Explore the shocking and secretive world of Russia's bioweapon experiments with Biohazard. Delve into the two decades of groundbreaking discoveries, including the reengineering of hazardous microbes to make them even more deadly, the creation of a new class of untraceable biological agents, and even an attempt to turn the AIDS virus into the ultimate bioweapon. Discover the real-world intrigue and chilling stories of doctors who manufacture mass destruction, silencing witnesses to their errors forever. Biohazard is an eye-opening glimpse into a shadowy scientific underworld that is closer than we ever dared believe.
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