16 libros en la lista
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Praise for Katherine Franke’s The Perils of Marriage Equality : “A persuasive and provocative addition to scholarship on the history and the influence of marriage.” ― Women’s Review of Books “Rigorous, historical.” ― Los Angeles Review of Books Katherine Franke makes a powerful case for reparations for Black Americans by amplifying the stories of f...
"Discover the intersection of socialism and the Palestinian struggle for liberation in this thought-provoking edited volume. Examining historical and contemporary contexts, Palestine: A Socialist Introduction provides valuable lessons for activists and offers a compelling argument that the movement for justice in Palestine must take up the question of socialism worldwide. Authoritative contributors include Omar Barghouti, Remi Kanazi, and Khury Petersen-Smith."
Un libro de memorias poético y poderoso sobre lo que significa ser una mujer negra en Estados Unidos y la co-fundación de un movimiento que exige justicia para todos en la tierra de los libres.
Criada por una madre soltera en un barrio empobrecido de Los Ángeles, Patrisse Khan-Cullors experimentó de primera mano el prejuicio y la persecución que sufren los afroamericanos a manos de las fuerzas del orden. Para Patrisse, las personas más vulnerables del país son los negros. Perseguidos deliberada y despiadadamente por un sistema de justicia penal que funciona según la agenda de privilegios de los blancos, los negros están sujetos a un categorización racial injustificable y a la brutalidad policial. En 2013, cuando el asesino de Trayvon Martin quedó libre, la indignación de Patrisse la llevó a cofundar Black Lives Matter con Alicia Garza y Opal Tometi.
Condenadas como terroristas y consideradas una amenaza para Estados Unidos, estas amorosas mujeres fundaron un hashtag que dio origen al movimiento para exigir responsabilidades a las autoridades que continuamente hacen la vista gorda ante las injusticias infligidas a las personas de piel negra y morena.
Patrisse, que defiende los derechos humanos frente al racismo violento, es una superviviente. Transformó su dolor personal en poder político, dando voz a un pueblo que sufría la desigualdad y un movimiento impulsado por su fuerza y amor para decirle al país y al mundo que Black Lives Matter.
Cuando te llaman terrorista es la reflexión de Patrisse Khan-Cullors y Asha Bandele sobre la humanidad.
Linda Sarsour
2020-01-20T01:10:53.000ZRecomendado por
Glen MazzaraA moving memoir about an activist's battle with ALS and his renewed commitment to social justice. Ady Barkan's diagnosis gave him a profound new outlook on life, and he refused to let his remaining days go to waste. Through intertwining storylines, Barkan shares his journey from a political nerd to a prominent figure in the ongoing fight for equity and justice. "Eyes to the Wind" is a rousing memoir about determination, perseverance, love, and hope from one of today's most vocal advocates for social justice.
Linda Sarsour
2019-09-28T04:41:23.000ZTeaching for Black Lives is a revolutionary tool in the resistance against racist, fascist, white nationalist ideology in education. Divided into five sections, the book covers topics ranging from making black lives matter in our schools to exploring identity and loving blackness. This timely volume should become a central staple in how we understand race and the radical imaginary in K-12 classrooms.
Linda Sarsour
The Impossible Will Take a Little While
A Citizen's Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear
An anthology of political hope, this book tackles the question of what keeps us motivated to work towards a more humane world, even when it seems impossible. Bringing together 50 stories and essays from a range of nations and movements, this collection offers inspiration and practical guidance for those looking to heal their communities, nation, and planet amidst trying times. Featuring both new and classic works by contributors such as Danusha Goska and Vaclav Havel, this book will help readers move beyond despair to compassion and hope.
Linda Sarsour
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement
"Freedom Is a Constant Struggle" by Angela Y. Davis delves into the historical and global fight against state violence and oppression. This collection of essays, interviews, and speeches discusses the significance of black feminism, intersectionality, and prison abolitionism in modern times. Davis draws connections between past liberation movements and current struggles, from Ferguson to Palestine. Through her thought-provoking words, Davis inspires readers to envision and construct a movement for true human liberation.
NATIONAL BOOK AWARD 2015 de No ficción.
Una carta de un padre a su hijo. Una profunda reflexión sobre la realidad social de la Norteamérica actual que recoge grandes temas universales como la discriminación, la desigualdad y el activismo necesario para combatirlas. «Éste es tu país, tu mundo, tu cuerpo, y debes encontrar la manera de vivir con todo ello.» «La que quiero para ti es que seas un ciudadano consciente de este mundo terrible y hermoso.»
Democracy Matters examines the development of democracy in America and the Middle East. Philosopher Cornel West argues that to better promote democratization globally, America must first confront its history of imperialist corruption. West highlights the connection between racism and imperialism in America's hegemonic pursuits, and explores the hypocrisies in our country's dealings with the world. He calls for a revival of America's democratic spirit, drawing from the powerful voices of the democratization tradition, including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This passionate and provocative book challenges our views on America's role in the world today.
Assata by Assata Shakur
Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes by Francesca Elena, Cavallo Favilli
Threading My Prayer Rug by Sabeeha Rehman
An Introduction to Islamic Law by Wael B. Hallaq
Shari'ah Law by Mohammad Hashim Kamali
The Life and Work of Muhammad by Yahiya Emerick
Going to Meet the Man by James Baldwin