Max Keiser
Libros Recomendados
Timothy Maxwell "Max" Keiser is an American broadcaster and film maker. He hosts Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on the media channel RT that features heterodox economics theories. Until November 2012, Keiser anchored On the Edge, a program of news and analysis hosted by Iran's Press TV.
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The Blocksize War
The battle over who controls Bitcoin’s protocol rules
Explore the fascinating world of Bitcoin's blocksize war, a conflict that took place from August 2015 to November 2017. While it initially appeared to be a debate over data allowances, the war uncovered much deeper issues about who controls Bitcoin's protocol rules. This book provides a chronology of the most significant events, focusing on major characters and offering insights from key players on both sides of the conflict. Discover motivations, strategies, and thought processes in this intriguing read.
Max Keiser
2021-04-14T12:09:40.000ZRecomendado por
Joe Weisenthal"Bitcoin & Black America" uncovers the powerful possibilities when black economics, Bitcoin and blockchain technology intersect. From incorporating Bitcoin into your career, to breaking away from the racist banking system and connecting with black professionals in the Blockchain industry, this dynamic book is a must-read for anyone interested in shaping the future of finance."
Max Keiser
The Price of Tomorrow
Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future
Discover the economic and technological realities shaping our future with this contrarian book by a leading mind in e-commerce and technology. In "The Price of Tomorrow," the author highlights the deflationary effects of technological advances, and argues that our traditional economic systems are no longer effective in this era of abundance. Instead, he proposes a new framework for our global economies that embraces deflation and the potential for abundance, rather than clinging to outdated growth and inflation models. A must-read for anyone interested in the future of our economy and society.
Max Keiser
2020-11-14T01:17:24.000ZRecomendado por
Preston PyshUnlock the secrets of Bitcoin and unleash its full potential with this eye-opening book. Discover why Bitcoin is not just a startup, but an internet-native phenomenon that has the potential to grow exponentially, and how its value could rise by 50 times in the coming decade. Written in an engaging style, this book explains the role of money in our society, the current state of debt in our economy, and how Bitcoin provides a better solution. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn about and invest in this revolutionary cryptocurrency.

El patrón Bitcoin
La alternativa descentralizada a los bancos centrales (Deusto)
La crisis financiera ha dejado un poso general de desconfianza en la sociedad. Todo lo que tiene que ver con el mundo financiero es visto con un recelo no siempre justificado y, en este caldo de cultivo, han nacido las llamadas criptomonedas. Partiendo de esta premisa, el profesor y economista Saifedean Ammous explica, con afán pedagógico, la historia del dinero y expone por qué el futuro pertenece al Bitcoin, entre otras criptomonedas.
Si los males del sistema financiero y monetario tienen que ver con la inestabilidad, la fragilidad o la creación de burbujas de activos, las criptomonedas, lejos de agravar estas críticas generalizadas, pueden ayudar a mitigarlas. Frente al intervencionismo, el Bitcoin, gracias a la tecnología blockchain que lo sustenta, ofrece un servicio de pago confiable, seguro, llamado a plantar cara al monopolio monetario de los bancos centrales.
Desde las piedras preciosas hasta las monedas de curso corriente, pasando por el patrón oro y las burbujas de expansión crediticia, la historia del dinero es la de crisis y rupturas que buscan ser superadas, y este libro argumenta por qué podemos creer que el Bitcoin puede llegar a ser la solución a este problema histórico.
Una lectura fascinante.
Del prólogo de Nassim Nicholas Taleb, autor de El cisne negro
Max Keiser
2019-07-18T01:38:07.000ZThe I Ching , or "Book of Change," is considered the oldest of the Chinese classics and has throughout history commanded unsurpassed prestige and popularity. Containing several layers of text and given numerous levels of interpretation, it has captured continuous attention for well over two thousand years. It has been considered a book of fundament...
Max Keiser