Peter Adeney
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Mr. Money Mustache is the website and pseudonym of Canadian-born blogger Peter Adeney. Adeney retired from his job as a software engineer in 2005 at age 30 by spending only a small percentage of his annual salary and consistently investing the remainder, primarily in stock market index funds.
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This is the right time to ask yourself: “What should I be doing to help?”
For the first time in history, it is now within our reach to eradicate world poverty and the suffering it brings. Yet around the world, a billion people struggle to live each day on less than many of us pay for bottled water. And though the number of deaths attributable to poverty worldwide has fallen dramatically in the past half-century, nearly ten million children still die unnecessarily each year. The people of the developed world face a profound choice: If we are not to turn our backs on a fifth of the world’s population, we must become part of the solution.
In The Life You Can Save, philosopher Peter Singer, named one of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World” by Time magazine, uses ethical arguments, provocative thought experiments, illuminating examples, and case studies of charitable giving to show that our current response to world poverty is not only insufficient but ethically indefensible.
Singer contends that we need to change our views of what is involved in living an ethical life. To help us play our part in bringing about that change, he offers a seven-point plan that mixes personal philanthropy (figuring how much to give and how best to give it), local activism (spreading the word in your community), and political awareness (contacting your representatives to ensure that your nation’s foreign aid is really directed to the world’s poorest people).
In The Life You Can Save, Singer makes the irrefutable argument that giving will make a huge difference in the lives of others, without diminishing the quality of our own. This book is an urgent call to action and a hopeful primer on the power of compassion, when mixed with rigorous investigation and careful reasoning, to lift others out of despair.
Peter Adeney
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Nigel Warburton
I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition
No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works
Learn how to earn more, save more, and live a rich life with this groundbreaking bestseller that Forbes calls a "wealth wizard." Personal finance expert Ramit Sethi has updated and expanded this modern money classic with a simple, powerful 6-week program that just works. Discover how to crush your debt, set up no-fee high-interest bank accounts, automate your finances, save hundreds or thousands every month, and more with word-for-word scripts and a dead simple investment strategy. This revised 2nd edition also includes new tools, insights on money and psychology, and amazing stories from readers who created their rich lives using the book. Master your money and get on with your life guilt-free.
Peter Adeney

Economía al Desnudo
Por qué Bill Gates es más rico que yo y otras cuestiones.
Naked Economics makes up for all of those Econ 101 lectures you slept through (or avoided) in college, demystifying key concepts, laying bare the truths behind the numbers, and answering those questions you have always been too embarrassed to ask. For all the discussion of Alan Greenspan in the media, does anyone know what the Fed actually does? And what about those blackouts in California? Were they a conspiracy on the part of the power companies? Economics is life. There's no way to understand the important issues without it. Now, with Charles Wheelan's breezy tour, there's no reason to fear this highly relevant subject. With the commonsensical examples and brilliantly acerbic commentary we've come to associate with The Economist, Wheelan brings economics to life. Amazingly, he does so with nary a chart, graph, or mathematical equation in sight—certainly a feat to be witnessed firsthand.
Economics is a crucial subject. There's no way to understand the important issues without it. Now, with Charles Wheelan's breezy tour, there's also no reason to fear it.
Peter Adeney

Un paseo aleatorio por Wall Street
La estrategia para invertir con exito
Este libro es una visita guiada por el complejo mundo de la bolsa y las finanzas. Muchas personas opinan que el inversor particular tiene muy pocas posibilidades frente a los expertos financieros. Es frecuente oír que ya no existe lugar para los individuos en los mercados institucionalizados modernos. Nada más lejos de la realidad. Desde que se publicó la primera edición en 1973 “Un paseo aleatorio por Wall Street” demuestra que cualquier persona lo puede hacer tan bien como los expertos, y es posible que aún mejor. “En los últimos cincuenta años no se han escrito más que media docena de libros verdaderamente buenos sobre cómo invertir. Éste puede considerarse un clásico.” Forbes “Una útil introducción al mundo de las inversiones con abundantes consejos de sentido común.” Wall Street Journal
Peter Adeney
Discover the fascinating story of how one man and his company, the largest mutual fund organization on earth, gave rise to the Index Revolution and transformed the lives of millions of individual investors. From the mind of the founder of the Vanguard Group comes Stay the Course, an engrossing blend of company history, investment perspective, and personal memoir. Explore the history of some of Vanguard’s most important mutual funds, gain insight on John Bogle’s views on values such as perseverance, caring, commitment, integrity, and fairness, and investigate a wide range of investing topics through the lens of one of the most prominent figures in the history of modern finance. Investors, wealth managers, financial advisors, business leaders, and those who enjoy a good story will find this book as informative as it is inspiring.
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Ben Carlson
The Simple Path to Wealth
Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life
Discover the simple path to building wealth with this essential guide to money and investing. Written in a warm and approachable style, the author presents a unique and powerful approach to understanding money that is easy to implement and more effective than other, more complex investment strategies. Explore topics like debt, F-you Money, the stock market, and specific investment strategies in a way that is both entertaining and informative. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned investor, this book provides the tools and knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your financial future.
Peter Adeney
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Abhishek KarEsta es una mirada compleja a un hombre complejo, una moderna combinación de Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes y Steve Jobs. Su nombre es Elon Musk, y es el empresario que está detrás de Tesla Motors, SpaceX y SolarCity, empresas innovadoras en sus respectivos campos —la automovilística, la aeronáutica y la energía— con las que Musk está consiguiendo hacer realidad lo que hasta hace poco no era más que ciencia ficción Nacido en Sudáfrica, Musk tuvo una infancia difícil de niño prodigio con la mirada puesta en Estados Unidos. En cuanto pudo, cruzó medio mundo para estudiar en Pennsylvania. Vendió la primera empresa que creó, Zip2, por 300 millones de dólares, y la segunda PayPal, por 1.500. A partir de ese momento, empezó a soñar a lo grande: coches eléctricos a precios asequibles, cohetes espaciales, colonias en Marte, un tren capaz de circular a 1.200 kilómetros por hora, baterías de litio en las que almacenar energía y poder prescindir de las eléctricas… Esta es la verdadera historia de la tumultuosa ascensión a las cumbres del mundo empresarial de Musk, un hombre que ha revolucionado la industria americana y ha roto todos los límites de la innovación, ganándose inevitablemente unos cuantos enemigos por el camino. Más que un inventor, más que un pensador, más que un genio, Musk es el perfecto ejemplo del emprendedor que persigue cambiar nuestra vida cotidiana hasta extremos que todavía no somos capaces de imaginar.
In this candid and riveting memoir, the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and US Treasury Secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, takes readers behind the scenes of the worst financial crisis in American history. He describes the hard choices and politically unpopular decisions he made to rescue and recover a broken financial system and prevent the collapse of the economy. Stress Test is a valuable guide to how governments can better manage financial crises and a hopeful story about public service.
Peter Adeney
"Happy City" is a fascinating exploration of how cities impact our well-being. With the rise of urban living, is dense city living truly better for our happiness? Author Charles Montgomery examines the intersection of urban design and happiness science to answer this question. Along the way, Montgomery meets with city visionaries, architects, and activists who are working to make cities more livable, from Bogotá's "sexy" bus to Paris's urban beaches. With insights from psychology, neuroscience, and urban experiments, "Happy City" offers hope for retrofitting our cities and lives to increase happiness and improve the world.
This thought-provoking book by John C. Bogle, the creator of the first index fund, discusses the shift in the financial industry from a long-term investment culture to a short-term speculation culture. In The Clash of the Cultures, Bogle calls for a return to common sense principles and a federal standard of fiduciary duty. He shares his views on the failure of institutional money managers and the need for investors to meet their financial goals. The book presents a case study on the success of investment and the failure of speculation and concludes with ten simple rules for investors.
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Don't Count on It! by John C. Bogle
Beyond Wealth by Alexander Green
Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker
El pequeño libro que aún vence al mercado by Joel Greenblatt
El Optimista Racional by Matt Ridley
Plenitude by Schor
El cuerpo perfecto en 4 horas by Timothy Ferriss
El arte de la buena vida by William B. Irvine
Crash Proof 2.0 by Peter D. Schiff
Enough by John C. Bogle
La bola de nieve by Alice Schroeder
The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria
Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
Sculpting Her Body Perfect by Brad Schoenfeld
El pequeño libro para invertir con sentido común by John C. Bogle
The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism by John C. Bogle
Struck by Lightning by Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
El gen egoísta by Richard Dawkins
Toward Rational Exuberance by B. Mark Smith
Character Counts by John C. Bogle
Cómo invertir en fondos de inversión con sentido común by John C. Bogle
The Intelligent Asset Allocator by William Bernstein
John Bogle on Investing by John C. Bogle
La bolsa o la vida by Vicki Robin
El millonario de la puerta de al lado by Thomas J. Stanley
Economics Explained by Robert L. Heilbroner
Bogle On Mutual Funds by John C. Bogle
La magia de pensar en grande by David J Schwartz
Arnold's Bodybuilding for Men by Arnold Schwarzenegger