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Preeti Shenoy

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Preeti Shenoy is an Indian author. She has been consistently nominated for the Forbes List of the 100 most influential celebrities in India since 2013. Preeti received the Indian of the Year award by Brands Academy. She has also received Business excellence award instituted by New Delhi Management Institute.
35 libros en la lista
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Carrie Soto Is Back book cover
Carrie Soto Is Back
A Novel
Taylor Jenkins Reid - 2022-08-30
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A retired tennis legend attempts a comeback to reclaim her record and greatness, coached by her father and former champion. Facing age, tough competitors, and personal demons, she must prove to herself and the world that she's still the best. This emotional and powerful novel explores the cost of greatness and the sacrifices made in pursuit of it, from the bestselling author of Malibu Rising.
Preeti Shenoy
Just finished this BRILLIANT book by @tjenkinsreid . I am not a Tennis 🎾 fan but totally fell in love 😍 with the Sotos, the grand slams and everything to do with it because of the fabulous writing . Riveting ! Couldn’t stop reading.Highly recommend. #books @PenguinIndia      fuente
Life Switch book cover
Life Switch
It’s Your Life. Until it’s Not
Madhuri Banerjee - 2023-02-15
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Just imagine....
Preeti Shenoy
Perfect travelling 🧳 companion! Loving this super-engrossing book by @Madhuribanerjee ! #books #writerscommunity      fuente
Devi & the Battle of Meghadhanush  book cover
Devi & the Battle of Meghadhanush
A Rasa Bhugola Story
Gayatri - 2023-01-16
This book recounts the adventures of 11-year-old Devi, as she is transposed to a whole new world of the nine Rasa sisters: the Rasa Bhugola, or the world of emotions. In this strange and fascinating dimension that maps her emotional state of being, she encounters new facets of her real life and soon realises there is a definite connection between t...
Preeti Shenoy
LOVED this book by @G_y_tri . It’s BEAUTIFULLY written and difficult concepts addressed so well 😍This 👇🏽is the detailed review I posted on my insta highlights. Check my highlights for more book reviews and recommendations. #books #BookRecommendations      fuente
Recomendado por
Harini Calamur
Canción dulce book cover
Canción dulce
A Novel
Leila Slimani - 2018-01-09 (publicado por primera vez en 2016)
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Myriam, madre de dos niños, decide reemprender su actividad laboral en un bufete de abogados a pesar de las reticencias de su marido. Tras un minucioso proceso de selección para encontrar una niñera, se deciden por Louise, que rápidamente conquista el corazón de los niños y se convierte en una figura imprescindible en el hogar. Pero poco a poco la trampa de la interdependencia va a convertirse en un drama. Con un estilo directo, incisivo y tenebroso en ocasiones, Leila Slimani despliega un inquietante thriller donde, a través de los personajes, se nos revelan los problemas de la sociedad actual, con su concepción del amor y de la educación, del sometimiento y del dinero, de los prejuicios de clase y culturales. "Canción dulce" ganó el Premio Goncourt 2016.
Preeti Shenoy
This is a fabulous book! I have recommended it in my insta highlights where I review books I read.      fuente
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World book cover
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World
Elif Shafak - 2019-01-01
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A captivating novel that explores the power of friendship and the darkest corners of Istanbul's sex trafficking industry. After being murdered and left in a dumpster, Tequila Leila's consciousness continues for 10 minutes 38 seconds, during which she reflects on her life, including her escape from a polygamous family and her journey into the sordid world of sex trafficking. But through it all, she finds solace in the bonds of friendship. Through Tequila Leila's memories, readers are taken on a journey through modern Istanbul, painting a vivid picture of its secrets and wonders. A breathtaking, moving conclusion awaits readers as her chosen family brings her story to a close.
Preeti Shenoy
@PritishNandy Thank you! The book is a brilliant one — elif shafak’s 10 mins 38 seconds in this strange world. Absolutely fantastic writing . Loving the book 📖      fuente
Open Book book cover
Open Book
Not Quite a Memoir
Kubbra Sait - 2022-06-27
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Discover the inspiring journey of Kubbra Sait as she breaks boundaries and makes a name for herself in the competitive world of cinema. From being bullied as a child to portraying the transgender Cuckoo in Sacred Games, Kubbra shares her struggles, achievements, and many reinventions in this must-read memoir. Learn how she dealt with nepotism in Bollywood and how a personality development program changed her life forever. Open Book is part memoir, part inspirational treatise that will leave you feeling empowered to pursue your dreams.
Preeti Shenoy
Loved this book by @KubbraSait Have done a detailed review in my Instagram stories : @HarperCollinsIN      fuente
Amrita Sher-Gil book cover
Amrita Sher-Gil
Rebel with a Paintbrush
Anita Vachharajani - 2018-05-15
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Discover the incredible life of Amrita Sher-Gil, a true artist, dreamer, and rebel. Follow her journey through two very different worlds and witness how she defied all odds to make a name for herself in the world of art despite facing opposition from headmistresses, teachers, art critics, and even royalty. Experience her family's journey through World Wars and political turmoil as they pursue love, a home, and a modern, artistic education for Amrita.
Preeti Shenoy
Just finished this BRILLIANT book published by @HarperCollinsIN ! (Detailed and full review on my Instagram) Fantastic illustrations by @kganapathy83 and so well written by @AniVachh Such a treat !! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽      fuente
Una inquietante simetría book cover
Una inquietante simetría
Audrey Niffenegger - 2009-09-29
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La prematura muerte de Elspeth Noblin, una excéntrica bibliófila londinense, transforma abruptamente la vida de sus sobrinas, las gemelas Julia y Valentina Poole. A pesar de que no conocían a su tía, ésta les ha dejado en herencia un magnífico piso con vistas al cementerio de Highgate, en Londres, con la condición de que jamás permitan a su madre cruzar el umbral del apartamento. Ansiosas por dejar atrás su aburrida rutina en un típico barrio residencial de Estados Unidos, las gemelas ignoran por completo lo que el destino les depara en Inglaterra. Por un lado, están sus nuevos vecinos: Martin Wells, un brillante y seductor erudito que vive atenazado por sus obsesiones, y el esquivo Robert Fanshaw, antiguo amante de Elspeth, un historiador que ha dedicado media vida a estudiar el famoso cementerio, visible desde su ventana. Y por otro, los secretos de su tía, que incluso después de muerta parece resistirse a abandonar su apartamento. Con claros ecos de Wilkie Collins y el curioso protagonismo del cementerio de Highgate, la segunda novela de Audrey Niffenegger —autora de La mujer del viajero en el tiempo, un enorme éxito editorial con millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo— es una sugerente y apasionante novela gótica del siglo veintiuno que sin duda atrapará la imaginación del lector desde la primera página.
Preeti Shenoy
@KiranManral It’s one of my fav books !!!!      fuente
KATHAYEN book cover
Illustrated stories for Children
Nishtha Pathak - 2021-10-08
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Stories from the Indian epics – Ramayana and Mahabharata – are as entertaining as they are enlightening. Though written thousands of years ago, they are relevant even today and hold a special charm for readers of all ages....
Preeti Shenoy
I love children’s books and especially if they are well illustrated. These two just arrived and they have GORGEOUS illustrations . So look forward to diving into these ! They look super interesting! @Srishtipub #books #newarrivals #ChildrensBooks      fuente
Starfish Pickle book cover
Starfish Pickle
A Goan Adventure
Bina Nayak - 2021-01-01
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It wasn’t time to fly. Besides, she prefers the ocean to the sky....
Preeti Shenoy
I love children’s books and especially if they are well illustrated. These two just arrived and they have GORGEOUS illustrations . So look forward to diving into these ! They look super interesting! @Srishtipub #books #newarrivals #ChildrensBooks      fuente
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