6 libros en la lista
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Lost and Founder
A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World
Discover the truth behind traditional Silicon Valley "wisdom" in this must-read book by the founder of a $45 million/year business. Rand Fishkin, former CEO of Moz, exposes the ups and downs of startup life, including how a minimally viable product can be destructive if launched too early, growth hacking initiatives can fizzle quickly, and revenue won't protect you from layoffs. Fishkin's hard-won lessons are applicable to any business environment, making this book a valuable resource for CEOs and employees alike.
Russell Brunson
2022-08-25T16:55:23.000ZThe “work from home” phenomenon is thoroughly explored in this illuminating new book from bestselling 37signals founders Fried and Hansson, who point to the surging trend of employees working from home (and anywhere else) and explain the challenges and unexpected benefits. Most important, they show why – with a few controversial exceptions such as Yahoo -- more businesses will want to promote this new model of getting things done.
The Industrial Revolution's "under one roof" model of conducting work is steadily declining owing to technology that is rapidly creating virtual workspaces and allowing workers to provide their vital contribution without physically clustering together. Today, the new paradigm is "move work to the workers, rather than workers to the workplace." According to Reuters, one in five global workers telecommutes frequently and nearly ten percent work from home every day. Moms in particular will welcome this trend. A full 60% wish they had a flexible work option. But companies see advantages too in the way remote work increases their talent pool, reduces turnover, lessens their real estate footprint, and improves the ability to conduct business across multiple time zones, to name just a few advantages. In Remote, inconoclastic authors Fried and Hansson will convince readers that letting all or part of work teams function remotely is a great idea--and they're going to show precisely how a remote work setup can be accomplished.
Russell Brunson
2022-08-25T16:55:23.000ZRecomendado por
Richard Branson
Outwitting the Devil
The Secrets to Freedom and Success (Official Publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation)
Discover the secrets to triumphing over obstacles and achieving success with Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil, written in 1938 but only revealed today. In this book, the bestselling author reveals seven principles of good that can help us overcome fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy to achieve our personal goals. Annotated for modern readers by Sharon Lechter, coauthor of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, this long-suppressed parable is powerfully insightful and full of wisdom.
Russell Brunson
Behind the Cloud
The Untold Story of How Salesforce.com Went from Idea to Billion-Dollar Company-and Revolutionized an Industry
Discover the secrets behind salesforce.com's explosive growth in "Behind the Cloud" by visionary founder Marc Benioff. Learn how his team created new business, technology, and philanthropic models to thrive during a time of change. This book will inspire business leaders and entrepreneurs to innovate, grow, and succeed, regardless of economic climate.
Russell Brunson
La estrategia del Océano azul
How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant
In this perennial bestseller, embraced by organizations and industries worldwide, globally preeminent management thinkers W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne challenge everything you thought you knew about the requirements for strategic success. Recognized as one of the most iconic and impactful strategy books ever written, BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY, now updated with fresh content from the authors, argues that cutthroat competition results in nothing but a bloody red ocean of rivals fighting over a shrinking profit pool. Based on a study of 150 strategic moves (spanning more than 100 years across 30 industries), the authors argue that lasting success comes not from battling competitors but from creating "blue oceans"—untapped new market spaces ripe for growth.
Russell Brunson
2022-08-25T16:55:23.000ZEsta es la cautivante historia de un hombre que prometió detener el motor del mundo... y lo hizo. De profundo mensaje y soberbio suspenso. La rebelión de Atlas, es un relato misterioso, pero no en torno al asesinato físico de una persona, sino de la muerte y resurrección del espíritu humano. Desconcertantes hechos se producen en la vida de personajes: un lúcido inventor debe luchar, no contra sus enemigos, sino contra aquellos a quienes más admira,
Russell Brunson