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Eric Schmidt

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Eric Emerson Schmidt is a businessman and software engineer. He is currently chairman of the US Department of Defense's Defense Innovation Advisory Board
9 libros en la lista
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What It Takes book cover
What It Takes
Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence
Stephen A. Schwarzman - 2019-09-17
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Learn from the co-founder and CEO of Blackstone, Stephen A. Schwarzman, in this empowering and informative book that uses impactful episodes from his life to show readers how to build, transform and lead thriving organizations. Schwarzman shares the lessons he's learned through creating a global financial institution that manages over $500 billion, as well through his philanthropic endeavors, which have led to transformative solutions in the education sector. Expect to find practical blueprints for success in entrepreneurship, investing, deal making, leadership and diplomacy, as well Schwarzman's mantra "don't lose money."
Eric Schmidt
There’s much to learn from Steve Schwarzman’s contributions to finance, US-China relations, and computing, including AI research. His new book reveals how he has achieved the rarest kind of leverage in multiple fields. #WhatItTakes      fuente
From Simi Valley to Silicon Valley book cover
From Simi Valley to Silicon Valley
A Story of Hard Work, Serendipity, and Questing
Stephen Gillett - 2019-09-20
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"From Simi Valley to Silicon Valley" is an inspiring memoir about the remarkable journey of a young tech specialist who went on to become one of the youngest CIOs of a Fortune 500 company. Sharing valuable lessons he learned while working with influential innovators, the author emphasizes the importance of being open to unexpected opportunities and embracing your own contradictions. A must-read for anyone looking to succeed in business and in life.
Eric Schmidt
Stephen Gillett is a superstar, well worth reading.      fuente
Accidental Presidents book cover
Accidental Presidents
Eight Men Who Changed America
Jared Cohen - 2019-04-09
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Discover the untold stories of eight men who became president of the United States without being elected to the position. From Tyler to Truman, Coolidge to LBJ, Accidental Presidents examines how the character of each leader impacted the nation and the world. Learn how they vastly changed American history - from delaying the Civil War to breaking up the trusts - and how their actions shaped the power and limits of the presidency. Immerse yourself in this gripping history lesson that adds immeasurably to our understanding of this most important position.
Eric Schmidt
A timely book that is highly relevant to today's politics.      fuente
Blueprint book cover
The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society
Nicholas A. Christakis - 2019-03-26
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Blueprint by Nicholas A. Christakis explores the idea that our genes not only affect our bodies and behaviors, but also influence the ways we form societies. Christakis offers many examples, from historical cultures to modern online communities, to prove that we are innately programmed for love, friendship, cooperation, and learning. Despite our violent past, our social blueprint for goodness cannot be escaped. By exploring our evolutionary roots, Blueprint shows that our genes have shaped societies for our welfare, and societies continue to shape our genes today.
Eric Schmidt
BLUEPRINT by @NAChristakis is a terrific book that is optimistic about the human condition and that explores the evolutionary origins of a good society. It's a joy to read and it highlights ways to make our society better. via @littlebrown      fuente
Los secretos de Silicon Valley book cover
Los secretos de Silicon Valley
Venture Capital and How to Get It
Scott Kupor - 2019-06-04
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Si quieres saber qué buscan y cómo piensan los inversores de capital riesgo, este libro escrito por Scott Kupor -socio director de Andreessen Horowitz, uno de los Venture Capital más importantes de Silicon Valley- es la clave. Infinidad de emprendedores de todo el mundo buscan financiación para sus proyectos, pero si quieres saber qué tienes que ofrecer y cómo presentarlo para llamar la atención de los inversores, aquí encontrarás todo lo que necesitas. La versión española de este libro ha sido adaptada por Didac Lee, uno de los principales inversores de start-ups del mundo hispano parlante, y sus colaboradores, con el fin de que el lector hispanoparlante tenga conocimiento no sólo de cómo se hacen las cosas en Silicon Valley, sino también en el resto de Latinoamérica.
Eric Schmidt
As someone who’s helped a small company become a huge, valuable company, I know firsthand the power of the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurship. This book is the definitive book on navigating VC as part of that.      fuente
Blitzscaling book cover
La guía para escalar empresas rápidamente
Reid Hoffman - 2018-10-09
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La guía para escalar empresas rápidamente El cofundador de Pay Pal y LinkedIn, e inversor de Greylock, nos muestra en este libro prologado por Bill Gates, cuales son los elementos que se necesitan para escalar una empresa a la velocidad de un rayo y así vencer a la competencia y captar un nuevo mercado. En Blitzscaling se muestran una serie de técnicas y parámetros a tener en cuenta para saber cuándo y cómo hacer un escalado e intentar hacerlo con el menor riesgo posible. Ya sea que tu empresa tenga diez o diez mil personas, este libro es la guía básica para conocer los elementos que permiten analizar la conveniencia o no de hacer un escalado relámpago y cómo hacerlo. Reid Hoffman ha cofundado dos empresas emblemáticas y de las cuales aun participa en su dirección como PayPal y LinkedIn. También es socio en una de las principales empresas de capital riesgo como es Greylock Partners. Su experiencia de primera, segunda y tercera mano en el escalado de cientos de empresas le brinda un panorama único sobre el mundo de las startups
Eric Schmidt
Paints the picture, with key case studies, of what it really takes to build a market-leading company.      fuente
Power Up book cover
Power Up
How Smart Women Win in the New Economy
Magdalena Yesil - 2017-10-31
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This inspiring book, Power Up, follows the journey of Magdalena Yesil, a pioneering Silicon Valley entrepreneur and first investor of Salesforce. With candor and insight, Yesil shares her experiences as a woman and immigrant in the tech industry, offering highly actionable advice for ambitious women looking to break glass ceilings and succeed in the New Silicon Valley and beyond. Topics covered include managing risk, getting credit for your work, and recruiting allies in the movement towards a supportive workplace for everyone.
Eric Schmidt
The author is a fearless entrepreneur who worked hard to help early online merchants get off the ground. Some of them went on to become giants, like Amazon.      fuente
Recomendado por
Ron Conway
Los ángeles que llevamos dentro. El declive de la violencia y sus implicaciones book cover
Los ángeles que llevamos dentro. El declive de la violencia y sus implicaciones
Why Violence Has Declined
Steven Pinker - 2012-09-25 (publicado por primera vez en 2010)
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"¿Por qué existen las guerras? ¿Podemos preguntarnos por qué existe la paz?..." Estas son algunas de las preguntas que Steven Pinker se plantea en El ángel que hay en nosotros, una obra excepcional en la que nos expone las investigaciones que ha llevado a cabo sobre la preponderancia de la violencia a lo largo de la historia. Estas investigaciones le han llevado a concluir que, pese a las guerras de Irak, Afganistán, Darfur y de otros conflictos actuales, vivimos en una época en la que la violencia ha disminuido enormemente respecto de tiempos pasados. La violencia es un fenómeno que se ha desarrollado durante milenios y no cabe duda de que, como nos explica Pinker, su declive tiene unas profundas implicaciones. Disfrutamos la paz de la que gozamos ahora porque las generaciones pasadas vivieron atenazadas por la violencia y ello les obligó a esforzarse para ponerle límites, y en el mundo contemporáneo somos nosotros quienes debemos trabajar para ponerle fin. No debemos dejarnos llevar por el optimismo pero, al menos, ahora sabemos que este es un objetivo que está a nuestro alcance. En definitiva, esta nueva obra de Steven Pinker abre una nueva perspectiva a las ciencias y a nuestra idea del hombre. Y es que la constatación de que la violencia ha disminuido a lo largo de los siglos quiere decir que algo habremos hecho bien. Y sería estupendo saber, con toda exactitud, qué es.
Eric Schmidt
When you finish The Better Angels of Our Nature, which takes a long time, you conclude that the world is in a much, much better place than it has been in the past.      fuente
Behind the Cloud book cover
Behind the Cloud
The Untold Story of How Salesforce.com Went from Idea to Billion-Dollar Company-and Revolutionized an Industry
Marc Benioff - 2009-10-19
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Discover the secrets behind salesforce.com's explosive growth in "Behind the Cloud" by visionary founder Marc Benioff. Learn how his team created new business, technology, and philanthropic models to thrive during a time of change. This book will inspire business leaders and entrepreneurs to innovate, grow, and succeed, regardless of economic climate.
Eric Schmidt
Salesforce.com and Google share a vision for how the cloud will revolutionize computing. Behind the Cloud gives us a rare glimpse at the development of one of the most important trends in business today.      fuente