Serie de Hannibal Lecter
Libros de Hannibal Lecter en orden
A series of four novels about the exploits of psychologist and serial killer Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter. The fourth book is a prequel that takes place many years before the original trilogy.

4 libros en la serie
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Orden de la serie
Sin una razón de peso, el agente especial Jack Crawford no habría turbado la apacible existencia y el anonimato de Will Graham, el hombre que había conseguido desenmascarar al psicópata doctor Lecter, más conocido en los medios de comunicación como «Hannibal el Caníbal». En efecto, las circunstancias que rodean los asesinatos de dos familias en Birmingham y en Atlanta convierten al investigador Graham en un hombre imprescindible del equipo de detectives que investigan el perfil psicológico del monstruo, el «Dragón Rojo», y las horribles mutilaciones que inflige a sus víctimas.
A Clarice Starling, joven y ambiciosa estudiante de la academia del FBI, le recomiendan que entreviste a Hannibal Lecter, brillantepsiquiatra y despiadado asesino, para conseguir su colaboración en la resolución de un caso de asesinatos en serie. El asombroso conocimiento de Lecter del comportamiento humano y su poderosa pe rsonalidad cautivarán de inmediato a Clarice, quien, incapaz de dominarse, establecerá con él una ambigua, inquietante y peligrosa relación.
Recomendado por
Greg IlesThis gripping thriller follows the life of Hannibal, a notorious serial killer, who poses as a scholar and enjoys a luxurious life in Florence. Meanwhile, Clarice, an FBI agent, must face the consequences of a failed shootout and deals with her corrupt colleague Krendler. When Hannibal is discovered by a greedy Italian officer, Pazzi, and his twisted benefactor, Mason Verger, a man seeking to avenge his past abuse at Hannibal's hands, Clarice is dragged back into the action. As a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse ensues, who will come out on top?
This chilling novel delves into the origins of one of the most infamous literary villains of all time. Hannibal Lecter emerges from the horrors of the Eastern Front as a young boy, haunted by his past. Taken in by his uncle in France, Hannibal is able to flourish and even becomes the youngest person ever admitted to medical school. But his demons still torment him, and as he discovers new gifts, he becomes the prodigy of death. Explore the evolution of evil in this haunting new classic.
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Rob Delaney