Best Books on Socialism
Uncover the most influential books on socialism, systematically ranked based on their prevalence in literature discussions across major book blogs and publications.
46 books on the list
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The Gulag Archipelago Abridged
An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.)
This searing nonfiction book is a towering masterpiece of world literature that explores four decades of terror and oppression in the Soviet Union. Through Solzhenitsyn's own experiences and the testimonies of over 200 fellow prisoners, we witness the state within the state that ruled all-powerfully. This abridged version, authorized by the author, features a new foreword by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anne Applebaum. Solzhenitsyn's literary genius has created a literary miracle that is both a gripping historical record and an astonishing indictment of a political regime.
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Jordan Peterson
Seeing Like a State
How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (Veritas Paperbacks)
This insightful and thought-provoking analysis examines the reasons behind the failure of state-planning efforts around the world, from Russia to Tanzania. Drawing on a range of case studies, the author uncovers the common conditions that lead to disasters in social and environmental engineering projects. Praised as a "tour de force" by Columbia University's Charles Tilly, this is a beautifully written book that provides a sharp understanding of the world we inhabit today.
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This classic work in political philosophy, intellectual and cultural history, and economics explores the dangers of state control over the means of production. Originally published in 1944, The Road to Serfdom inspired and infuriated politicians and intellectuals. For author F. A. Hayek, empowering the government with increasing economic control would lead not to utopia but to the horrors of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. A perennial bestseller, the book has sold 400,000 copies in the US and has been translated into over twenty languages. This new edition includes a foreword, standardization of references, and helpful explanatory notes.
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Margaret ThatcherDiscover the true dangers of socialism with this powerful book. Senator Rand Paul tackles common misconceptions about the “utopia” of socialist Europe and exposes the devastating truth of this deadly ideology. From Stalin’s gulags to the current famine in Venezuela, he reveals how socialism has killed millions. If socialism takes hold in America, it will imperil the fate of the world’s freest nation, unleashing a plague of oppressive government control. The Case Against Socialism is a timely response to that threat and a call to action against the forces menacing American liberty.
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Explore the curious history of the Soviet Union's planned economy and the brief moment in the late 1950s when the dream of an abundance of goods seemed to be working. With the leadership of Khrushchev, the Soviet Union dreamed of a future of rich communists and envious capitalists, where Moscow would outshine Manhattan and every Lada would be better engineered than a Porsche. Red Plenty is a unique blend of history and fiction that takes readers on a fascinating journey through the minds of the brilliant scientists who did their best to make this fantasy come true. Get ready for an ambitious, uncompromising and pleasantly unexpected read.
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Sriram KrishnanA powerful and unsettling novel, this book follows the story of Rubashov, a former Bolshevik revolutionary who is imprisoned and tried for treason by the Soviet government. Through his psychological torment, we witness the terrible irony and betrayal of totalitarian regimes that masquerade as agents of liberation. A gripping and thought-provoking read that still resonates in today's world.
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Discover the shocking and tragic history of the Soviet Communist Party's strike against the Russian peasantry in the 20th century. The Harvest of Sorrow covers the devastating effects of dekulakization and collectivization, followed by the horrific "terror-famine" inflicted on the collectivized peasants of Ukraine and other areas. Estimated death tolls from these actions exceed 14.5 million lives. This thoroughly researched and emotionally compelling book serves as a powerful reminder of the darker side of history.
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Alexander StubbThe Great Terror by Robert Conquest is a definitive work on Stalin's purges, called "brilliant" and a "work of scholarship and literary craftsmanship". Conquest blends profound research with evocative prose to provide gripping accounts of everything from the three great "Moscow Trials" to life in the labor camps. This updated edition features a new preface by Conquest and new material published in Moscow and elsewhere, making it the key study of one of the twentieth century's most lethal offenses against humanity.
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Simon Sebag MontefioreIn "Socialism," Ludwig von Mises presents a comprehensive analysis of society, comparing the results of socialist planning with those of free-market capitalism in all areas of life. This newly annotated edition is the definitive refutation of nearly every type of socialism ever devised, making it a must-read for anyone interested in economics or politics. Friedrich Hayek's foreword comments on the continuing relevance of this great work, which has had a profound and lasting impact on readers for decades.
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Discover an influential essay that reshaped the economics of socialism. This essay challenged the socialist paradigm, proving that socialism can't distinguish between more or less valuable uses of social resources, and predicted chaos. This new edition contains a modern afterword that applies the calculation argument to contemporary problems like business regulation and environmentalism. It's a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the foundations of modern Austrian price theory, the price system, purely free markets, and sound money.
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Socialism Sucks by Robert Lawson
The Cultural Revolution by Frank Dikötter
The Black Book of Communism by Jean-Louis Panné
Great Wars and Great Leaders by Ralph Raico
Nomenklatura by Michael Voslensky
Socialism by Kristian Niemietz
Pictures of a Socialistic Future by Eugen Richter
Requiem for Marx by Yuri N. Maltsev
Rivalry and Central Planning by Don Lavoie
The Illusion of the Epoch by H. B. Acton
The Political Economy of Soviet Socialism by Peter J. Boettke
The Moral Collapse of Communism by John Clark
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele
Resurrecting Marx by David Gordon
The End of Socialism by James Otteson
The Opium of the Intellectuals by Raymond Aron
Reflections on the Failure of Socialism by Max Eastman
Political Parties by Robert Michels
Calculation and Coordination by Peter J Boettke
Socratic Puzzles by Robert Nozick
Collectivist Economic Planning by F. A. Hayek
1984 by George Orwell
The Poverty of Historicism by Karl Popper
Time Will Run Back by Henry Hazlitt
Economic Calculation in the Socialist Society by Trygve J. B. Hoff
Socialism by Ellen Frankel Paul
Critics of Marxism by David Gordon
Naked Earth by Eileen Chang
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Friedrich Engels
A Tale of Two Economies by Neil Monnery
Political Economy and Freedom by G. Warren Nutter
Socialism by Michael Harrington
The Political Economy of Stalinism by Paul R. Gregory
Economics of Property Rights by Eirik G Furubotn
The Russian Intelligentsia edited by Richard Pipes. by Richard Edgar Pipes
Women, Race, & Class by Angela Y. Davis