Best Parenting Books
Discover the wisdom of childcare with this list of the finest parenting books, curated based on frequent recommendations from top parenting and educational blogs. These reads have been pivotal in guiding parents through the journey of raising children.

100 books on the list
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The Whole-Brain Child
12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
Discover how to foster healthy brain development in your child with The Whole-Brain Child. Written by neuropsychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson, this book offers revolutionary approaches to child-rearing with 12 key strategies for emotional and intellectual growth. The authors explain how a child's brain is wired and how it matures, and provide age-appropriate strategies for dealing with everyday struggles through illustrations that can help you explain concepts to your child. Perfect for anyone who cares for or loves a child, this book is a must-read for parents and teachers alike.
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A beloved and timeless book on communication between parents and children, written by internationally acclaimed experts. This ultimate "parenting bible" provides innovative methods to deal with negative feelings, set firm limits, and resolve family conflicts peacefully. With a respectful approach, this book offers fresh insights and suggestions to make relationships with children less stressful and more rewarding.
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Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting (The Peaceful Parent Series)
Discover a groundbreaking guide to raising responsible, capable, and happy kids. Based on the latest research on brain development and extensive clinical experience, this book emphasizes the importance of emotional connection between parents and their children. With healthy limits, empathy, and clear communication, parents can raise a self-disciplined child without resorting to threats, nagging, or punishments. This practical guide includes step-by-step examples and kid-tested phrasing for parents of toddlers up to elementary-aged children. Say goodbye to power struggles and tantrums and transform your parenting experience in a positive and effective way.
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No-Drama Discipline
The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
This book explores the connection between a child's neurological development and a parent's reaction to misbehavior, providing effective and compassionate strategies for discipline. Learn how to identify your own discipline philosophy and communicate lessons, understand appropriate discipline for different ages, connect with your child calmly, and navigate tantrums to inspire growth and happiness. With playful illustrations and stories, No-Drama Discipline guides you towards peaceful conflict resolution and creating a resilient and happy family.
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The Happiest Baby on the Block
The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer
Learn the secrets to calming a crying infant and promoting healthy sleep with the revolutionary techniques found in this parenting guide. Developed by pediatrician and child development expert Dr. Harvey Karp, this national bestseller shares four crucial principles for understanding and soothing newborns, including the "Missing Fourth Trimester" and the 5 "S's" for triggering the automatic calming reflex. With practical advice on everything from colic to sleeping habits, this book is a must-have for new parents and caregivers alike.
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Ashton KutcherDiscover an alternative philosophy for raising preteens and teens to self-sufficient adulthood with this provocative manifesto. Drawing on research, conversations with admissions officers, and personal experience, this book exposes the harmful effects of helicopter parenting and offers practical strategies to foster a child's resilience, resourcefulness, and inner determination. A must-read for parents of teenagers, Julie Lythcott-Haims offers a rallying cry to ensure that the next generation can take charge of their own lives with competence and confidence.
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Auren Hoffman
How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen
A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7
This parenting book is a must-have for anyone who wants to improve their relationship with young kids. Written by respected parenting experts and tailored to children ages 2-7, it offers concrete tools and tips to transform communication with little ones. The book addresses common challenges and conflicts, offering communication strategies that will empower parents and caregivers to forge stronger relationships with their children. It even includes a chapter on special needs children. With a lively combination of storytelling, cartoons, and fly-on-the-wall discussions from their workshops, this user-friendly guide offers a rewarding, joyful approach to parenting young children.
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Kent C. Dodds
Bringing Up Bébé
One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting (now with Bébé Day by Day
Discover the secrets behind France's remarkably well-behaved children in this national bestseller. American journalist Pamela Druckerman investigates why French children can sleep through the night by two or three months old, eat braised leeks, play independently, and yet still be boisterous, curious, and creative. With research spanning three years, this warm and funny book uncovers the wisdom of French parenting, sparking a national debate and becoming an indispensable resource for American parents.
Featured in 14 articles

Simplicity Parenting
Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids
This book tackles the problem of the fast-paced, supersized society and how it is affecting childhood. Children are feeling the pressure, becoming anxious, having problems with school, friends, and may even be diagnosed with behavioral problems. This book provides insights and practical advice on how to reduce the amount of stuff, clutter, and noise in children's lives, establish predictable routines and rituals, create intervals of calm, and limit screen time. This manifesto for protecting the grace of childhood is an eloquent guide to bringing new rhythms to bear on the lifelong art of parenting.
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An economist uses data to challenge conventional parenting advice in this informative guide. CRIBSHEET tackles decision making in the early years of parenting, including feeding, sleep, and scheduling choices that are often accompanied by an overwhelming amount of conflicting advice. Emily Oster's insight helps parents make informed decisions by evaluating the benefits and tradeoffs of various choices.
Featured in 14 articles
The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene
No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury
The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey
Parenting With Love And Logic by Foster Cline
1-2-3 Magic by Thomas Phelan
Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn
Untangled by Lisa Damour
The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman
All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer Senior
Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel J. Siegel
Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings by Laura Markham
What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff
Oh Crap! Potty Training by Jamie Glowacki
The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary
Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen Ed. D.
The Yes Brain by Daniel J. Siegel
The Danish Way of Parenting by Jessica Joelle Alexander
The New Father by Armin A. Brott
The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies
Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina
How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids by Jancee Dunn
Playful Parenting by Lawrence J. Cohen
Expecting Better by Emily Oster
Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman
The Happiest Toddler on the Block by Harvey Karp
The Teenage Brain by Frances E Jensen
How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids by Carla Naumburg
Be Prepared by Gary Greenberg
NurtureShock by Po Bronson
Positive Parenting by Rebecca Eanes
Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields Msae
The Sh!t No One Tells You by Dawn Dais
The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
Parenting by Paul David Tripp
How Toddlers Thrive by Tovah P Klein
French Kids Eat Everything by Karen le Billon
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua
Under Pressure by Lisa Damour
The Attachment Parenting Book by Martha Sears Rn
The Wonder Weeks by Xaviera Plas-Plooij
UnSelfie by Michele Borba
Have a New Kid by Friday by Kevin Leman
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, 5th Edition by Marc Weissbluth M.D.
The Gardener and the Carpenter by Alison Gopnik
What to Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff
Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg
Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford
From Dude to Dad by Chris Pegula
Diaper Dude by Chris Pegula
Raising Human Beings by Ross W. Greene
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau
Your Baby and Child by Penelope Leach
How Children Succeed by Paul Tough
On Becoming Baby Wise by Robert Bucknam
The Second Shift by Arlie Hochschild
How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk by Adele Faber
The Self-Driven Child by William Stixrud
The Baby Book by William Sears
There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather by Linda Åkeson McGurk
Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook by Adrian Kulp
The Baby Owner's Manual by Louis Borgenicht
Gentle Discipline by Sarah Ockwell-Smith
Bringing Up Boys by James C. Dobson
Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan
The Happiest Kids in the World by Rina Mae Acosta
You're Wearing That? by Deborah Tannen
Brainstorm by Daniel J. Siegel
Little Girls Can Be Mean by Michelle Anthony
Like a Mother by Angela Garbes
The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner
Hold On to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen R. Covey
Baby 411 by Ari Brown
Elevating Child Care by Janet Lansbury
Between Parent and Child by Haim G. Ginott
The Gentle Parent by L. R. Knost
Enough As She Is by Rachel Simmons
The Optimistic Child by Martin E. P. Seligman
Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition by Russell A. Barkley
Good Inside by Becky Kennedy
Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax
Go the F**k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach
How to be a Parent by Philippa Perry
Bringing Up Girls by James C. Dobson
Screamfree Parenting by Hal Runkel Lmft
The Out-of-Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz