Best Porn Addiction Books
These are the top books on porn addiction according to the web’s most popular book blogs. Ranked by how often they were featured.

94 books on the list
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Your Brain on Porn
Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction
Discover the shocking truth about internet porn addiction with this groundbreaking book. Author Gary Wilson draws on first-person accounts and neuroscience research to show how an endless stream of porn videos can be seriously addictive and damaging to the brain's reward system. Learn about the largest informal experiment in the history of science - tens of thousands of people abstaining from sexually stimulating material - and the startling changes they experienced, from improved concentration to elevated mood and greater real-life intimacy. Your Brain on Porn is a must-read for anyone looking to understand, and potentially overcome, addiction in a world where it is big business.
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Facing the Shadow is a guide for those struggling with sex addiction. Written by therapist Patrick Carnes, this book takes readers through a series of reflections and exercises that pierce denial and light the path to healing from addiction. This newly revised and expanded edition includes specific performables that are built into the exercises, which are based on the thirty-task model of recovery from addiction that forms the basis of Carnes's work.
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Sex Addiction 101
A Basic Guide to Healing from Sex, Porn, and Love Addiction
Discover the complex world of sex addiction with this informative and eye-opening book. With the rise of technology and access to online content, sex addiction is becoming more prevalent. Sex Addiction 101 covers everything from what sexual addiction is and how it affects different groups of people, to strategies for protecting oneself from the online sexual onslaught. Intended for both the clinical population and those struggling with addiction and their loved ones, this book is a must-read in every addiction collection.
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A comprehensive guide to overcoming pornography addiction, this book explains how pornography can become addictive in the mind and provides step-by-step strategies for recovery. Through the guidance of Dr. Skinner, readers will learn how to break harmful patterns and take those key steps towards recovery. An included assessment tool further assists those struggling with this addiction.
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This essential resource tackles the sensitive subject of sexual addiction and compulsions, providing practical wisdom and spiritual clarity for those struggling with this disorder and those who love them. Written by a pioneer in the field of sex addiction treatment, Out of the Shadows is the premier work on this topic, offering the latest research and insights on the danger signs, dynamics, and consequences of sexual dependence. Whether affected by the pandemic or other traumas, this revised and updated third edition helps shine a light on the path towards life and fullness.
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Discover a groundbreaking book that shatters the stigma surrounding sexually addicted partners. With an estimated three to six percent of the world population affected by this growing problem, millions of men and women suffer alone, often traumatized by their experience. Through personal stories and groundbreaking research, this book reveals the reality of partners as post-traumatic stress victims, not codependents. Learn critical steps to recognize, deal with, and heal from this addiction, with chapters ending in useful questions and new paths to empowerment, health, and hope.
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The Porn Trap
The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography
This recovery guide by Wendy and Larry Maltz sheds light on the destructive power of instant pornography. Through real-life stories and expert advice, this resource provides a comprehensive program for healing porn addiction and other consequences of porn use. It helps readers decide if it's time to quit, deal with cravings, improve self-esteem, heal relationships, and develop a healthy sex life.
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Breaking the Cycle
Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame
Breaking the Cycle offers a step-by-step plan for those struggling with sex addiction. Written by a former addict turned specialist, readers will learn to break free of the powerful urges that have caused damage to their career, finances, and relationships. Through exercises presented in this book, readers will regain control of their lives and build meaningful connections with others.
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Discover how partners of celebrities and politicians who have been betrayed find hope and inspiration in "Mending a Shattered Heart." Written by Stefanie Carnes, this book guides readers through the tough questions, such as "Should I stay or should I go?" and "What should I tell the kids?" Carnes brings together leading experts in the field of sex addiction and family therapy to offer practical and therapeutic advice to those affected by infidelity. This second edition even includes a new focus on the impact of trauma caused by cheating. If you've been betrayed by a loved one, this book is a must-read for providing real hope and promise for the future.
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In the Shadows of the Net
Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior
This book delves into the dark side of the Internet, specifically the addictive and compulsive behavior surrounding online pornography and cybersex. As our lives become increasingly digital, there is an ever-growing risk for related problems. This updated second edition provides tools and advice for those who are struggling with these issues, offering hope for achieving lasting change and healing.
Featured in 8 articles
Wired for Intimacy by William M. Struthers
Sex Addicts Anonymous by Saa Fellowship
The Porn Myth by Matt Fradd
Moving Beyond Betrayal by Vicki Tidwell Palmer
Facing Heartbreak by Stefanie Carnes
Always Turned On by Robert Weiss
Breaking Addiction by Lance M. Dodes
A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps by Patrick Carnes
Don't Call It Love by Patrick Carnes
Out of the Doghouse by Robert Weiss Lcsw Csat-S
Sex Addiction 101, The Workbook by Robert Weiss
Wack by Noah B. E. Church
Intimate Treason by Claudia Black
No Stones by Marnie C. Ferree
Lust, Men, and Meth by David Michael Fawcett
Naked in Public by Staci Sprout
Erotic Intelligence by Alexandra Katehakis Mft Csat-S Cst-S
Life After Lust by Forest Benedict
Contrary to love by Patrick Carnes
Out of the Doghouse for Christian Men by Robert Weiss
It's Not About the Sex by Andrew Susskind
Disclosing Secrets by M Deborah Corley
After the Affair by Janis A. Spring
Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction by Mark Laaser
What Can I Do About Me? by Rhyll Anne Croshaw
Mirror of Intimacy by Alexandra Katehakis
Love You, Hate the Porn by Mark Chamberlain
Is It Love or Is It Addiction by Brenda Schaeffer D. Min M. A. L. P. C. A. S.
Sexaholics Anonymous by Sexaholics Anonymous
Cruise Control by Robert Weiss
Help Her Heal by Carol Juergensen Sheets
Sex Addiction as Affect Dysregulation by Alexandra Katehakis
Surviving Disclosure by Jennifer P Schneider
The Drug of the New Millennium by Mark B. Kastleman
Stop Sex Addiction by Milton S Magness
Back From Betrayal by Jennifer P. Schneider
Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery by Scott Brassart
Sex, Lies, and Forgiveness, Third Edition by Jennifer P. Schneider
Cruise Control by Robert Weiss
The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr O. F. M.
The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson
Reset by David Murray
Good Pictures Bad Pictures by Kristen A Jenson
Facing Love Addiction by Pia Mellody
Pure Desire by Ted Roberts, Steve Arterburn
Sexual Detox by Tim Challies
Intimate Deception by Sheri Keffer
Answers in the Heart by Anonymous
Jesus on Every Page by David Murray
Christians Get Depressed Too by David P Murray
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous by The Augustine Fellowship
Refresh by Shona Murray
Sex Is Not the Problem by Joshua Harris
Ready to Heal by Kelly McDaniel, Sarah Boggs
Restored by Matt Fradd
Understanding and Treating Sex and Pornography Addiction by Paula Hall
The Pursuit of Porneia by Dave Scriven
Integrity Restored by Peter C. Kleponis
Exploring the Bible Together by David Murray
Meeting with Jesus by David Murray
The Happy Christian by David Murray
Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This? by David Murray
Why Am I Feeling Like This? by David Murray
Lesbian Love Addiction by Lauren D. Costine
For Love and Money by Debra L. Kaplan
How Sermons Work by David Murray
Pornified by Pamela Paul
Boundaries by Henry Cloud
The Soul of Desire by Curt Thompson, Makoto Fujimura
Surfing for God by Michael John Cusick
Shame Interrupted by Edward T. Welch
Silently Seduced by Kenneth M. Adams PhD
The Freedom Fight by Ted Shimer, Josh McDowell
Abused Boys by Mic Hunter
An Affair of the Mind by Laurie Hall
Restored by Alice Taylor
Fortify by Fight the New Drug
The Storm of Sex Addiction by Connie A. Lofgreen
The Last Relapse by Sathiya Sam
Addict America by Carol Clark
Lonely All the Time by Ralph Earle
Hyperstimulation by Craig Georgianna
Porn Nation by Michael Leahy