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Discover the unconventional work culture of Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, with "The Year Without Pants." Written by former Microsoft veteran Scott Berkun, this behind-the-scenes account shares the secrets behind their phenomenal success, including unique insights on creativity, productivity, and leadership. Find out why this convention-defying company of only 120 employees has a similar impact on the future of the internet as giants like Google and Facebook, and what vital lessons all organizations can learn from their methods. Informative and entertaining, this book offers a glimpse into the future of work culture.
Eric Stoller
2021-05-18T10:41:57.000ZRecommended by
Matt Mullenweg
Trans* in College
Transgender Students' Strategies for Navigating Campus Life and the Institutional Politics of Inclusion
Explore the complexities of trans* identities in college through this award-winning personal account and ethnographic study. Author Z Nicolazzo sheds light on the challenges trans* students face as they navigate a college environment that assumes binary genders. Rather than situating trans* students as problems needing accommodation, this book highlights their resilience and agency in creating supportive communities and developing their own success strategies. With a review of literature on gender and sexuality, plus illuminating ethnography, this book emphasizes the importance of ethical care and reciprocity when working with marginalized populations.
Eric Stoller