24 books on the list
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Discover a modern approach to meditation with this no-nonsense guide. Learn how to establish a personal practice that fits your busy, high-tech lifestyle and helps you overcome struggles like anxiety, stress, and trauma. This isn't your typical mindfulness guide - author Justin Michael Williams provides proven techniques for manifesting your dreams and taking action toward social justice causes. With free downloadable audio meditations, Stay Woke is the key to unlocking your potential and living the life you were born to lead.

In Love with the World
A Monk's Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying
A Tibetan master slips out of his monastery in India to spend four years on a wandering retreat, exploring the deepest aspects of his being. His journey takes him on a startling turn when he becomes deathly ill and faces the opportunity to test the strength of his meditation training. In this powerful and candid account, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche shares the invaluable lessons he learned from his near-death experience and shows readers how to transform their fear of dying into joyful living.
Jack Kornfield
Discover how to age consciously and find meaning and beauty in old age with this insightful book. Written as an extended meditation, Aging with Wisdom explores how to cultivate resilience and an inner life that can withstand the challenges of aging, while also challenging the paradigm of ageism. A must-read for anyone seeking to embrace life in all its fullness and wonder.
"Explore the intersection of social media and Buddhism with this award-winning memoir that delves into the psychological impact of online relationships. Written by a psychiatrist and Buddhist, 'Facebuddha' offers a thought-provoking look at how social media is changing our sense of self, community, and spirituality. Through humor and introspection, the author challenges readers to consider their own relationship with social media and its potential for both connection and disconnection. Winner of the 2017 Nautilus Silver Award for Religion/Spirituality of Eastern Thought, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in mindfulness and tech culture."
Jack Kornfield

The Telomere Effect
A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer
"The Telomere Effect" is the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller that explains how specific lifestyle habits can slow disease and improve life. Co-authored by a Nobel Prize winner who discovered the role of telomeres in the aging process and a health psychologist who has done original research, this book shows how changes to our daily habits can protect our telomeres and increase our health spans. From sleep quality to exercise to diet, this book draws on scientific research to explain how we can live disease-free longer and improve our overall well-being.
Jack Kornfield

Make Peace with Your Mind
How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic
"Make Peace with Your Mind" teaches readers how to manage the overpowering voice inside their heads that makes them doubt their worth. Meditation teacher and therapist Mark Coleman offers constructive insights into the inner critic, real-life journeys, and simple mindfulness and compassion practices to live a free and flourishing life.
Jack Kornfield
This book explores the elusive nature of the mind and offers a definition that sheds light on who we are and what our potential could be. Neuropsychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel delves into consciousness, subjective experience, and information processing, uncovering the mind's self-organizational properties. Drawing from a range of scientific disciplines, this book addresses pressing questions about personal identity, connection, and well-being.
Jack Kornfield
Discover the wisdom of two great spiritual masters on the subject of living with joy in the midst of adversity. Join Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama as they share their personal stories and teachings about joy, the latest scientific findings on happiness, and the daily practices that anchor their emotional and spiritual lives. Learn how to bring joy to yourself and others through the infectious happiness, compassion, and humor demonstrated by these two Nobel Prize-winning moral leaders.
Discover the ultimate guide to insight meditation with this comprehensive translated manual from one of the foremost proponents of the practice, Mahasi Sayadaw. Learn about ethical self-discipline, mindfulness, and the various types of insight and spiritual fruits that the practice can yield. This veritable bible of vipassana is a must-read for anyone interested in deepening their meditation practice. Authored by the master who brought insight meditation to the West and whose teachings have influenced renowned practitioners, including Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield.
Jack Kornfield
Explore the journey to find your place in life with The Road Home, a wise and witty guide to Buddhist meditation by senior teacher Ethan Nichtern. Through personal experience and contemporary research on meditation and mindfulness, Nichtern delves into the existential experience that drives spiritual seeking, while warning against dangerous spiritual materialism. Discover how becoming aware of ourselves and our surroundings can enhance our connections with others and positively impact our patterns of behavior. The Road Home shows that creating a compassionate society begins with working on ourselves and our own minds.
Jack Kornfield
Perspectives on Satipatthana by Bhikkhu Analayo
The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker
The Deepest Acceptance by Jeff Foster
Be Here Now by Ram Dass
Dancing With Life by Phillip Moffitt
Awake in the Wild by Mark Coleman
Bury the Chains by Adam Hochschild
Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
Big Bang, The Buddha, and the Baby Boom by Wes Nisker
The Authentic Heart by John Amodeo
Light on Enlightenment by Christopher Titmuss
Moment by Moment by Jerry Braza
The Art of Happiness by Mirko Fryba
Everyday Zen by Charlotte J. Beck