Jay Eskenazi
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Jay Eskenazi is a seasoned user researcher and manager of user research teams, and has personally conducted or supervised 500+ usability studies in the U.S. and internationally since 1999. His research career spans 20 years, with the last 12+ years focused on user interface issues. Prior to co-founding Customer Experience Labs, he worked as a user researcher on Microsoft’s e commerce properties and then created and served as Director of the User Experience Research team at Expedia for 7+ years.
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Discover the concept of the network state in this groundbreaking book. Explore the possibility of starting a country from your computer and organizing a digital community to crowdfund physical territory. This book explores the social, technical, logistical, legal, physical, and financial aspects of building this 100% democratic model. Join the conversation and explore the revolutionary potential of the network state.
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How to Be a Capitalist Without Any Capital
The Four Rules You Must Break To Get Rich
Learn how to break the rules and get rich regardless of your financial, educational or creative background with this instant bestseller. Follow the journey of a college dropout who founded a successful software company with just $119 and learn how to replicate his success. This book will teach you how to create a system to achieve your desired outcome repeatedly instead of focusing on one skill or goal. Forget about appealing to the masses and learn how to copy others to add your own twist and benefit from their hard work. Get ready to become a modern opportunist- a successful investor, entrepreneur, or side hustler.