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Katharine Hayhoe

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Katharine Anne Scott Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist and professor of political science at Texas Tech University, where she is director of the Climate Science Center. She is also the CEO of the consulting firm ATMOS Research and Consulting.
18 books on the list
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Doughnut Economics book cover
Doughnut Economics
Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
Kate Raworth - 2017-07-25
Goodreads Rating
Explore a new compass for global development, government policy, and corporate strategy with Doughnut Economics. Economist Kate Raworth outlines seven key ways to fundamentally reframe our understanding of economics for the 21st century, breaking our addiction to growth and creating regenerative and distributive economies. Using emergent ideas from various economic fields, Raworth offers game-changing analysis and inspiration for a new generation of economic thinkers.
Katharine Hayhoe
@ORIoliver @RestIsPolitics @campbellclaret @RoryStewartUK That’s Kate Raworth’s book and it’s excellent      source
The Global Carbon Cycle book cover
The Global Carbon Cycle
David Archer - 2010-11-28
Goodreads Rating
Discover the essential geochemical driver of our climate system with The Global Carbon Cycle. Written by one of the world's leading climate experts, David Archer brings clarity to this complex subject in simple terms. Archer examines the carbon cycle on three different timescales and explores how the cycle interacts with the climate system. Learn how feedbacks in the carbon cycle stabilize Earth's climate and how on a human timescale, the carbon cycle has been dampening climate change. With a glossary of terms, suggestions for further reading, and explanations of equations, Archer also looks at open questions about the global carbon cycle.
Katharine Hayhoe
@Ending_Duopoly @bernard_seeger If you want to go in-depth, I'd recommend starting with a book on the carbon cycle like this one      source
Climate Cover-Up book cover
Climate Cover-Up
The Crusade to Deny Global Warming
James Hoggan, Richard Littlemore - 2009-09-29
Goodreads Rating
Discover the shocking truth behind the climate change denial movement in Climate Cover-Up. This eye-opening book delves into the pollsters, think tanks, and funding behind the elaborate hoax. Despite the warnings from leading scientists and advocates, many Americans continue to turn a blind eye to the severe shifts in our climate. Climate Cover-Up is a must-read wake-up call for anyone who wants to know the truth about the ongoing cover-up.
Katharine Hayhoe
@HighSierra6100 Yes! After I read this book, I seriously considered quitting climate because it showed me how far behind we were. Instead, I decided to learn everything I could about the social science to beat them at their game — but with love rather than fear.      source
Reproductive Rights and Wrongs book cover
Reproductive Rights and Wrongs
The Global Politics of Population Control
Betsy Hartmann - 2016-12-13 (first published in 1987)
Goodreads Rating
This feminist classic challenges the myth of overpopulation and uncovers the roots of poverty, environmental degradation, and gender inequalities using vivid case studies. It explores how population control programs were promoted by powerful governments and international agencies, mainly targeting poor women with coercion often a matter of course. The book also tells the story of how international women's health activists fought to reform population control and promote sexual and reproductive health and rights. As declining birth rates are on the rise, this book helps readers understand how contemporary developments are rooted in the longer history and politics of population control. A must-read for students, activists, researchers, and policymakers.
Katharine Hayhoe
@finninaama @jmkorhonen That is incorrect. The 50% poorest produce 7% of global emissions. Please update your understanding with this post & video below, and I strongly recommend this book by Betsy Hartmann as well. Truth matters. Thank you!      source
Jesus and John Wayne book cover
Jesus and John Wayne
How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
Kristin Kobes Du Mez - 2020-06-23
Goodreads Rating
Explore the relationship between white evangelicalism and Donald Trump in Jesus and John Wayne. Historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez reveals how culture and popular media have shaped the beliefs of millions of evangelical Americans, replacing Jesus of the Gospels with a mythical warrior idol of rugged masculinity and Christian nationalism. From Ronald Reagan to John Wayne, these muscular heroes have instilled patriarchal, authoritarian, and aggressive values within white evangelicalism that have become deeply rooted within the community. This thought-provoking book challenges the assumption that evangelicals supported Trump purely for pragmatic reasons, instead showing how his values align with their own, and how it will have an enduring impact on the nation long after he's gone.
Katharine Hayhoe
So enjoyed catching @kkdumez in person speaking about her book, “Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation”. Highly recommended if you want to understand the influence of patriarchy and militarism on religion in 🇺🇸      source
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Beyond Global Warming book cover
Beyond Global Warming
How Numerical Models Revealed the Secrets of Climate Change
Syukuro Manabe - 2020-01-14
Goodreads Rating
An expert account of the mechanisms behind human-induced global warming, this book provides an illuminating look at the breakthroughs in climate modeling that have led to our current understanding of the issue. Joining pioneer Syukuro Manabe, atmospheric scientist Anthony Broccoli provides a clear and authoritative explanation of how increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide has affected the planet's temperature and precipitation, as well as rare insights into the development of these key discoveries. Beyond Global Warming is a must-read for anyone interested in the science behind this pressing matter.
Katharine Hayhoe
I close this thread by recommending this book by Syukuro Manabe and Anthony Broccoli: a definitive account of how we have come to understand the fundamental processes behind global warming. Which, as you now know, is Nobel-winning work. 🥂      source
The 100% Solution book cover
The 100% Solution
A Plan for Solving Climate Change
Solomon Goldstein-Rose - 2020-03-31
Goodreads Rating
Discover 'The 100% Solution', a groundbreaking book by Solomon Goldstein-Rose that tackles the urgent challenge of climate change. With clear and actionable steps, Goldstein-Rose outlines the manufacturing, funding, and sequestration strategies we'll need to achieve negative greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. He also illustrates the prosperous and equitable world we can build by coming together to tackle this global crisis. If you're looking for an action-oriented guide to mobilizing for our shared future, 'The 100% Solution' is the must-read book of the year.
Katharine Hayhoe
@annajanejoyner Project Drawdown for short and succinct; as a book I also like the 100% solution by Solomon Goldstein-Rose      source
Drawdown book cover
The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
Paul Hawken - 2017-04-18
Goodreads Rating
This book contains 100 practical and realistic solutions to reverse global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists and policymakers around the world. Ranging from clean energy to land use practices, these techniques are economically viable and communities throughout the world are currently enacting them with skill and determination. Deployed collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, they represent a credible path forward to reach drawdown, that point in time when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peak and begin to decline. These measures promise cascading benefits to human health, security, prosperity, and well-being.
Katharine Hayhoe
@annajanejoyner Project Drawdown for short and succinct; as a book I also like the 100% solution by Solomon Goldstein-Rose      source
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The Future We Choose book cover
The Future We Choose
Surviving the Climate Crisis
Christiana Figueres - 2020-02-25
Goodreads Rating
The Future We Choose by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac is a thought-provoking book on climate change and its impact on our present and future world. The authors offer two possible scenarios for our planet and aim to inspire readers to confront the climate crisis with determination and optimism. This book outlines what governments, corporations, and each of us can and must do to fend off disaster and create a carbon neutral, regenerative world.
Katharine Hayhoe
@SamuelPeeps9 I also highly recommend this book by Christiana Figueres who is of course the force behind the Paris Agreement. Their powerful conclusion is, "we were only ever as doomed as we believed ourselves to be."      source
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A Lab of One's Own by Rita Colwell, Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
Angry Weather by Friederike Otto
The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells
The Evangelicals by Frances Fitzgerald
The Thinking Person's Guide to Climate Change by Robert Henson
Scientists as Prophets by Lynda Walsh
Between God & Green by Katharine K. Wilkinson
Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind by Mark A. Noll