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Discover how one manuscript, lost to time for a thousand years, forever altered the course of human thought. Stephen Greenblatt's riveting tale of a wise, sharp-witted man in his late thirties taking a chance on an old manuscript is both a work of history and a thrilling story of discovery. The manuscript turned out to be On the Nature of Things, a dangerous philosophical epic by ancient Roman poet Lucretius. Its wild ideas that the universe functioned despite the gods, that fear of religion is harmful to humanity, and that tiny particles are in constant motion crashed into human thought and changed it forever. The ancient text inspired some of the greatest artists and thinkers of the ages, from Botticelli to Bruno, shaping minds like Galileo and Darwin, and even touching the words of Thomas Jefferson.

Fooled by Randomness
The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets (Incerto)
C.) explores the role of luck and randomness in investing and financial markets. He argues that people tend to underestimate the impact of randomness on success and failure, and warns against relying on predictions and forecasts when making investment decisions. With a mix of anecdotes, philosophy, and practical advice, Fooled by Randomness presents a thought-provoking perspective on the nature of uncertainty and our own biases. It's a must-read for anyone interested in finance, investing, or decision-making in general.
Explore the wonders of science and philosophy through the acclaimed new translation of a classic poem that combines both fields with the beauty of great poetry. The author, Lucretius, fervently demonstrates that death holds nothing to fear, as the soul is mortal and everything in the world is governed by nature's laws, not the gods. With a passionate examination of topics like sensation and cosmology, this book illustrates the atomic theory and inspires peaceful living. Discover this timeless masterpiece, backed by distinguished scholars, translated by award-winning translators, and published by Penguin Classics.
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Stewart Brand