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Explore the answer to the central problem in global history with Guns, Germs, and Steel. In this insightful book, author Jared Diamond looks at the broad movements of peoples and ideas on every continent since the Ice Age. He presents a biology-driven answer to The Rise of the West, focusing on geography, demography, and ecological happenstance. With a binocular perspective of an evolutionary biologist and a heart that belongs to the people of New Guinea, Diamond presents a well-rounded and evenhanded review of human history.
Patrick Arnold

From Chocolate to Morphine
Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs
Explore the complex world of drugs and their impact on the mind and body with this authoritative guide from a renowned American doctor. Covering everything from coffee to psychedelics, steroids to smart drugs, this updated and expanded guide provides unbiased information on substances, their effects, precautions, and alternatives. It even delves into current issues like the war on drugs and the use of medication for ADHD. Don't miss out on this invaluable resource.
Patrick Arnold