Ross Gerber
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Ross Gerber is the co-founder, president and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management. He oversees Gerber Kawasaki's corporate and investment management operations and serves individual clients. He has become one of the most followed investors on social and in traditional media.
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One Up On Wall Street
How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market
Discover the secrets of successful stock investing in the nation's largest and most profitable mutual fund with this must-read book by a celebrated managing director. Learn from over a decade of experience and gain valuable insights into the world of stocks.
Discover the unconventional principles of one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs and investors, and how they can be applied to achieve unique results in both life and business. Learn about Bridgewater Associates, the fifth most important private company in the US, and the idea meritocracy culture that has led to their success. In Principles, author Ray Dalio outlines hundreds of practical lessons built around "radical truth" and "radical transparency," which can be applied to decision-making in any setting. Gain access to proven advice unlike anything found in conventional business press.
Ross Gerber