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Learn how to simplify your finances with a step-by-step formula laid out in this finance book. From saving up for a house to investing and finding a trustworthy financial advisor, this book covers everything you need. It's a practical guide that can help you manage your money in just 10 minutes a week. Plus, it comes with success stories from ordinary Australians who have followed the same advice and changed their lives.

Born to Run
A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
Discover the secrets of endurance running in this riveting adventure that takes readers from science labs at Harvard to the sun-baked valleys and freezing peaks of North America. Join award-winning journalist Christopher McDougall as he dives into the world of ultra-runners and the incredible abilities of Mexico's Tarahumara Indians – who can run hundreds of miles without rest or injury. This book will not only engage your mind but inspire your body to realize that we are all born to run.
Discover how to find meaning in suffering and move forward with renewed purpose by exploring the riveting memoir of a psychiatrist who survived Nazi death camps. In this influential book, based on his own experience and the stories of his patients, the author argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it and find meaning in it through his theory of logotherapy. This book is a must-read for anyone searching for significance in the act of living.

The Map That Changed the World
William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology
Explore the incredible discovery made by William Smith, a canal digger in 1793, who found that tracing the placement of fossils revealed hidden layers of rocks across England and the world. In The Map That Changed the World, Simon Winchester shares the inspiring story of Smith's twenty-two-year journey to produce a beautiful hand-painted map of the earth's underside, and the challenges he faced along the way including debtors' prison and plagiarism. This is a moving account of one man's devotion and determination in the face of great hardship.