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Продавец обуви

История компании Nike, рассказанная ее основателем

Phil Knight

Nike - один из самых узнаваемых мировых брендов. Создатель компании - Фил Найт - один из богатейших людей, хотя еще в юности он не мог себе позволить купить кроссовки Adidas. 50 лет назад студент Орегонского университета и бегун на средние дистанции Фил Найт занял у отца 50 баксов и начал перепродавать кроссовки из Японии. Сегодня годовой оборот компании Nike составляет 30 миллиардов долларов. А пара найков найдется в шкафу у каждого - от президента до подростка. Фил Найт – человек-загадка, он редко дает интервью. Эта книга – исповедь о создании компании, которой удалось подарить мечту миллионам людей. Nike давно перестала ассоциироваться только с кроссовками. Это идеология, образ жизни, система ценностей. Эта книга расскажет, как все начиналось: * Что стало с официанткой, нарисовавшей логотип за 30 долларов? * Как авиаинженер из NASA придумал знаменитые Air Max? * Какова связь между вафельницей и инновационной рифлёной подошвой? И сотни других грустных, поучительных, порой дурацких и невероятно откровенных рассказов из жизни компании, покорившей мир.
Дата публикации
Рейтинг Goodreads
A refreshingly honest reminder of what the path to business success really looks like.      источник
In stores today, the most surprising business book I've read. Almost nothing on MJ, Bo or Tiger. And it's brilliant      источник
The best book I read last year. Author Phil Night, co-founder and current chairman emeritus of Nike, Inc.. He is a very wise, intelligent and competitive fellow who is also a gifted storyteller.      источник
@60secondsum other two books are amazing      источник
I continue to be so inspired by the collectible assets @OnRallyRd acquires. I loved the book “Shoe Dog” about foundation of Nike. And to be able to own a small share in 1-of-12 original Moon Shoes is so amazing. Not too late to buy #MoonShoe      источник
Oh wow!! Just finished reading this book. I strongly recommend it to anybody thinking of starting a business or facing the headwinds and turbulence of business. Candid and sobering 👇🏽      источник
If you haven't read it, it's really the best book about the history of globalization, and about the inherent challenges of financing a high-growth startup. At one point, they were growing too fast to get a bank loan. The bank wanted their top line to be growing slower.      источник
This book is AMAZING.      источник
@vickyfloresn Loved that book!      источник
Nike wanted a shoe called Aztec, but Adidas already had the name. Phil Knight and his vp: “Who was the guy who kicked the shit out of the Aztecs?” he asked. “Cortez,” I said. He grunted. “Okay. Let’s call it the Cortez.” One of the best biz books ever:      источник
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight is the best book I've ever read by a CEO The Ride of a Lifetime by Bob Iger is just as good This might be the best book about leadership I've ever read It was fantastic and far more honest than I would've expected      источник
2) This book was phenomenal! I LOVED it. I had no idea the Nike story was so interesting. It's a story about bootstrapping, adversity, finding inspiration abroad, dealing with competition, and perseverance. This is a book that everyone - incl non-entrepreneurs - would enjoy.      источник
@jebus911 Shoe Dog, audio book is great      источник
@TheStalwart I have written seven books. How much a book sells and how good the book is are only loosely correlated. The best recent book I have read on business is Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. The best collection of business books are those written by Michael Mauboussin.      источник
@Mustafaqj Love that book      источник
This book is awesome. I also can’t believe Nike was almost named “Dimension Six” instead.      источник
This book was recommended to me by my Middle School going kid and @WarrenBuffett Inspiring Read.      источник