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The New Jim Crow book cover

The New Jim Crow

Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

Michelle Alexander

This groundbreaking book has had a massive impact on the criminal justice reform movement. Written by Michelle Alexander, it argues that America has simply redesigned racial caste instead of ending it. With citations in judicial decisions, adoption in community-wide reads, and the inspiration for the creation of the Marshall Project and the Art for Justice Fund, this book has won prestigious prizes and spent over 250 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. A new 10th-anniversary edition includes a preface by the author discussing the book's impact and the state of criminal justice reform today.
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This book offers an eye-opening look into how the criminal justice system unfairly targets communities of color, and especially Black communities. It’s especially good at explaining the history and the numbers behind mass incarceration. I was familiar with some of the data, but Alexander really helps put it in context. I finished the book more convinced than ever that we need a more just approach to sentencing and more investment in communities of color.      источник
My friend ⁦@impastormike_⁩ recommended that I read this book. If you’re like me and you want to understand our country and why things are the way they are, this is the book.      источник
Since it can’t be done in 140 characters might I suggest two books just to start with - The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander, and Between the World and Me written by Ta-Nehisi Coates.      источник
I read 95 books in 2016. Best non-fiction: Sapiens, Saving Capitalism, The New Jim Crow, The Social Animal, Story (by McKee).      источник
I’m reading Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow and my blood is boiling.      источник
More than any other book I've read in the last few years, this book has reframed my thinking about, and understanding of, a major moral issue with society-wide implications. I cannot recommend it strongly enough: "The New Jim Crow" - M. Alexander      источник