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Steve Kerr

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Stephen Douglas Kerr is an American professional basketball coach and former player who is the head coach of the Golden State Warriors of the National Basketball Association.
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Begin Again book cover
Begin Again
James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own
Eddie S. Glaude Jr. - 2020-06-30
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Explore the struggle for racial justice in America through the lens of James Baldwin's life and writings. In the aftermath of the civil rights movement, Baldwin transformed into a more politically-engaged writer, at personal and professional cost. In "Begin Again," Eddie S. Glaude Jr. delves into the challenge of confronting America's lies about race, exploring the after times of today's Trumpian era intersecting with Black Lives Matter movement, and how Baldwin's journey offers guidance and hope through disillusionment and despair. This searing exploration is both a powerful interrogation of what we must ask of ourselves and an indispensable part of America's much-needed political and cultural reckoning.
Steve Kerr
If you’re looking for a great book, check out Begin Again by ⁦@EddieGlaude⁩. Beautifully written and very timely given the state of our country.      источник
The New Jim Crow book cover
The New Jim Crow
Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Michelle Alexander - 2010-01-05
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This groundbreaking book has had a massive impact on the criminal justice reform movement. Written by Michelle Alexander, it argues that America has simply redesigned racial caste instead of ending it. With citations in judicial decisions, adoption in community-wide reads, and the inspiration for the creation of the Marshall Project and the Art for Justice Fund, this book has won prestigious prizes and spent over 250 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. A new 10th-anniversary edition includes a preface by the author discussing the book's impact and the state of criminal justice reform today.
Steve Kerr
My friend ⁦@impastormike_⁩ recommended that I read this book. If you’re like me and you want to understand our country and why things are the way they are, this is the book.      источник
Why We're Polarized book cover
Why We're Polarized
Ezra Klein - 2020-01-28
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Explore how American politics became polarized and toxic, and what it means for our future in this groundbreaking book by journalist and political commentator Ezra Klein. Discover how our partisan identities have merged with our racial, religious, geographic, ideological, and cultural identities, and how this has led to the breakdown of our political system. Through clear frameworks and feedback loops, Klein offers insight into everything from Trump's rise to the Democrat's shift leftward, and he provides a new perspective for understanding the politicization of everyday culture. A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the current state of American politics.
Steve Kerr
Highly recommend this book.      источник
Bill GatesAndrew Yang
Сказать жизни "Да!" book cover
Сказать жизни "Да!"
Психолог в концлагере
Viktor E. Frankl - 2006-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1959)
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Эта удивительная книга сделала ее автора одним из величайших духовных учителей человечества в XX веке. В ней философ и психолог Виктор Франкл, прошедший нацистские лагеря смерти, открыл миллионам людей всего мира путь постижения смысла жизни.
Steve Kerr
If you’re looking for a good book these days, read Viktor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search For Meaning.’ Incredibly inspiring.      источник
Все мы смертны book cover
Все мы смертны
Что для нас дорого в самом конце и чем тут может помочь медицина
Atul Gawande - 2014-10-07
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Это книга о старении, смертельной болезни, смерти — то есть о вещах, которых мы так боимся, что стараемся вообще не думать о них, вытеснить на периферию сознания. Автор книги, знаменитый американский хирург Атул Гаванде, уверен, что прятать голову в песок неправильно: смерть — часть жизни, ее естественное завершение, и именно в таком качестве, осознанно и спокойно, и следует ее принимать. Беда в том, что старость и умирание в современной культуре проходят по ведомству медицины, которая считает смерть просто процедурной неудачей, фатальным техническим сбоем. Не пытаясь понять, что на самом деле важно и ценно для человека в последние месяцы, недели и дни его жизни, мы героически "боремся до последнего", испытывая на терминальном больном все новые способы лечения — столь же мучительные, сколь и бесполезные. Как изменить эту ситуацию? Как найти нужные слова для близких, чья жизнь подходит к концу? Как научиться правильно относиться к смерти?
Steve Kerr
Being Mortal by Atul Gawande.      источник
Ed YongBrian KoppelmanAmy Cuddy
How Democracies Die book cover
How Democracies Die
Steven Levitsky - 2018-01-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the dangers of eroding democratic institutions and norms in "How Democracies Die". Written by Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, this eye-opening book uses historical and global examples to show how democracies can break down and ultimately fail. From Trump's presidency to political crises in Latin America and Europe, Levitsky and Ziblatt offer insightful research and perspectives on how to save democracies from authoritarianism. This nonpartisan book is a must-read for all Americans concerned about the current state of affairs.
Steve Kerr
Add this to your summer reading list. Great book.      источник