Brian Koppelman
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Brian William Koppelman is an American show-runner. Koppelman is the co-writer of Ocean's Thirteen and Rounders, the producer for films including The Illusionist and The Lucky Ones, the director for films including Solitary Man and the documentary This Is What They Want for ESPN as part of their 30 for 30 series, and the co-creator, showrunner, and executive producer of Showtime's Billions.
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Это книга о старении, смертельной болезни, смерти — то есть о вещах, которых мы так боимся, что стараемся вообще не думать о них, вытеснить на периферию сознания. Автор книги, знаменитый американский хирург Атул Гаванде, уверен, что прятать голову в песок неправильно: смерть — часть жизни, ее естественное завершение, и именно в таком качестве, осознанно и спокойно, и следует ее принимать. Беда в том, что старость и умирание в современной культуре проходят по ведомству медицины, которая считает смерть просто процедурной неудачей, фатальным техническим сбоем. Не пытаясь понять, что на самом деле важно и ценно для человека в последние месяцы, недели и дни его жизни, мы героически "боремся до последнего", испытывая на терминальном больном все новые способы лечения — столь же мучительные, сколь и бесполезные. Как изменить эту ситуацию? Как найти нужные слова для близких, чья жизнь подходит к концу? Как научиться правильно относиться к смерти?
Brian Koppelman
2022-10-01T01:55:50.000ZExperience the drama and excitement of the 2016 World Chess Championship between Magnus Carlsen and Sergey Karjakin as told by author Brin-Jonathan Butler in "The Grandmaster". With geopolitical connections and a sudden death finish, this battle of the millennials saw defending champion Carlsen fight to retain his title and cement his legacy as one of the greatest players in history. Get a firsthand account of every move and attempt to decipher the secret to Carlsen's massive success in this riveting book.
Brian Koppelman
2022-09-26T21:00:42.000ZTravel through time and space to experience the poetry of Omar Khayyam, the brilliance of astronomer and free thinker, as well as the danger of the Assassins order led by Hassan Sabbah in ancient Persia. This book takes you on a journey to the Orient of the 19th and early 20th centuries, where dreams of freedom defy fanaticism. Follow the adventure of a lost manuscript from the 11th century, found six centuries later, and experience the enchanting cities of Asia on the Silk Road. Amin Maalouf's storytelling ability will leave you spellbound. Discover the splendor of Samarcande.
Brian Koppelman
2022-03-31T15:39:17.000ZA 74-year-old cellist and war veteran living in present-day Paris navigates the city's charms and challenges, including violent unrest and memories of the Holocaust. Jules Lacour must reconcile his duties to the past with his desires for a rich present life filled with love and music, all while facing unexpected hurdles such as fraud and violence. Against the stunning backdrop of Paris, Helprin weaves a poetic and emotional story of life, memory, and art.
Brian Koppelman
2021-12-26T22:59:55.000ZLet's Talk About Hard Things is a compelling and transformative book on discussing the toughest topics in life, from sex to death. Drawing from her award-winning podcast, the author uses personal anecdotes, expert opinions, and real-life stories to highlight the importance of having meaningful conversations on difficult subjects. Through this book, readers will learn how to navigate these conversations with empathy, understanding, and openness, creating deeper connections and fostering personal growth.
Brian Koppelman
2021-05-05T15:28:19.000ZPoker, crisis, and responsibility collide in this gripping novel. Joey Moore, Maryland's top poker player, navigates the highs and lows of gambling until a tragic suicide and an unexpected baby challenge his life. Will he rise to the occasion, or fold under pressure? Discover the King of a Small World.
Brian Koppelman
2021-03-21T23:52:16.000ZBook by Baldwin, Bobby...
Brian Koppelman
2021-03-21T23:52:16.000ZЭта книга была самой любимой для многих поколений женщин всего мира. Ею зачитывались в аристократических гостиных, литературных салонах и сельских усадьбах, ее прятали от родителей гимназистки, для которых роман Джейн Остен становился буквально «школой жизни». И сейчас эта книга, навеки вошедшая в золотой фонд мировой литературы, не утратила ни капли своего неподражаемого очарования, изысканности и блеска…
Discover the elusive source of creativity with this inspiring book by a renowned filmmaker. In Catching the Big Fish, the author shares his methods, personal style, and the impact of meditation on his creative process. Learn how he "dives within" to catch ideas like fish, and develops them into movies, art, music, and design. Lynch's three-decade commitment to Transcendental Meditation is also explored, along with discussions on how to put thoughts into action and collaborate with others. Catching the Big Fish is a must-read for fans and anyone seeking to cultivate their own creativity.
Brian Koppelman
2021-01-24T17:22:54.000ZA down-on-his-luck ex-cop turned private investigator takes on the case of a young prostitute who wanted out of the life, but was brutally murdered. As he delves into her past, he uncovers deadly secrets and discovers that there are many ways to die in the dangerous town of New York. This novel by an award-winning author is a must-read for fans of American detective fiction.
Brian Koppelman
2021-01-24T05:17:04.000ZLife's Work by David Milch
Dead Girl Blues by Lawrence Block
Broken by Don Winslow
Conspiracy by Ryan Holiday
Petty by Warren Zanes
Бесцветный Цкуру Тадзаки и годы его странствий by Haruki Murakami
Ложь by Sam Harris
Доставляя счастье by Tony Hsieh
О чём я говорю, когда говорю о беге by Haruki Murakami
Город by David Benioff
Кафка на пляже by Haruki Murakami
Война за креатив by Steven Pressfield
Sizzling Chops and Devilish Spins by Jerome Charyn
Ghost Rider by Neil Peart
What Makes Sammy Run? by Budd Schulberg
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
Путь художника by Julia Cameron
American Tabloid by James Ellroy
First Blood by David Morrell
Одинокий голубь by Larry McMurtry
Body & Soul by Frank Conroy
The Artist's Way Morning Pages Journal by Julia Cameron
Хроники Заводной Птицы by Haruki Murakami
Разбуди в себе исполина by Tony Robbins
Фатерланд by Robert Harris
The Financier by Theodore Dreiser