Начни с главного! 1 удивительно простой закон феноменального успеха
The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
Gary Keller
Успех многогранен. Вам нужно несколько ключевых навыков, и на каждый из них мы предлагаем книгу, которую опробовали на себе.
Навык № 1. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ПРИОРИТЕТАМИ. Результаты, которые вы получаете, напрямую зависят от вашей способности расставлять приоритеты и работать продуктивно. Бестселлер «Начни с главного!..» заменит все книги по тайм-менеджменту и покажет вам кратчайший путь к достижению своих целей. Вы узнаете о том, как дисциплина и списки задач на самом деле влияют на работу, а также познакомитесь с 4 ворами вашей продуктивности. И самое главное – применение всего лишь одного удивительно простого закона, который лежит в основе любого успеха, поможет вам достигать выдающихся результатов один за другим.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 2012
Рейтинг Goodreads
It kind of hit home for me that when you wake up in the morning, you put your focus on this one thing of what you want to accomplish during the day, which seems like a no-brainer. – источник
Just finished a great book - The One Thing by Gary Keller. Important advice for all entrepreneurs and students. Make sure you take a break from time to time and allow yourself to fully enjoy it! I’m taking a break from organizing our conference👌 @orgnlmagazine #daretobeoriginal – источник2021-01-26T18:46:46.000Z
Books that remind you, persuasively, of the power of simplicity, essentialism, focus.
They always make me happy.
This one is a fine book that goes right to the point and is priceless for helping you organise or reorganise your life.
... – источник2022-03-07T19:04:26.000Z
Books on “doing the work” and why showing up each day matters. The ONE Thing (← this), The Dip (fastest), The Compound Effect (classic), The Obstacle is the Way (philosophical), and ReWork (the plan). You only need to read one, but I recommend them all. – источник2020-02-16T15:30:07.000Z
@alexisohanian Big fan of this book. We took our leadership teams through it (along with 4 Disciplines of Execution) a few years ago w/ very positive outcomes. This is a timely reminder to do a refresh - not so easy to say disciplined 😬 – источник2019-10-24T15:02:21.000Z
@davidkangye @Kiizakimbugwe @severelyours @ssojo81 @GloriaTesi Great book recommendation there. I give it a thumbs up. This book taught me 2 valuable lessons.
1. It is better to focus on 1 important task at a time and see it through to completion. Multitasking can be dangerous.
2. What do I want VS What do I want RIGHT NOW? – источник2016-02-28T00:00:00.000Z
I'm on my 2nd time through this book. Highly recommend. Probably my favorite "self improvement"/entrepreneur book ever. – источник2019-07-20T06:56:13.000Z
Love the books that get referneced in an article as a passing reference but gets you intrigued enough to download a sample on kindle, then get hooked and buy the book and just feel happy through the ahha moments this book is giving you. Best way to discover books ❤📚
Reading ⬇️ – источник