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Как создать стартап, который изменит будущее
Peter Thiel
Как создать компанию с нуля, привести ее к успеху, сделав лидером рынка? Питер Тиль, предприниматель, создавший платежную систему PayPal, и первый инвестор Facebook, считает, что основа любого успешного стартапа - уникальный продукт, дающий компании выигрышный статус монополии. Поэтому одно из важных условий выживания любого проекта - умение основателей смотреть на мир по-новому, чтобы заметить выигрышную идею, которую никто еще не развил. Именно эти идеи, впервые озвученные на лекциях в Стэнфордском университете, легли в основу книги Питера Тиля.
На примере Facebook, Microsoft, eBay, Twitter, LinkedIn и многих других компаний, а главное - на собственном уникальном опыте работы в PayPal Питер поясняет, какую стратегию нужно выбрать начинающему бизнесмену, чтобы преуспеть при создании собственного стартапа.
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Рейтинг Goodreads
Peter Thiel has built multiple breakthrough companies, and Zero to One shows how. – источникThis book delivers completely new and refreshing ideas on how to create value in the world. – источник
Enjoying brilliant, often provocative, Peter Thiel book, Zero to One.
Will buy many and distribute to all senior execs. – источник2014-09-12T10:48:07.000Z
The first is “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel, a very good book that gives an overview of entrepreneurship and innovation. – источник2014-09-12T10:48:07.000Z
https://twitter.com/bhorowitz/status/510485017718296577If you really understand something that the rest of the world is confused about, and it’s an important truth, Zero to One says here are all the ways you might want to make that work. – источник
Brilliant, bold, and clear thoughts about how to make a big Silicon Valley size company. Other great insights like definite/indefinite optimism/pessimism. – источник2015-11-10T00:00:00.000Z
Q. - What's your favourite business book you'd advise to young entrepreneurs and why?
M.L. -Some good ones from the "pure business" category: Zero to One, The Hard Thing About Hard Things, The Innovator's Dilemma, Good to Great, etc. Personally, I prefer less advice, more history. From my favorite business segment: Too Big To Fail, Ascent of Money, When Genius Failed, etc. Books on applied psychology (Influence, Predictably Irrational, etc) are another way to round out primarily technological education :) – источник2023-01-21T10:41:49.000Z
This week I finished reading these two books. Grateful to @ChadMhako who recommended Zero to One - a must read for all thinking of starting a business. @staffordmasie recommended Life After Google - a tour de force. Please share what book you are reading for the benefit of others – источник2014-09-12T10:48:07.000Z
There’s a lot of business books out there. 99% of them are BS. Read this one. So many concepts really changed my attitude about not only business but capitalism. – источник2019-04-11T17:55:13.000Z
18/ Zero to One. @peterthiel challenges the assumption that competition is the essence of business. Rather, innovate and execute in ways that create value where none currently exists. Overcome the tendency to chase the same things everyone else does.
@bgmasters – источник2022-11-15T00:50:24.000Z
If I could hand any five books to a would be entrepreneur, I’d pick
1. Positioning by Ries + Trout
2. Zero to One by Thiel
3. 7 Powers by Helmer
4. The Outsiders by Thorndike
5. Creativity, Inc. by Catmull
Bonus: Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*T by Pressfield – источник2021-01-04T13:00:54.000Z
Some of my favorite business books, comment one book that changed your life – источник2014-09-12T10:48:07.000Z
Must read book for all those who are crazy enough to build the future...🏗️🏗️
And have vision to change the world for BETTER..🌍🌏
Crisp and powerful read...worth your time..
#startup #Creator #Build #futuresteps – источник