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Eric Weinstein

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Eric Ross Weinstein is the managing director of Thiel Capital, Peter Thiel's investment firm, since 2015. He and his brother Bret Weinstein coined the term Intellectual Dark Web to refer to an informal group of pundits.
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Einstein Manifolds book cover
Einstein Manifolds
Arthur L. Besse - 2007-12-03 (впервые опубликовано в 1987)
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Explore the fascinating mathematical theory behind Einstein's equations in this captivating book. Delve into the context of Riemannian manifolds and discover the striking results that have intrigued both mathematicians and physicists. "Einstein Manifolds" is the first book to offer a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in this field. With a focus on examples, this volume is perfect for those interested in modern Riemannian geometry and related topics.
Eric Weinstein
What is the most boring sounding book that changed & improved your life immeasurably? Three candidates from my life that, frustratingly, I can’t generically recommend to friends: A) Einstein Manifolds by Besse. B) Turkish Grammar by Underhill C) Science Since Babylon by Price.      источник
Turkish Grammar book cover
Turkish Grammar
Robert Underhill - 1976-09-15
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Learn the Turkish language in a way that's actually relevant to today's world with Turkish Grammar. Geared towards undergraduate and graduate level students, this text offers thorough coverage of syntax and usage, along with guidance in pronunciation and vocabulary. Unlike other outdated language texts, Turkish Grammar utilizes generative grammar without getting bogged down in technical jargon, making it accessible for all language learners.
Eric Weinstein
What is the most boring sounding book that changed & improved your life immeasurably? Three candidates from my life that, frustratingly, I can’t generically recommend to friends: A) Einstein Manifolds by Besse. B) Turkish Grammar by Underhill C) Science Since Babylon by Price.      источник
Science Since Babylon book cover
Science Since Babylon
Enlarged Edition
Derek J. deSolla Price - 1975-01-01
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Discover the humanistic side of science with this eye-opening classic. Through compelling essays and personal research, the author examines vital decisions related to scientific crises and their impact on our present technological landscape. Whether you're a scientist or non-scientist, this book offers enlightening reading and urges for a new range of interdisciplinary studies. Explore ancient automata, talismans, and symbols alongside modern science and technology. This is a must-read for anyone concerned with science policy and the future of humanity.
Eric Weinstein
What is the most boring sounding book that changed & improved your life immeasurably? Three candidates from my life that, frustratingly, I can’t generically recommend to friends: A) Einstein Manifolds by Besse. B) Turkish Grammar by Underhill C) Science Since Babylon by Price.      источник
The Physics of Wall Street book cover
The Physics of Wall Street
A Brief History of Predicting the Unpredictable
James Owen Weatherall - 2013-01-01
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"The Physics of Wall Street" dives into the fascinating story of how physicists became influential in the finance industry, bringing their scientific knowledge to bear on economic problems. Author James Owen Weatherall addresses whether their ideas contributed to the economic meltdown of 2008 and suggests ways to improve financial models for the future. This accessible and persuasive book is a must-read for anyone interested in modern finance and its complex relationship with science.
Eric Weinstein
You can read all about this attempt to disintermediate legacy economics in the final chapter and epilogue of this best selling book from a few years ago by Jim Weatherall in the time before Satoshi:      источник
Мило и волшебная будка book cover
Мило и волшебная будка
Norton Juster - 1996-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1961)
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Американец Нортон Джастер был вполне взрослым человеком и даже известным архитектором, когда вдруг придумал волшебную сказку "Мило и волшебная будка", которая сразу же принесла ему писательскую славу. Это полная невероятных приключений и озорной словесной игры история про удивительное путешествие в волшебные страны, где буквы растут в огородах, а числа добывают в подземных копях, где все звуки собраны в хранилище, а рассветом можно дирижировать. Непоседливый мальчик Мило неизвестно от кого получает в подарок… будку. Волшебную будку для сбора дорожной пошлины. Нужно опустить в специальную ячейку денежку, входящую в комплект, – и ты попадаешь в интересную местность, где встречаются такие топонимы, как Словаренция, Числовенция, Море знаний, а также Скукотища и Горы Невежества. Проехав по этим удивительным местам вместе с псом-будильником и жуком Ляпсусом, посидев в тюрьме, познав чудеса Леса Зрелищ и долины Созвучий и освободив из заточения принцесс Мудрость и Поэзию, Мило узнает, как важно учиться и как плохо бывает, когда не знаешь того, что должен знать. Дидактическая по своей сути книжка Нортона Джастера радует не только ненавязчивостью и юмором, но и особой сумасшедшинкой, которая отличает лучшие детские книги - "Алису в Стране чудес", "Винни-Пуха" и "Карлсона". Попробуйте не полюбить книжку, в которой, к примеру, гостей угощают "печатными пряниками с прописными истинами", а дети не ходят по земле, а висят в воздухе, приучаясь сразу смотреть на все "со взрослой точки зрения" и готовясь "прочно встать на ноги" уже потом, когда дорастут до земли!
Eric Weinstein
The fictional character that changed my life. RIP to Norton Juster. I can’t tell you what that book meant to me. It was, in fact, the main inspiration for the title of my podcast. Portal = Tollbooth Thank you for that one book. Perhaps my favorite of all time.      источник
Rainn WilsonNeil GaimanGretchen Rubin
All the Trouble in the World book cover
All the Trouble in the World
The Lighter Side of Overpopulation, Famine, Ecological Disaster, Ethnic Hatred, Plague, and Poverty
P. J. O'Rourke - 1995-08-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1994)
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Explore the world's most pressing issues with this bestselling author as he tackles society's most talked-about topics head-on. From global problems to local dilemmas, he travels the world to bring you the answers you've been searching for. Get ready to challenge conventional wisdom and shake up your thinking on all the trouble in the world.
Eric Weinstein
I’m always asked for book recommendations but am reluctant to give them. “All the Trouble in the World” was an amazing book by @PJORourke. He‘s also a master stylist of distinctly American English. Politics aside, I envy more of his sentences than of anyone else writing today.      источник
От нуля к единице book cover
От нуля к единице
Как создать стартап, который изменит будущее
Peter Thiel - 2014-09-16
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Как создать компанию с нуля, привести ее к успеху, сделав лидером рынка? Питер Тиль, предприниматель, создавший платежную систему PayPal, и первый инвестор Facebook, считает, что основа любого успешного стартапа - уникальный продукт, дающий компании выигрышный статус монополии. Поэтому одно из важных условий выживания любого проекта - умение основателей смотреть на мир по-новому, чтобы заметить выигрышную идею, которую никто еще не развил. Именно эти идеи, впервые озвученные на лекциях в Стэнфордском университете, легли в основу книги Питера Тиля. На примере Facebook, Microsoft, eBay, Twitter, LinkedIn и многих других компаний, а главное - на собственном уникальном опыте работы в PayPal Питер поясняет, какую стратегию нужно выбрать начинающему бизнесмену, чтобы преуспеть при создании собственного стартапа.
Eric Weinstein
If you really understand something that the rest of the world is confused about, and it’s an important truth, Zero to One says here are all the ways you might want to make that work.      источник
The Emperor of Scent book cover
The Emperor of Scent
A True Story of Perfume and Obsession
Chandler Burr - 2004-02-10
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This fascinating book tells the story of a scientific maverick, Luca Turin, who turned the world of perfume and science upside down with his outrageous theory on the human sense of smell. Drawing on cutting-edge work in biology, chemistry, and physics, Turin used his obsession with perfume and his eerie gift for smell to solve the mystery of how the nose works.
Eric Weinstein
A wonderful introduction to how the dissident voice is marginalized.      источник
Heraclitean Fire book cover
Heraclitean Fire
Sketches from a Life Before Nature
Erwin Chargaff - 1978-01-01
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A prominent biochemist shares insights about his life, work and DNA research in Vienna and America. Learn about the unorthodox ideas that earned him the reputation of a maverick in his field.
Eric Weinstein
When I heard that there was somebody who bet against Watson and Crick, I thought, 'well, this is just gonna be the laugh of the century.' But it turned out, just to short those guys required another genius.      источник