Лучшие книги о актерском мастерстве
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53 книг в списке
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Learn the craft of acting from one of the greatest teachers of our time in this captivating book. Follow an acting class of eight men and eight women as they go from basic exercises to polished performances of contemporary American plays. Meisner's empathic and encouraging teaching style provokes emotion, laughter, and technical mastery from his students. With an introduction by Sydney Pollack, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in acting or appreciating the craft.
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Discover the famous acting training book that has inspired generations of actors and trainers. This edition was the first to introduce Stanislavski's 'system' to English speakers and continues to be a classic in acting classes. Learn about inward preparation, the 'magic if' concept, emotion memory, and rehearsal aids. An essential read for actors, directors, and anyone interested in the art of drama.
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John LeguizamoFind your dream role with Audition by Michael Shurtleff! Learn the secrets of successful casting from the director of Chicago, Pippin, and Jesus Christ Superstar. Discover how to create mystery, use humor, and develop a distinct style that will land you the part you want. Audition isn't just for actors though - it's a necessary guide for dealing with all the "auditions" we face in life. Don't miss out on the bible of auditioning!
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This detailed book on acting serves as a credo for one of the industry's experienced professionals. Respect for Acting offers invaluable advice for both aspiring and seasoned actors, containing vivid dicta drawn from experience, skill, and a sense of personal and professional worth. With her significant imagination, Uta Hagen's object exercises can stimulate anyone preparing a scene for presentation. No wonder almost no American actors are uninfluenced by Hagen's teachings.
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John LeguizamoExplore the teachings of one of the most influential acting teachers in American history through this book of 22 lessons. Stella Adler, known for instructing iconic actors like Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro, imparted her vast knowledge of the craft over a long and illustrious career. Howard Kissel has captured her decades of experience and expertise in this essential volume on The Art of Acting.
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John LeguizamoLearn from legendary acting coach Larry Moss's thirty years of experience with his book, The Intent to Live. Moss shares his techniques to help actors set their emotions, imagination, and behavior on fire, giving performances that are authentic and spontaneous. From script analysis to physicalization and sensory work, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to master the craft of acting. With insights, case studies, exercises, and examples from a wealth of plays and films, The Intent to Live is not just a handbook, but a personal credo of a master teacher.
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Книга «Мастерство актера. Техника Чаббак» представляет уникальную технику Иваны Чаббак – знаменитого преподавателя актерского мастерства. Школа Чаббак открыла путь к вершинам Голливуда таким актерам как Бред Питт, Хэлли Берри, Йен Соммерхолдер, Шарлиз Терон, Лив Тайлер, Джим Керри и многим другим. Подробное изложение техники Чаббак в этом издании даст вам возможность побывать в классе легендарного преподавателя и приобщиться к секретам глубокого мощного исполнения роли.
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Acting in Film
An Actor's Take on Movie Making (The Applause Acting Series) Revised Expanded Edition
"Acting in Film" by Michael Caine is a comprehensive guide to making movies from the perspective of one of Hollywood's most iconic actors. This revised and expanded edition covers topics such as preparation, directing, and being a star, with great pictures throughout. Discover the secrets of creating memorable performances with a fascinating and knowledgeable guide.
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A classic text for theatre and film it has sold 100,000 copies in its first edition.
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A modern classic for actors, this essential handbook provides clear-cut guidelines on the business behind their art. From finding an agent to communicating effectively with a personal manager, this newly updated edition is packed with practical information to help working and aspiring actors succeed. With advice on using the internet and social media, no actor should be without this indispensable tool.
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Actions by Marina Caldarone
The Actor's Art and Craft by William Esper
О технике актера by Michael Chekhov
Руководство по выживанию для начинающего актера by Jenna Fischer
The Actor and the Target by Declan Donnellan
A Challenge For The Actor by Uta Hagen
A Practical Handbook for the Actor by Melissa Bruder
Self-Management for Actors by Bonnie Gillespie
Secrets of Screen Acting by Patrick Tucker
No Acting Please by Eric Morris
How to Stop Acting by Harold Guskin
Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen, Haskel Frankel, Katie Finneran, David Hyde Pierce
Truth in Comedy by Charna Halpern
In-Depth Acting by Dee Cannon
Жизнь в ролях by Bryan Cranston
Improvisation for the Theater by Viola Spolin
The Viewpoints Book by Anne Bogart
Acting by Richard Boleslavsky
Acting for the Camera by Tony Barr
Speak with Distinction by Edith Skinner
The Golden Rules of Acting by Andy Nyman
Strasberg's Method As Taught by Lorrie Hull by S. Loraine Hull
True and False by David Mamet
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
A Dream of Passion by Lee Strasberg
Improvise. by Mick Napier
Backwards and Forwards by David Ball
Games for Actors and Non-Actors by Augusto Boal
Работа актера над собой by Konstantin Stanislavski
Creating A Role by Constantin Stanislavski
Accents and Dialects for Stage and Screen by Paul Meier
The Technique of Acting by Stella Adler
The Fervent Years by Harold Clurman
The Excellent Audition Guide by Andy Johnson
Being an Actor by Simon Callow
Surviving Actors Manual by Felicity Jackson
My Life In Art - Translated from the Russian by J. J. Robbins - With Illustrations by Constantin Stanislavsky
Michael Powell by Michael Powell
The Stanislavski System by Sonia Moore
How to Be a Working Actor, 5th Edition by Mari Lyn Henry
Loving to Audition by Larry Silverberg
Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей by Dale Carnegie, Robert Petkoff, Donna Dale Carnegie, Simon & Schuster Audio
So You Want to be an Actor? by Timothy West