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Explore the teachings of one of the most influential acting teachers in American history through this book of 22 lessons. Stella Adler, known for instructing iconic actors like Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro, imparted her vast knowledge of the craft over a long and illustrious career. Howard Kissel has captured her decades of experience and expertise in this essential volume on The Art of Acting.
John Leguizamo
2019-01-07T19:07:58.000ZActing exercises that help actors eliminate tensions, fears, and inhibitions. The exercises focus on exploring the "being" state, eliminating obstacles, and avoiding concept and presentational acting. The book includes a complete chapter on sense memory as an acting tool and is co-authored by Joan Hotchkis, with a Foreword by Jack Nicholson.
John Leguizamo
2019-01-07T19:07:58.000ZDiscover the famous acting training book that has inspired generations of actors and trainers. This edition was the first to introduce Stanislavski's 'system' to English speakers and continues to be a classic in acting classes. Learn about inward preparation, the 'magic if' concept, emotion memory, and rehearsal aids. An essential read for actors, directors, and anyone interested in the art of drama.
John Leguizamo
2019-01-07T19:07:58.000ZLearn from the best with this definitive source book on Method acting. Lee Strasberg's revolutionary theory of acting has influenced the craft of Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Paul Newman, and other legendary actors. In A Dream of Passion, Strasberg explains The Method and tells the story of its development and the people involved with it. This masterpiece is a must-read for anyone involved with the theater.
John Leguizamo
2019-01-07T19:07:58.000ZLearn the craft of acting from one of the greatest teachers of our time in this captivating book. Follow an acting class of eight men and eight women as they go from basic exercises to polished performances of contemporary American plays. Meisner's empathic and encouraging teaching style provokes emotion, laughter, and technical mastery from his students. With an introduction by Sydney Pollack, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in acting or appreciating the craft.
John Leguizamo
Mark PellegrinoThis detailed book on acting serves as a credo for one of the industry's experienced professionals. Respect for Acting offers invaluable advice for both aspiring and seasoned actors, containing vivid dicta drawn from experience, skill, and a sense of personal and professional worth. With her significant imagination, Uta Hagen's object exercises can stimulate anyone preparing a scene for presentation. No wonder almost no American actors are uninfluenced by Hagen's teachings.
John Leguizamo
2019-01-07T19:07:58.000ZExplore a fascinating and surprising world with this groundbreaking work of science, history, and archaeology. Charles C. Mann challenges the widely-held belief that pre-Columbian Americans lived sparsely in a wilderness. Instead, he reveals that they molded and influenced the land around them in incredible ways, from creating advanced cities to engineering corn in a specialized process. Enrich your understanding of the Americas before 1492 with this transformative read.
John Leguizamo
Вскрытые вены Латинской Америки
Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent
Эта книга - главная в творчестве уругвайского писателя Э. Галеано - лучшее произведение по экономической истории континента и одновременно классика политической литературы. Написанная в 1971 г., книга с годами не теряет популярности и держит в напряжении многомиллионную и многоязычную (переведена на 20 языков) читательскую аудиторию. В ней соседствуют конкистадоры на каравеллах и технократы на авиалайнерах, Эрнан Кортес и морская пехота США, губернаторы королевства и эмиссары Международного валютного фонда, работорговцы и корпоративная бизнес-элита, одним словом все те, кто последние пять веков "писали" историю Латинской Америки. Именно эту книгу лидер Венесуэлы Уго Чавес подарил президенту США Бараку Обаме на саммите стран Америки в апреле 2009 г., после чего книга в очередной раз стала бить рекорды в рейтингах продаж. Первое издание этой книги на русском языке вышло в издательстве "Прогресс" в 1986 г.
John Leguizamo
2018-11-08T20:05:05.000ZИзвестный американский историк Говард Зинн дает свой, во многом отличный от большинства традиционных представлений, взгляд на важнейшие события истории США с колониальных времен до начала XXI в. Автор создал необычайно яркую, живую, насыщенную интереснейшими фактами историю жизни и борьбы за выживание и достоинство ущемленных социальных групп. Подлинными героями "Народной истории США" Г.Зинна оказались миллионы простых американцев. Опубликованная в 1980 г. и неоднократно переиздававшаяся, эта книга впервые переведена на русский язык, и, безусловно, привлечет внимание не только профессиональных историков, социологов и политологов, но и всех, кто интересуется историей Соединенных Штатов.
John Leguizamo
2018-11-08T20:05:05.000Z1493 by Charles C. Mann