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Alex Honnold

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Alexander Honnold is an American rock climber best known for his free solo ascents of big walls. His accomplishment of free soloing El Capitan, in Yosemite National Park, is regarded as one of the greatest athletic achievements of all time.
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Nerve book cover
Adventures in the Science of Fear
Eva Holland - 2020-04-14
Рейтинг Goodreads
Eva Holland's Nerve is a gripping exploration of the science of fear and the universal human experience of confronting it. After her mother's sudden death, Holland dives headfirst into studying fear and uses herself as a test subject by facing her deepest anxieties. She investigates the latest research and meets with experts who are developing a drug to erase traumatic memories. A mix of Mary Roach and Cheryl Strayed, Nerve delves into the emotions that define us as human beings and asks the question: can we cure our deepest fears?
Alex Honnold
I really enjoyed the book, for what that's worth. Read an advance version and thoroughly enjoyed.      источник
Sacred Economics book cover
Sacred Economics
Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition
Charles Eisenstein - 2011-07-12
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the history of money and its effects on our world with Sacred Economics. From ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, this book reveals how the money system has caused competition, scarcity, and destroyed community. Learn about avant-garde concepts like negative-interest currencies and gift economies as author Charles Eisenstein considers the personal dimensions of transitioning to a more connected and sustainable way of life. Discover a vision that is radical yet commonsense and relevant to the crises of our civilization. Sacred Economics is published by EVOLVER EDITIONS, an imprint that promotes a new counterculture focused on realizing humanity's visionary potential.
Alex Honnold
Totally changed the way I looked at economics.      источник
Народная история США book cover
Народная история США
Howard Zinn - 1995-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1980)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Известный американский историк Говард Зинн дает свой, во многом отличный от большинства традиционных представлений, взгляд на важнейшие события истории США с колониальных времен до начала XXI в. Автор создал необычайно яркую, живую, насыщенную интереснейшими фактами историю жизни и борьбы за выживание и достоинство ущемленных социальных групп. Подлинными героями "Народной истории США" Г.Зинна оказались миллионы простых американцев. Опубликованная в 1980 г. и неоднократно переиздававшаяся, эта книга впервые переведена на русский язык, и, безусловно, привлечет внимание не только профессиональных историков, социологов и политологов, но и всех, кто интересуется историей Соединенных Штатов.
Alex Honnold
Totally changed the way I look at politics.      источник