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21 книга в списке
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The Happiest Baby on the Block
The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer
Learn the secrets to calming a crying infant and promoting healthy sleep with the revolutionary techniques found in this parenting guide. Developed by pediatrician and child development expert Dr. Harvey Karp, this national bestseller shares four crucial principles for understanding and soothing newborns, including the "Missing Fourth Trimester" and the 5 "S's" for triggering the automatic calming reflex. With practical advice on everything from colic to sleeping habits, this book is a must-have for new parents and caregivers alike.
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Ashton Kutcher
The Sleepeasy Solution
The Exhausted Parent's Guide to Getting Your Child to Sleep from Birth to Age 5
Solve your child's sleep problems with The Sleepeasy Solution, the proven method used by Hollywood stars and their trusted sleep specialists. Authors and psychotherapists Jennifer and Jill have perfected this family-friendly technique that addresses both parent and child's emotional needs, ensuring success in as little as three nights. Customize a sleep plan that works for your family and adjust to each stage of your child's development. With high praise from celebrities like Ben Stiller and Greg Kinnear, The Sleepeasy Solution is the dream come true for any exhausted parent looking for a good night's sleep.
Представлено в 8 статьях
Ashton Kutcher
Как уложить ребёнка спать без слёз
Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night
A breakthrough approach for a good night's sleep--with no tears
There are two schools of thought for encouraging babies to sleep through the night: the hotly debated Ferber technique of letting the baby "cry it out," or the grin-and-bear-it solution of getting up from dusk to dawn as often as necessary. If you don't believe in letting your baby cry it out, but desperately want to sleep, there is now a third option, presented in Elizabeth Pantley's sanity-saving book "The No-Cry Sleep Solution."
Pantley's successful solution has been tested and proven effective by scores of mothers and their babies from across the United States, Canada, and Europe. Based on her research, Pantley's guide provides you with effective strategies to overcoming naptime and nighttime problems. "The No-Cry Sleep Solution "offers clearly explained, step-by-step ideas that steer your little ones toward a good night's sleep--all with no crying.
Tips from The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Uncover the stumbling blocks that prevent baby from sleeping through the night Determine--and work with--baby's biological sleep rhythms Create a customized, step-by-step plan to get baby to sleep through the night Use the Persistent Gentle Removal System to teach baby to fall asleep without breast-feeding, bottlefeeding, or using a pacifier
Представлено в 8 статьях
Можно ли с первых дней жизни младенца научиться понимать его "язык" и начать полноценно общаться с ним? Как разобраться в характере новорожденного, чтобы ухаживать за ним с учетом его личных особенностей и темперамента? Есть ли простые и надежные способы решения таких типичных проблем младенческого возраста, как "беспричинный" плач или нежелание спать по ночам?
Об этом и многом другом рассказывает Трейси Хогг, специалист по уходу за новорожденными. Ее многолетний опыт и рекомендации помогли очень многим семьям, в том числе и звездным, справиться с трудностями первого года родительства и вырастить счастливых и здоровых малышей. Все советы Трейси предельно практичны и доступны каждому, а предлагаемые ею приемы исключительно действенны - возможно, потому, что ее подход основан на уважительном отношении к новорожденным детям, пусть маленьким, но личностям.
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Как научить младенца спать всю ночь? Мудрость в воспитании новорожденного
Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep
Эта книга поможет вам научить ребенка спать 8 часов каждую ночь, начиная с восьминедельного возраста, а также расскажет: как наладить режим дня ребенка так, чтобы его развитие было оптимальным; как добиться наилучших результатов при кормлении грудью; как воспитывать новорожденного, чтобы впоследствии он хорошо учился в школе и был ответственной личностью. Авторы этой книги убеждены, что принципы, которыми руководствуется человек в жизни, закладываются уже в младенчестве.
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Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old
A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success
Get your baby sleeping through the night with Suzy Giordano's "Limited-Crying Solution" presented in this straightforward book. The plan guarantees twelve hours of sleep at night and three hours during the day by the age of twelve weeks old. Dubbed a baby sleep "guru," Giordano is a mother of five and one of the most sought-after baby sleep specialists in the country. Tested on various types of babies, her technique has never failed. Expectant parents, first-time parents, and those seeking a different path with subsequent children can all benefit from this popular system.
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Help your child fall asleep and stay asleep with the completely revised edition of the leading book on children’s sleep problems from Dr. Richard Ferber. Learn about the nature of sleep and body rhythms throughout childhood and discover safe, sound solutions to bedtime difficulties and nighttime wakings, naps, co-sleeping, sleep terrors, sleepwalking, setting limits, and more. Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems delivers priceless advice for anxious and overtired parents.
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Gentle Sleep Book
For Calm Babies, Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers by Sarah Ockwell-Smith (2015-03-05)
Discover a new book that will guide parents through the challenges of their child's sleep patterns from infancy to school age. With scientific and anecdotal information, this book covers everything from night waking, bedwetting, nightmares, and refusal to go to bed. This gentle, evidence-based approach doesn't involve leaving a baby to cry or shutting a sobbing child in their bedroom. Don't miss out on the indispensable guide that will provide plenty of gentle suggestions to help both parents and child get a good night's sleep.
Представлено в 6 статьях

The Happy Sleeper
The Science-Backed Guide to Helping Your Baby Get a Good Night's Sleep-Newborn to School Age
Sleep training is not necessary when it comes to babies and young children. Instead of over-helping or "helicopter parenting", children should be allowed to develop their self-soothing skills to achieve optimal sleep patterns. In the research-based guide, The Happy Sleeper, child sleep experts Heather Turgeon and Julie Wright show parents how to be nurturing and structured to help their children fall asleep independently, take healthy naps, and sleep through the night. With a foreword by parenting expert Dr. Daniel Siegel, this book is the perfect tool for parents who want to help their children get the sleep they need.
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"Get your baby sleeping through the night with evidence-based and flexible tools that work for every unique situation. This whip-smart guide focuses on the WHY behind baby sleep, helping you navigate the tricky newborn phase and solve toddler and preschooler sleep struggles. Follow sleep expert Alexis Dubief's practical solutions and improve your child's sleep for good."
Представлено в 4 статьях
Sweet Sleep by La Leche League International
Moms on Call Basic Baby Care by Laura/ Jennifer Walker Hunter
Sleeping Through the Night by Jodi A. Mindell
Зачем мы спим by Matthew Walker
Let's talk about your new family's sleep by Lyndsey Hookway
It's Never Too Late to Sleep Train by Craig Canapari MD
On Becoming Babywise by Robert Bucknam M.D., Gary Ezzo MA
The Baby Sleep Solution by Suzy Giordano, Lisa Abidin
Holistic Sleep Coaching by Lyndsey Hookway
The New Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford
Французские дети не плюются едой by Pamela Druckerman