35 книг в списке
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Country Western singer Kinky Friedman often performs a song entitled "They Ain't Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore," and New Testament professor Amy–Jill Levine would agree. In fact, her career is dedicated to helping Christians and Jews understand the Jewishness of Jesus, thereby deepening the understanding of him, and facilitating greater interfaith...
Anne Thériault
2023-02-22T06:29:25.000ZThis book follows the adventures of the Great Brain, a ten-year-old con artist in the Midwest. With his silver tongue and knack for turning a profit, he manages to save the day and line his pockets at the same time. From rescuing friends to helping out new kids in school, the Great Brain always comes out on top.
Anne Thériault
Jeff AtwoodA blended family moves to the country in a former church with a cemetery in the backyard. Tensions rise as 12-year-old Molly and 10-year-old Michael struggle to deal with their bratty and manipulative 7-year-old stepsister Heather. But when Heather starts talking to a ghost named Helen and warns them of her arrival, Molly worries for her well-being. However, things take a turn for the worst when Helen actually shows up.
Anne Thériault
2022-10-31T01:27:06.000ZA little doll named Edith is lonely and has nobody to play with, until she encounters two bears in the garden. First published in 1957, The Lonely Doll is a unique children's classic filled with innovative photography that brings these characters to life. The book tells a heartwarming story of friendship and companionship. The author, Dare Wright, used her childhood doll and her brother's help in selecting the bear family to create a mesmerizing cast of characters. The story is told through simple poses and expressive images that will captivate young readers.
Anne Thériault
2022-05-28T00:59:39.000ZDiscover the captivating histories of some of the most significant popes from the past 2000 years in this riveting chronicle. From successful negotiations with invaders to scandals within Rome's most powerful families, author John Julius Norwich covers the political, cultural, and social impact of each pope on Rome and the world. Experience the intrigue and inspiration that shaped the course of history in this fascinating read.
Anne Thériault
2021-12-29T00:58:45.000ZМировой бестселлер. Книга-зеркало, в которой многие женщины могут узнать себя со всеми волнующими их проблемами, а заодно и практическое пособие для тех дам, которые в результате поисков своего идеального "я" и своей "второй половинки" оказываются в стане воинствующих феминисток. Кроме того, роман Хелен Филдинг - неплохой путеводитель и для мужчин, не желающих заблудиться в закоулках загадочной женской души.
Anne Thériault
2021-10-13T03:53:50.000ZМег Мёрфи, девочка, которая когда-то воспользовалась изломом во времени, чтобы спасти своего отца, выросла и вышла замуж – конечно же, за Кальвина, с которым они подружились, переживая те незабываемые приключения. И вот однажды осенью вся семья собралась за праздничным столом, и тут… И тут выяснилось, что наш мир на грани катастрофы. И только Чарльз Уоллес, младший брат Мег, может предотвратить гибель планеты в пламени третьей мировой войны. Для этого ему придется оседлать единорога и посетить иные времена, раскрыв многие тайны прошлого и будущего…
Эта книга – третья в цикле «Квинтет времени» – является продолжением прославленного бестселлера «Излом времени», экранизированного в 2018 году студией Уолта Диснея.
Впервые на русском языке!
Anne Thériault
The Deadly Sisterhood
A Story of Women, Power, and Intrigue in the Italian Renaissance, 1427-1527
Step into the fascinating world of Renaissance Italy through the lives of eight women in The Deadly Sisterhood. Leonie Frieda's riveting narrative reveals the tales of these influential women, from their wealth and political power to their personal tragedies and trials. Experience the spectacle, opportunity, and depravity of this long-gone era filled with intrigue, corruption, and passion.
Anne Thériault
2021-04-15T03:10:32.000Z"Delve into the scandalous and captivating tale of the infamous Byron family in The Fall of the House of Byron. Beginning in rural Nottinghamshire and playing out in the clubs of Georgian London, this electrifying work of social history follows the fates of three generations of Lord Byron's ancestors. With stories of elopement, murder, kidnapping, and thrilling near-death experiences at sea, the Byrons shocked society and left a legacy that would influence Lord Byron's life and poetry for posterity. A must-read for those interested in compelling family dramas and sumptuous historical portraits."
Anne Thériault
Lindsey FitzharrisIn a house full of sadness and secrets, can young, orphaned Mary find happiness?
Mary Lennox, a spoiled, ill-tempered, and unhealthy child, comes to live with her reclusive uncle in Misselthwaite Manor on England’s Yorkshire moors after the death of her parents. There she meets a hearty housekeeper and her spirited brother, a dour gardener, a cheerful robin, and her wilful, hysterical, and sickly cousin, Master Colin, whose wails she hears echoing through the house at night.
With the help of the robin, Mary finds the door to a secret garden, neglected and hidden for years. When she decides to restore the garden in secret, the story becomes a charming journey into the places of the heart, where faith restores health, flowers refresh the spirit, and the magic of the garden, coming to life anew, brings health to Colin and happiness to Mary.
Anne Thériault
2021-03-17T22:58:33.000ZUtopia Avenue by David Mitchell
The Montague Twins by Nathan Page
Hello I Want to Die Please Fix Me by Anna Mehler Paperny
Prairie Fires by Caroline Fraser
Правила магии by Alice Hoffman
Pantry and Palate by Simon Thibault
Njinga of Angola by Linda M. Heywood
Joan of Arc by Helen Castor
Клеопатра by Stacy Schiff
The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray
Catherine De Medici by Leonie Frieda
Дающий by Lois Lowry
Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
Catherine, Called Birdy by Karen Cushman
Эпоха невинности by Edith Wharton
Return to Paris by Colette Rossant
Маленькие женщины by Louisa May Alcott
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Bear by Marian Engel
A Traveller in Time by Alison Uttley
Warrior Scarlet by Rosemary Sutcliff
Baby Island by Carol Ryrie Brink
Тайная история by Donna Tartt
Paris Was Yesterday, 1925-1939 by Janet (Genêt) Flanner
Honestly, Katie John by Mary Calhoun