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Quentin Hardy

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Quentin Hardy is the deputy technology editor for The New York Times. He is formerly an executive editor for Forbes Media.
14 книг в списке
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The Giant, O'Brien book cover
The Giant, O'Brien
A Novel
Hilary Mantel - 2007-06-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1998)
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The Giant, O'Brien by Hilary Mantel takes readers back to the Age of Reason in the 18th century. Charles O'Brien, a giant who tells ancient folk tales, moves to England to make his fortune as a sideshow exhibit. However, his height attracts unwanted attention from a surgeon named John Hunter who is obsessed with dissecting him. The novel explores the conflict between Hunter's thirst for knowledge and fame versus O'Brien's belief that his soul cannot go to heaven without his body. Mantel dives deep into the division of soul and body, imagination and rationalism, offering no easy answers but reflecting on universal questions that still resonate today.
Quentin Hardy
Aw crap. I have loved her books since "The Giant, O'Brien," which is hilarious and devastating. She leaves an exceptional body of work.      источник
The Book of Sand & Shakespeare's Memory book cover
The Book of Sand & Shakespeare's Memory
Jorge Luis Borges - 2001-04-05 (впервые опубликовано в 1975)
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Experience the brilliance of acclaimed Spanish-language writer Jorge Luis Borges in his last major story collection, The Book of Sand, now in a new stand-alone edition. This collection features Borges's signature fantastic inventiveness paired with a direct and colloquial writing style. The book includes marvelous tales like "The Congress," "Undr," "The Mirror and the Mask," and "The Rose of Paracelsus," showcasing Borges's incredible depth of vision and superb image-conjuring power. Don't miss out on this must-read work of literary mastery.
Quentin Hardy
Reading "The Book of Sand" on what turns out to be Borges' 123rd birthday. When I first read it as a young man, it was impossible to understand how much it was an old man's book, and how very dark it is. He wore his courage so lightly.      источник
Bad Eminence book cover
Bad Eminence
James Greer - 2022-07-05
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Follow Vanessa Salomon, a French-American translator with deep-seated resentment towards her famous twin sister and the recent suicide of her only love. While translating a dead author's book, she is offered a better gig - translating for an Extremely Famous French Writer, leading to a literary hell of doppelgangers, mystic visions, and the secret of life itself. Bad Eminence is a literary satire peppered with sponsored content and a nod to contemporary screen-life and digital celebrity.
Quentin Hardy
This book is exhibiting intelligence!      источник
Evil Geniuses book cover
Evil Geniuses
The Unmaking of America
Kurt Andersen - 2020-08-11
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This book explores how America abandoned fairness and the middle class, and instead favored big business and the wealthy. The author traces the dismantling of the economic and social systems that made the American Dream possible, showing how greed became good and workers powerless. With deep research and a fresh perspective, the author names those responsible for this undoing and offers a path forward from this man-made disaster. This is the one book everyone must read as we figure out how to rebuild our country.
Quentin Hardy
@ihorgowda @KBAndersen An excellent book.      источник
Alan EyreCallie Khouri
Побег из лагеря смерти book cover
Побег из лагеря смерти
One Man's Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom in the West
Blaine Harden - 2012-03-29
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Он родился и живет в заключении, где чужие бьют, а свои — предают. Его дни похожи один на другой и состоят из издевательств и рабского труда, так что он вряд ли доживет до 40. Его единственная мечта — попробовать жареную курицу. В 23 года он решается на побег… Шин Дон Хёк родился 30 лет назад в Северной Корее в концлагере № 14 и стал единственным узником, который смог оттуда сбежать. Считается, что в КНДР нет никаких концлагерей, однако они отчетливо видны на спутниковых снимках и, по оценкам нескольких правозащитных групп, в них пребывает свыше 200 000 человек, которым не суждено выйти на свободу. Благодаря известному журналисту Блейну Хардену, Шин смог рассказать, что происходило с ним за колючей проволокой и как ему удалось сбежать в Америку. Международный бестселлер, основанный на реальных событиях. Переведен на 24 языка и лег в основу документального фильма, получившего мировое признание.
Quentin Hardy
@matvelloso It's an amazing book.      источник
Pale Fire book cover
Pale Fire
Vladimir Nabokov - 2000-08-31 (впервые опубликовано в 1962)
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A complex and thrilling read, this book delves into the interplay of a brilliant poem, an eccentric writer, and a twisted tale of power and intrigue. With a mix of literary analysis and dark comedy, Pale Fire is a must-read for fans of Nabokov and those who love a challenging, layered story.
Quentin Hardy
@miahfost @page88 Pale Fire is an elusive meditation on the hope and terror of life after death, and a fuckin’ killer book. Done.      источник
The Last Fine Time book cover
The Last Fine Time
Verlyn Klinkenborg - 2004-04-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
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Discover the life of a family-owned restaurant in Buffalo, New York, from prewar days to its reincarnation as a swank nightspot in The Last Fine Time. Verlyn Klinkenborg's lyrical style turns this history into an elegy, celebration, and social commentary all at once. Watch the neon sign outside the restaurant dim as an old world way of life passes and prosperous Americans' postwar exuberance comes to an end.
Quentin Hardy
@Sulliview Such a good book.      источник
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends book cover
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends
The Cyberweapons Arms Race
Nicole Perlroth - 2021-02-09
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Discover the untold story of the cyberweapons market in this chilling exposé by a leading cybersecurity reporter. Follow the journey of zero day, a coveted tool in the spy's arsenal with the power to dismantle safety controls, alter elections, and create chaos. Delve into the United States government's dominant hoarder of zero days and how they lost control, placing this powerful tool in the hands of hostile nations and mercenaries who will stop at nothing. Written like a thrilling reference, This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends is a cautionary tale that we all must heed to bring the global cyber arms race to heel.
Quentin Hardy
I tore through @nicoleperlroth's brilliant and chilling book, you should preorder it and she should be proud.      источник
The Future Eaters book cover
The Future Eaters
An Ecological History of the Australasian Lands and People
Tim Flannery - 2002-10-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1994)
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Explore the environment of islands throughout history, from the age of dinosaurs to modern society, in this gripping and thought-provoking ecological history. Natural history, anthropology, and ecology come together in a penetrating and epic journey accompanied by stunning illustrations.
Quentin Hardy
@DGisSERIOUS He's never been to the museum at the Tar Pits: People crossed the Bering Strait in big numbers about 15,000 years ago, discovered a wonderland of meat, and ate most species into extinction. "The Future Eaters" is a wonderful book on the Aboriginal decimation of Australia.      источник
The Body of Il Duce by Sergio Luzzatto
Dignity by Chris Arnade
Путешествие на край ночи by Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Jesse James by T. J. Stiles
Таинственный сад by Frances Hodgson Burnett