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Read This Twice

Andrew Wilkinson

Рекомендованные Книги

22 книг в списке
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Ошибки, которые были допущены (но не мной) book cover
Ошибки, которые были допущены (но не мной)
Почему мы оправдываем глупые убеждения, плохие решения и пагубные действия
Carol Tavris - 2007-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
После совершения ошибки мы обычно сочиняем "легенду", освобождающую нас от ответственности, восстанавливая веру в то, что мы являемся справедливыми и компетентными, чтобы оправдать себя и защитить свою самооценку от удара. Социальные психологи Кэрол Теврис и Эллиот Аронсон на основе длительных исследований увлекательно объясняют, в чем причина самооправданий: как они работают, ущерб, который они могут нанести как нам, так и нашему окружению, и, самое главное, как мы можем распознать и остановить их, пока они не привели нас к безнравственным поступкам. Рекомендуется всем, кто хочет понять тайны человеческой натуры и разобраться в причинах собственных поступков и поступков других людей. Книга будет профессионально полезна широкому кругу специалистов различных специализаций в области: психологии, медицины, социологии, журналистики, конфликтологии, политологии, медиации, права, судопроизводства, криминалистики и др.
Andrew Wilkinson
There's a great book on it that I highly recommend called Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me)      источник
Glenn BeckRyan HolidayPeter Attia
Wanting book cover
The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life
Luke Burgis - 2021-06-01
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Explore the theory of "mimetic desire" and its influence on our daily lives, from work to romance to politics, in this groundbreaking book. Based on the ideas of French scholar René Girard, author Luke Burgis reveals how our desires are shaped by those around us and how we can break free from chasing unfulfilling desires. Drawing on his experience as an entrepreneur and student of philosophy and theology, Burgis provides a toolkit for intentional wanting and finding meaning in our lives.
Andrew Wilkinson
No, I didn't read Dianetics ;-) The book is called ‘Wanting’, by an guy named Luke Burgis. It’s about mimetic desire. An academic theory popularized by Peter Thiel. At face value, it barely sounds worth mentioning: When the people around you want something, we want it too…      источник
Dan RockwellRory Sutherland
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends book cover
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends
The Cyberweapons Arms Race
Nicole Perlroth - 2021-02-09
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Discover the untold story of the cyberweapons market in this chilling exposé by a leading cybersecurity reporter. Follow the journey of zero day, a coveted tool in the spy's arsenal with the power to dismantle safety controls, alter elections, and create chaos. Delve into the United States government's dominant hoarder of zero days and how they lost control, placing this powerful tool in the hands of hostile nations and mercenaries who will stop at nothing. Written like a thrilling reference, This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends is a cautionary tale that we all must heed to bring the global cyber arms race to heel.
Andrew Wilkinson
I'm shocked by how few tech leaders—especially at small and medium sized companies—understand the risk of cyber attack. It's like being a civil engineer in Japan who hasn't read about earthquakes. This book by @nicoleperlroth shook me:      источник
Психология денег book cover
Психология денег
Вечные уроки богатства, жадности и счастья
Morgan Housel - 2020-09-08
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Говоря об умелом обращении человека с деньгами, мы имеем в виду не столько его знания, сколько действия. А обучить людей (даже по-настоящему умных) правильному поведению бывает нелегко. Деньги, в частности инвестиции, личные финансы и бизнес-решения, обычно считаются вотчиной математики, где данные и формулы четко подсказывают нам алгоритм действий. Но в реальном мире люди принимают финансовые решения не на основании графиков и таблиц, а в ходе бесед за ланчем или в конференц-зале, где странным образом перемешиваются личная история, ваше собственное уникальное мировоззрение, эго, маркетинг и самые невероятные стимулы. В своей книге «Психология денег» Морган Хаузел делится с вами 19 маленькими историями, в которых отражены необычные взгляды людей на деньги и содержатся уроки, способствующие лучшему пониманию этой одной из самых важных жизненных тем.
Andrew Wilkinson
@BrentBeshore @morganhousel I read it last weekend and absolutely loved it. One of the best books I’ve read all year.      источник
How to Get Rich book cover
How to Get Rich
One of the World's Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets
Felix Dennis - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2008)
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Learn from the expert on how to create a successful business empire and become wealthy. In How to Get Rich, the author shares personal insights and lessons learned from creating a publishing empire and becoming one of the richest people in the UK. This isn't your typical get-rich-quick guide - the author doesn't peddle investment tips or motivational slogans. Instead, he wants to help readers embrace entrepreneurship and shares valuable lessons on topics like the dangers of a regular paycheck and the importance of ownership. With a refreshing and humorous tone, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to build their own successful career.
Andrew Wilkinson
There is one book I recommend more than any other, and I'm ashamed to share the name... I swear to god, this is an incredible, well-written, thoughtful book. It's called 'How To Get Rich' 🤦‍♂️ It was written by a magazine publishing magnate named Felix Dennis in 2008...      источник
Lights Out book cover
Lights Out
Pride, Delusion, and the Fall of General Electric
Thomas Gryta - 2020-07-21
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Lights Out is the captivating history of General Electric's decline, told by two Wall Street Journal reporters who covered its fall. This iconic corporation was once a symbol of job security and investment success, powering everything from lightbulbs to American turbines and boasting legendary CEO Jack Welch. However, as Welch's handpicked successor, Jeff Immelt, attempted to fix past mistakes, he stumbled into new ones of his own, leading to the company's ultimate decline. This book is a cautionary tale for our times, highlighting the danger of losing direction in a win-at-all-costs culture.
Andrew Wilkinson
@ShaneAParrish 3 that stand out: Maybe You Should Talk To Somebody by Lori Gottlieb Lights Out by Thomas Gryta The Man Who Solved The Market by Gregory Zuckerman      источник
Samir Arora
The Man Who Solved the Market book cover
The Man Who Solved the Market
How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution
Gregory Zuckerman - 2019-11-07
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A gripping story of the world's greatest money maker in modern finance history. Revealing how a mathematician and former code breaker mastered the market using a data-driven, algorithmic approach. With unprecedented access to Jim Simons and first-hand accounts from current and former employees, learn how Renaissance's Medallion fund generated profits of more than $100 billion since 1988. This book is not just about Simons's success and legacy, but also how it impacted his firm, country, and the rest of us. Shortlisted for the Financial Times/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award.
Andrew Wilkinson
@ShaneAParrish 3 that stand out: Maybe You Should Talk To Somebody by Lori Gottlieb Lights Out by Thomas Gryta The Man Who Solved The Market by Gregory Zuckerman      источник
Вы хотите поговорить об этом? Психотерапевт book cover
Вы хотите поговорить об этом? Психотерапевт
Ее клиенты
Lori Gottlieb - 2019-04-02
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Лори Готтлиб, успешный психотерапевт, консультирует множество пациентов и помогает им справляться с разнообразными жизненными перипетиями. Но по средам она сама пациентка, рыдающая в кабинете психоаналитика, потому что ее жизнь летит под откос. Невероятно жизненная, честная и откровенная история заставляет смеяться, плакать и безудержно возмущаться вместе с главными героями, которые пытаются изменить свою жизнь или хотя бы примириться с ней. Готтлиб доказывает: неважно, насколько мы все разные, от боли и отчаяния не застрахован никто — ни самоуверенный голливудский сценарист, ни жизнерадостная девушка с онкологией, ни даже их стойкий и участливый психотерапевт.
Andrew Wilkinson
@ShaneAParrish 3 that stand out: Maybe You Should Talk To Somebody by Lori Gottlieb Lights Out by Thomas Gryta The Man Who Solved The Market by Gregory Zuckerman      источник
Triumphs of Experience book cover
Triumphs of Experience
The Men of the Harvard Grant Study
George E. Vaillant - 2012-10-30
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Triumphs of Experience delves into the longest longitudinal study of human development ever undertaken, which charts the physical and emotional health of over 200 men from their undergraduate days to their nineties. The book offers some welcome news for the new old age: our lives continue to evolve in our later years and often become more fulfilling than before. Reporting on all aspects of male life, including relationships, politics and religion, coping strategies, and alcohol use, this study shares a number of surprising findings, such as marriages bringing much more contentment after age 70, and physical aging after 80 is determined less by heredity than by habits formed prior to age 50. This book highlights that the credit for growing old with grace and vitality goes more to ourselves than to our genetic makeup.
Andrew Wilkinson
@jmagnuss The Triumphs of Experience (book)      источник
Tao of Charlie Munger book cover
Tao of Charlie Munger
A Compilation of Quotes from Berkshire Hathaway's Vice Chairman on Life, Business, and the Pursuit of Wealth With Commentary by David Clark
David Clark - 2017-01-03
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Get investment tips, business philosophies, and rules for living from one of America’s most successful investors, Charlie Munger, in The Tao of Charlie Munger. This compendium of pithy quotes, collected and interpreted by David Clark, offers insights into Munger’s amazing financial success and life philosophies. Culled from interviews, speeches, and questions and answers at the Berkshire Hathaway and Wesco annual meetings, Munger’s words of wisdom are sure to teach professional and amateur investors how to be successful in finance and life.
Andrew Wilkinson
'The Tao of Charlie Munger' by David Clark is easily the most impactful book I've read over the past 5 years. I've read it probably 20 times, just to drill all of Munger's lessons into my head. Better than any MBA.      источник
Eric Siu
Деньги. Мастер игры by Tony Robbins
Легко не будет by Ben Horowitz
The Fish That Ate the Whale by Rich Cohen
Rework by Jason Fried
Мясо by Jonathan Safran Foer
Сделано, чтобы прилипать by Chip Heath
Психология влияния by Robert B. Cialdini
Snakes in Suits by Paul Babiak
Status Anxiety by Alain de Botton
Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got by Jay Abraham
Лишенные совести by Robert D. Hare
In Sheep's Clothing by George K. Simon