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Лори Готтлиб, успешный психотерапевт, консультирует множество пациентов и помогает им справляться с разнообразными жизненными перипетиями. Но по средам она сама пациентка, рыдающая в кабинете психоаналитика, потому что ее жизнь летит под откос. Невероятно жизненная, честная и откровенная история заставляет смеяться, плакать и безудержно возмущаться вместе с главными героями, которые пытаются изменить свою жизнь или хотя бы примириться с ней. Готтлиб доказывает: неважно, насколько мы все разные, от боли и отчаяния не застрахован никто — ни самоуверенный голливудский сценарист, ни жизнерадостная девушка с онкологией, ни даже их стойкий и участливый психотерапевт.
Diana Kimball Berlin
2019-10-20T16:48:45.000ZExplore the beauty and complexity of the Internet with this insightful book by Virginia Heffernan. Comparing it to great works of art and religion, Heffernan delves into the deep logic, cultural potential, and societal impact of this full-fledged civilization. Discover how the Internet rewards certain virtues and how its functions are changing our perceptions, experiences, and understanding of the world. A must-read for anyone fascinated by this fascinating place we all inhabit.
Diana Kimball Berlin
Dan KennedyPlaying Big
Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead
Discover how to play big from the inside out with this groundbreaking women's leadership book. Written by Tara Mohr, a popular conference speaker and leadership expert, this book provides practical tools to help women achieve their dreams, identify their callings, and take bold action. Mohr's coaching and programs have earned acclaim from the likes of Maria Shriver and Jillian Michaels, and have been featured on major media platforms like CNN and the Today show. Whether you're an executive or a stay-at-home mom, this book offers real, practical tools to help you unlearn counterproductive good girl habits, quiet self-doubt, and play bigger in your life and career. Join the thousands of women who have already transformed their lives with Mohr's program and discover how to unhook from praise and criticism to achieve your goals.
Diana Kimball Berlin