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B.J. Novak

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Benjamin Joseph Manaly Novak is an American actor, writer, comedian, and director. Novak was one of the writers and executive producers of The Office, in which he also played Ryan Howard.
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Counter Intelligence book cover
Counter Intelligence
Where to Eat in the Real Los Angeles
Jonathan Gold - 2000-12-01
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Discover the best hidden restaurants in Los Angeles with Counter Intelligence. Food critic Jonathan Gold shares over 200 of his favorite discoveries, from affordable lunch counters to lesser-known dishes at off-the-beaten-path establishments. Explore the diverse cuisines of Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Burma, Colombia, and more, including LA’s iconic hot dog and hamburger spots. This comprehensive guide includes pricing and neighborhood recommendations. Experience the ultimate foodie adventure with Counter Intelligence.
B.J. Novak
When I first moved to Los Angeles, Jonathan Gold's book "Counter Intelligence" is what taught me to see it as a city of neighborhoods and people. If you are interested to learn why he meant so much to people, the documentary "City of Gold" beautifully captures his spirit.      источник
How to Change Your Mind book cover
How to Change Your Mind
What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence
Michael Pollan - 2018-05-17
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Explore the use of psychedelic drugs for treating conditions like depression, addiction, and anxiety in this brilliant and brave investigation. Join Michael Pollan on a personal journey into altered states of consciousness and the thriving underground community of psychedelic therapists. Discover the truth about these mysterious drugs and their potential to transform our understanding of the mind, the self, and our place in the world. A unique blend of science, memoir, travel writing, history, and medicine, this book is a triumph of participatory journalism and a gripping account of a journey to an exciting and unexpected new frontier.
B.J. Novak
Three wonderful books I recommend that pertain to drug reform and depression – two issues in our minds this week – and some important connections between them: • Lost Connections by Johann Hari • Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari • How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan      источник
Пункт назначения book cover
Пункт назначения
счастье. Как путешествие длиною 40 000 миль раскрыло реальные причины депрессии
Johann Hari - 2018-01-23
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Эта книга - и личная одиссея автора, известного журналиста Йоханна Хари, и захватывающее расследование. Он отправился в путешествие длиною 40 000 миль, чтобы узнать о реальных причинах депрессии и действительно эффективных методах излечения. Результатом стали многочисленные интервью с учеными и медиками, которые занимаются проблемой депрессии, и истории пациентов, победивших болезнь. В книге рассказывается о 9 научно доказанных причинах депрессии и приводятся решения, которые дают надежду на исцеление огромному количеству людей.
B.J. Novak
Three wonderful books I recommend that pertain to drug reform and depression – two issues in our minds this week – and some important connections between them: • Lost Connections by Johann Hari • Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari • How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan      источник
Nir Eyal
Chasing the Scream book cover
Chasing the Scream
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
Johann Hari - 2015-01-20
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Explore the hidden truths of the war on drugs in this eye-opening journey by journalist Johann Hari. Discover the shocking reality behind addiction, drugs, and the real motives behind the infamous drug war, all through the inspiring stories of people whose lives it has affected. From a transsexual drug dealer in Brooklyn to a Mexican teenager caught in the crossfire, this New York Times bestseller will challenge and change your perceptions on this controversial topic.
B.J. Novak
Three wonderful books I recommend that pertain to drug reform and depression – two issues in our minds this week – and some important connections between them: • Lost Connections by Johann Hari • Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari • How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan      источник
Fatima BhuttoAlan Cooper
What in God's Name book cover
What in God's Name
A Novel
Simon Rich - 2012-08-07
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In this hilarious book, follow two idealistic angels who must save Earth from destruction when God decides to close up shop. With the fate of humanity resting on their shoulders, they tackle their toughest miracle yet: getting two socially awkward humans to fall in love. Can Craig and Eliza save the day before doomsday arrives? Find out in this witty, satirical take on Heaven, Inc.
B.J. Novak
Everyone read What In God's Name by Simon Rich if you want to read a great funny book      источник
Daily Rituals book cover
Daily Rituals
Women at Work
Mason Currey - 2019-03-05
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Explore the daily routines and rituals of female artists, from painters to performers, as they navigate the obstacles of their lives to create their masterpieces. Learn about the habits and superstitions of over 130 brilliant minds, including Eudora Welty, Marie Curie, Zadie Smith, and Frida Kahlo. From managing family obligations to dealing with writer's block, these women make daunting choices every day to pursue their passion. Discover the large and small decisions that shape their lives and summon their creativity.
B.J. Novak
I love Daily Rituals. I'm demoralized by how great people start their day very early.      источник
Беспечные ездоки, бешеные быки book cover
Беспечные ездоки, бешеные быки
How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood
Peter Biskind - 1999-04-04 (впервые опубликовано в 1998)
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В 1969 году малобюджетный фильм «Беспечный ездок» потряс Голливуд невероятным прокатным успехом и возвестил о начале новый эры. Это было время, когда молодые и талантливые режиссёры Скорсезе, Коппола и Спилберг вместе с новым поколением актёров, среди которых Де Ниро, Пачино и Николсон, стали влиятельными фигурами в кинематографе и создали современную киноклассику. Основанная на сотнях интервью самих режиссёров, продюсеров, звёздных актёров, их агентов, сценаристов, руководителей студий, жён и экс-жён, эта книга – исчерпывающий и откровенный рассказ о последнем «золотом веке» Голливуда.
B.J. Novak
Highly recommend it. About filmmaking in the glory days of the '70s.      источник
Oxford Book of Aphorisms book cover
Oxford Book of Aphorisms
John Gross - 1987-10-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1983)
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Discover a world of wit and insight in the Oxford Book of Aphorisms. This anthology showcases the brilliance of the aphorist, illuminating the hidden truths and ironies of existence. With specific sections on desires and longings, self-doubt, fame and reputations, happiness and sorrow, and featuring diverse figures from classic aphorists to philosophers and scientists, this anthology is a must-read for those seeking wisdom and inspiration in clever and concise statements.
B.J. Novak
I love. It's just the most well-edited, brilliant one-liners from history and you can spend hours on a page or you can just flip through it.      источник