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Carrie Johnson

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Carrie Johnson is a Justice Correspondent at National Public Radio.
10 книг в списке
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Говорят женщины book cover
Говорят женщины
Miriam Toews - 2019-04-02 (впервые опубликовано в 2018)
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Основанная на реальных событиях история скандала в религиозной общине Боливии, ставшая основой голливудского фильма. Однажды вечером восемь меннонитских женщин собираются в сарае на секретную встречу. На протяжении двух лет к ним и еще сотне других девушек в их колонии по ночам являлись демоны, чтобы наказать за грехи. Но когда выясняется, что синяки, ссадины и следы насилия — дело рук не сатанинских сил, а живых мужчин из их же общины, женщины оказываются перед выбором: остаться жить в мире, за пределами которого им ничего не знакомо, или сбежать, чтобы спасти себя и своих дочерей?
Carrie Johnson
An astounding book. Can’t wait to see the movie.      источник
Mona EltahawyDarcie Wilder
G-Man book cover
J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century
Beverly Gage - 2022-11-22
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Discover the life and career of J Edgar Hoover in this groundbreaking biography that pulls from previously unseen sources. From his rise to director of the FBI in 1924 to his death in 1972, discover how this once young and energetic reformer transformed a failing law-enforcement system into a modern machine. While he was known for his strong-arm tactics, Hoover was also a confidant and adversary to eight U.S. presidents and embodied conservative values ranging from anticommunism to white supremacy to a crusading and politicized interpretation of Christianity—gaining admiration from many Americans. This biography offers insight into the evolution of governance, policing, race, ideology, political culture, and federal power in the 20th century.
Carrie Johnson
Learned so much from this extraordinary book 📚      источник
Lucy by the Sea book cover
Lucy by the Sea
A Novel
Elizabeth Strout - 2022-09-20
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"Lucy by the Sea" is a moving novel about the struggles of a divorced couple stuck together during lockdown. With beautiful prose, Elizabeth Strout captures the emotions of love, loss, despair, and hope that animate us even in the midst of chaos. Follow the indomitable heroine, Lucy Barton, as she navigates the early days of the pandemic in a small town in Maine, alongside her ex-husband William. "Lucy by the Sea" explores the human connections that unite us even in isolation, with themes of family, friendship, and enduring love.
Carrie Johnson
The new Elizabeth Strout book “Lucy by the Sea” is fantastic.      источник
Elizabeth de la Vega
A Calling for Charlie Barnes book cover
A Calling for Charlie Barnes
Joshua Ferris - 2021-09-28
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An exploration of a sixty-eight-year-old small-business owner's life and his reckoning with his past decisions. The story is told from the perspective of his son, Jake, who questions his father's unsuccessful marriages and fleeting business ideas. Joshua Ferris's latest novel is a brutally funny but tender portrayal of an American dream lost.
Carrie Johnson
Oh boy this book is 🔥 ‘A Calling For Charlie Barnes,' By Joshua Ferris : NPR      источник
Stephen King
The Plot book cover
The Plot
A Novel
Jean Hanff Korelitz - 2021-05-11
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A struggling novelist becomes the target of an anonymous campaign after his former student, who boasted of a guaranteed bestseller, dies without ever completing his book. As he delves into the mystery behind the stolen plot, he uncovers unsettling truths about his late student and his own success. Get ready for a thrilling ride with unexpected twists in this page-turner.
Carrie Johnson
Two summer season book recommendations: The Vanishing Half by @britrbennett and The Plot by @JeanHanffKoreli 📚 🏖      источник
The Vanishing Half book cover
The Vanishing Half
A Novel
Brit Bennett - 2020-06-02
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Identical twin sisters grow up together in a small, southern black community and later choose to live in two very different worlds, one black and one white. One sister secretly passes for white, while the other raises her black daughter in the same southern town they once escaped. As their daughters' storylines intersect, Brit Bennett weaves together multiple strands and generations of this family, exploring the lasting influence of the past on a person's decisions, desires, and expectations. A riveting, emotional family story and a brilliant exploration of the American history of passing.
Carrie Johnson
Two summer season book recommendations: The Vanishing Half by @britrbennett and The Plot by @JeanHanffKoreli 📚 🏖      источник
The Man Who Ran Washington book cover
The Man Who Ran Washington
The Life and Times of James A. Baker III
Peter Baker - 2020-09-29
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Discover the riveting story of James A. Baker III, the legendary White House chief of staff and secretary of state who ran Washington when it ran the world. Co-authored by the Chief White House correspondent at The New York Times and the Washington columnist at The New Yorker, this biography is a must-read for any would-be power broker. Baker's career spanned four decades, advising every Republican president from Ford to W. Bush. His ability to make Washington work and pull the levers of power at home and abroad made him one of the most influential political figures of his time. This book is an electrifying escape from the gridlock of today's political climate.
Carrie Johnson
This is a splendid book @peterbakernyt @sbg1 📚      источник
We Keep the Dead Close book cover
We Keep the Dead Close
A Murder at Harvard and a Half Century of Silence
Becky Cooper - 2020-11-10
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A gripping true crime memoir that delves into the murder of a young Harvard graduate student in the midst of campus upheaval and merges with issues of gender inequality, elitism, and institutional silence. Follow the ten-year-long investigation of curious undergrad Becky Cooper as she peels back layers of myth and rumor to uncover the truth about the victim and the forces that silence female voices, all while weaving in elements of ghost stories and a powerful love letter to the lost.
Carrie Johnson
Can’t put down this book by @thecooperrrr 📚      источник
Ничего не говори book cover
Ничего не говори
Северная Ирландия
Patrick Radden Keefe - 2019-02-26 (впервые опубликовано в 2018)
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Американский журналист и лауреат национальной премии Патрик Радден Киф ("Нью-Йоркер") предпринял попытку разобраться в самой сути англо-ирландского конфликта, его истинных причинах и последствиях для населения. Избрав точкой отсчета печально известное дело МакКонвилл (похищение обвиненной ИРА в пособничестве британской армии матери десяти детей, чьи останки были обнаружены только через три десятилетия), Киф предлагает осмыслить масштабы социальной катастрофы и ответить на вопрос, стоит ли борьба за свободу стольких кровопролитий и искалеченных судеб.
Carrie Johnson
The best book I read last year. 📚      источник
Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott